Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, June 30, 2017

We have been *really* busy...

Our regular readers may have noticed that we've skipped a few of our daily posts this month, and at other times when we have posted they have not been at our normal posting time, which is usually mid morning.

We've just been super busy here at the park getting things ready for our six week camping season. The time seems to just fly, and now here we are at the end of June and our busy period starts today!

We put an awfully lot of work into the park considering it's really only busy for six weeks of the summer. All the kids are out of school as of yesterday though, and although this July 1st long weekend is strangely not sold out, it's still  going to be busy.

We had a little storm go through the other evening, and it produced a beautiful rainbow...

But really, we've only been working half days.

9:00 am until 9:00pm!

Sure, we take breaks throughout the day, and usually a bit of an extended lunch. But there is so much that needs to be done this year. We've taken on some extra landscaping improvements and the park bought me a new gas powered hedge trimmer so I can do a better and easier job of cleaning up the many hedges in the park.

The main hedge around our house was growing like crazy!







On another note, we received some great news about our upcoming Barbados trip! But... I'm going to tell you about that in another blog post. Sorry for the tease!

Gotta go... lots to do!
Amazon Prime Day is coming up July 11th... make sure you're a Prime member in time for the big sales. If you're in the market for any big ticket items, I would hold off until July 11th. 30 day free membership to try it out...


  1. Hmmm I am guessing some free accommodation of some sort for part of your trip :) Sponsorship for all your hard work. Great picture of the hills lit up. Happy Canada Day!

    1. Very good guess! You will find out soon enough if you are right or wrong. ;-) Happy Canada Day to you too!

  2. I'm always amazed that you have the energy to do all that work, and then write about it.

  3. Everything looks so nice! You guys do an awesome job and I'm sure the campers appreciate it!

    1. Thank you Lori, we work hard at it and our summer worker, Kevin is also a huge help too. Yes, the campers appreciate it, we hear many compliments from them. :-)

  4. Ottawa has had rain every day this week and doesn't look much better for Canada Day. Hope it is good camping weather where you are!

    1. Yes, we have been watching the weather in Ottawa, too bad it has to rain there on Canada day!

      We are having beautiful weather and the whole weekend is supposed to be great, possibly a little rain this evening. The whole of next week is calling for temperatures in the 30C's and a couple of days they are even saying 34C and 36C.

  5. The summer season is now upon us, and busy pretty much all over Canada especially the campgrounds. Soon you will be winding things down again, and head on out again, exploring.

    1. Yep, I am sure that it is busy everywhere this weekend! The time will fly by quickly over the next 6 weeks or so and then it will hopefully quieten down a little. 3 more months to go before we can hit the road! :-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Chris! We have actually had a few pictures over the last couple of days that are pretty much postcard material.

  7. Great rainbow pictures! Can't wait to find out more about the Barbados trip.

    1. Thank you Ellen! More news on the trip will be coming shortly. :-)

  8. That park should be very glad they have you. Just don't overdo it and wear yourselves out before your Barbados trip! Leave a little energy for that. :c)

    1. We are pretty sure that the park is glad to have us, we hear lots of great comments about how the park looks all the time. :-)

      We will have time at the end of the season to slow down a bit but right now there are just not enough hours in the day and somewhere in there we have to find time to sleep! The Barbados trip will be a very welcome time after the season is done.

  9. Great job on the landscaping. I can't believe half the year is done already...

    1. Thanks Peter , we still have lots more to do though!

      We aren't quite half way through, in the middle of July we will be. :-)

  10. Great team work and beautiful pictures!

    1. Yes, team work it what makes it all work and we are lucky to have our summer help guy, Kevin who is a very hard worker and we also have our workcampers, Barry and Jeannie looking after the front gate this season which frees up my time to work on other things.


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