Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Where we live at Cabri Park

The guy who normally looks after our water pump here at the park came and had a look at the water leak under the house trailer. He crawled under there and started poking around and he got lucky! The first place he started looking, he found the leak. And he had a bunch of fittings with him and was able to fix it right away. I had been under there four or five times without any luck, and this guy comes in and makes it look easy!

Well, he's our hero of the day. So, the place is livable again and we can use the washing machine, dishwasher, and shower! Good news!

But, it reminded us once again that this old house trailer is on it's last legs. There are two places where something under the floor has shifted over the winter and has caused the floor to warp a little bit in those areas. And the side deck is rotting and fallen off one of the supports. Still safe enough to stand on, but it's on the agenda to tear it all down this year.

The house we live in here is an old (1978) three bedroom mobile home. It's huge, with two full bathrooms, a laundry room, kitchen, and living room. And central air conditioning. We're actually quite happy living here for five months, but it's definitely seen better days.

Where we live at Cabri Park.

I expect it will get replaced in the next year or two with something smaller and more modern. In the meantime, we will make do.

Oh, I should mention that our mouse problem has been much better so far this year. Normally, we have an infestation of mice when we arrive here each spring, but this year we have seen no activity yet, other than cleaning out the traps that I had set over the winter. Fingers crossed it continues that way.

Here's a few pics of our walks through the park the last couple of evenings...

Tables in the day use area.

The water level now is the same as it was on July 11th of last year!

Last year was a terrible year for the park. Between the low water level and the rain and mosquitoes it was not fun. This year is starting off much better, and it's looking like the water level should be normal in time for busy season.

The river hills on the opposite side of the lake.

Zoomed in on a coyote on the opposite side.

A big moose footprint. And very recent! 
We followed the tracks and went hunting for him, but couldn't find him




We've spotted two beavers here yesterday. That's not good and unfortunately we need to get rid of them. Our trees here at the park are valuable and the beavers have done damage in the past. 

Looks like we're in for a stretch of nice weather! Sunny and 19C today, and warmer tomorrow and Friday! Great for working outdoors and getting some fresh air and sunshine!

Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush on deal of the day!

And in Canada,...


  1. Are you getting the cat back for the summer?

    1. Not sure, we said that we have him back if he was fixed! They were keeping him as an outdoor cat in a very nice couple of barn stalls that are heated along with some other cats so if his not fixed then we don't want him in the house spraying as we have heard the smell is nasty and hard to remove. He may be very happy where his is with his "harem", also the daughter may not be willing to give him up for the summer. We will see when we talk to them, also we don't seem to be having a mouse problem in the trailer at the moment.

  2. Lots of wildlife around there, for sure! Did you get your computer issues sorted?

    1. Yes, there is quite a bit of wildlife around here and each year we seem to see something new so who knows what we will spot this year, a cougar perhaps!

      Yes, at the moment Kevin installed the campground software on to his laptop. The computer has definitely had it, so Kevin removed the hard drive now we just have to get someone to transfer the info over. The way Kevin has it right now isn't perfect but it is usable for making today's reservations. I am sure he will give a bit more of an in depth report in another post.

  3. Much greener in Ottawa and many trees in leaf but we have had a lot of rain!

    1. Our leaves on the trees will be out soon, and the bushes are already getting green. It was hot and sunny here today! :-)

  4. The mobile home looks like it was a better quality home in its day. When we were there I was surprised by some of the woodwork apart from the paneling. I thought it was comfortable too.

    1. Yes, it probably was! It is hard to say what has been fixed or renovated on it over the years though.

      It is comfy and serves our purpose just fine, after all we aren't in it all that much!

  5. Like Shelagh, I also want to know if you're getting the cat back this summer :-)

    1. Not sure yet! Have a look a my response to Shelagh as to why we may not have him back. Also if he is happy where he is, I would feel bad about taking him away but part of me would like to have him around, especially now that he is older.

  6. You must feel like your living in a castle compared to the size of That is how we feel when we get back to our little house in Canton.
    I remember your posts from last year about the campground. Wishing you a much better summer, especially with those dang mosquitoes!

    1. Yes, is feels huge and we hardly ever go into the other two bedrooms. They only get used if we have company staying over.

      We are feeling pretty confident that it is going to be a good year all round at the park this year. Hope the mosquitoes stay away though, I have already swatted at a few of them today!

  7. I just love the photos of your surrounding area. It's gorgeous! So glad the water problem is all fixed as well. :)

    1. Thank you Dianne, it is a beautiful area where we are located. We are happy our water problem is fixed too because after working a day with blowing the leaves and picking them, you come in awful sweaty and dirty and needing a shower big time!

  8. Glad your leak is fixed! Mobile looks pretty decent and the park looks lovely as well! Hope to see you sometime this summer!

    1. We are very glad it is fixed too!

      The mobile is getting pretty old and is definitely starting to show it's age but if serves our purpose just fine. We certainly don't need the Taj Mahal! ;-)

      Hope we see you too!


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