Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

New glasses

Because we are so "frugal", we got to the point where we had to order new glasses for each of us. I was using three different pairs of glasses! One progressive, but the lenses were plastic and they got scuffed up easily over time. And one pair for working on the computer. And one pair for watching movies on the computer at a distance.

Ruth's glasses were still fine, but her prescription had changed. Then the other day, the glasses started coming apart. So it was time for some new ones for both of us!

Our last glasses were ordered online from Firmoo. They actually did quite well, and stood by them when Ruth's showed up not quite correct. And I would have been happy to use Firmoo again, but Ruth wanted to try Zenni Optical because she liked some of the frames that our daughter had got from Zenni.

So we ordered three pairs about two weeks ago. They showed up yesterday. I ordered another pair of progressives, and a pair for the computer using the prescription I had got in Mexico in January of 2015.

The progressives seem fine for distance, and great for reading, but the mid point doesn't seem perfectly clear. Yet. Progressive lenses take some time for your eyes to adjust so I'll keep trying them.

The ones I ordered for the computer aren't great though, but they're perfect for distance so I'll use them for driving. How that got screwed up, I have no idea but they only cost $6.50 so I'll keep them.

Ruth ordered just progressives, and so far she says she is happy with them. Total cost for all three pairs was under $100, so we're okay with that. But I think I'm happier with the ones I had got from Firmoo and I think I would use Firmoo again. There are so many online eye wear companies out there now.

Ultimately, wearing eyeglasses is a pain in the butt! The next time we're in a cheap country I'm going to look into getting laser eye surgery done!

This time it's the burgundy colored lounge chairs on sale... great price!

Caravan Sports Infinity Zero Gravity Chair, Burgundy


  1. My glasses are 2 years old (for driving) which still work fine but I think I need progressives this time, need to have my eyes checked. I will definitely checkout firmoo and zenni

    1. I was feeling much the same as you but I needed mine more for reading than for distance. I started to notice that when we are watching a movie on the computer and it had writing on it I couldn't read it well enough anymore, also if I had them on but needed to talk to someone I had to keep taking them off because I couldn't see them properly with the glasses on so it was a pain if we were playing cards and talking at the same time. So far I am liking the progressive ones. I think I am glad that I went for them this time. They will still need a little getting used to but so far I am happy with the choice.

  2. I had progressives for a few years, but working in the factory I had issues with them focusing on the forklift. So I went to try vocals and now love them much more.

  3. Replies
    1. I think maybe George meant to say trifocals! :-)

  4. I need glasses for reading. On our trip to the border last week I picked up 5 pairs including graduated sunglasses for a dollar each. They work great. One eye is a bit different than the other but I don't notice any difference. I'm ready to free myself from glasses altogether and have surgery.

    1. Yep, until we needed more than just reading glasses, we also just bought the dollar store ones.

      I agree with Kevin, glasses are a pain and if we have the money and we are somewhere where laser eye surgery is affordable we will consider getting it done.

  5. Eye test for Seniors in Alberta is covered by Alberta Health. However I take the prescription to MX and get my glasses there

    1. I think that for most of the provinces your eye exam is covered if you are under 18 or over 65, Kevin and I however are not in either of those categories so we have to pay to have the exam done. Kevin said his eyes haven't changed so he didn't get an eye exam done and for me because we didn't go to Mexico this past winter I had to get it done in Canada and the cheapest place we could find in Ottawa, Ontario or Swift Current, Saskatchewan was one place in Ottawa for $70, we didn't have much choice. :-(

  6. That's good news to hear about Zenni. Our daughter sure has been happy with them.

  7. If you get Lasik you will still have to wear reading glasses and possibly computer glasses as well, or at least that was the experience of my friend who was over 50 years old when he got his surgery done. So, not worth it for me. I've had good experience with the progressives I bought in Mexico for about 1/2 of US prices.

    1. Good to know Emily! If we ever do get the chance to get Lasik surgery done, we will definitely do our homework beforehand to make sure it will be worth it. We will check to see what others have to say about it and what the results are afterward.

      We would have gotten glasses in Mexico but we are never in one place long enough to wait to get the glasses back after picking them out. And for us to do it at the border, it isn't much of a savings because they charge in US dollars which doesn't benefit us because of the exchange rate. We would rather get them done further into Mexico where we can be charged in pesos but that's when we hear that you can wait for a good couple of weeks to get the glasses back.


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