Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Well, I heard back from Air Canada

In case you missed our earlier story about Air Canada, you can read all about it here...

Anyhow, I had sent a formal complaint by email to Air Canada. This is the only avenue available to you to register a complaint. You cannot actually speak to someone on the telephone, other than a standard customer service agent. And if that customer service agent can't fix your problem, they will tell you to register a complaint online.

So that's what I did. The page said that I may have to wait up to 30 business days, but I got a response back on Friday...

Dear Mr. Read,

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.

We are sorry to learn of your disappointment with Air Canada. We always work hard to try to meet expectations and we regret we were unsuccessful.

Our customers judge us by our products and services and we appreciate when they give us feedback.

From what you’ve described, we can understand why you wanted to contact us. Your comments give us the chance to improve and you can be assured they have been shared with our Management Team.


So, it looks somewhat like a form letter response, and it certainly doesn't address my concerns at all. Nor does it say that someone else will be getting back to me. So, I sent a reply asking if someone else will be getting back to me, and in what time frame.

In the meantime, I keep looking for deals. Interestingly, some destinations have very low "carrier surcharges". For example, I was looking at a flight to Barbados where we would only have to pay $143.45 each round trip in taxes, fees, and of course "surcharges". That still includes the surcharge though, of about $39, and it shouldn't. That's the part I'm arguing about. The voucher that they issued to us specifically says it cannot be used towards "taxes and fees"... it doesn't say anything about not using it towards their bogus "surcharges", which of course should be part of the base fare.

So... we'll wait and see what kind of response I get, if any.

The Coleman 15x13 Instant Screenhouse is back in stock with a price drop. Most stores normally sell this for around $140...

Coleman 15x13 Instant Screenhouse

And in Canada, a nice little electric pressure washer is on sale...

Sun Joe SPX3000 2030 PSI 1.76 GPM Electric Pressure Washer


  1. Don't you just love a response that isn't a response at all!

    1. Yep, their response really cleared things up for us...not! :-(

  2. Are visa fees included in the surcharges?
    We went to Barbados in December. Definitely a one and done for us... long trip from an island in the carribean to an island in the carribean.

    1. There is no visa necessary for Canadians to travel to Barbados as a tourist. However, they do list a "Barbados Passenger Service Charge" of $37.15 CAD included in the taxes and fees portion of the total cost.

  3. Sounds like an insurance company. The computer denies you and sends a form letter with no explanation. Then you lodge a second complaint...might get another form letter saying it's been elevated to on and so on until frustration sets in. However, I believe in getting answers so glad you're persistent.

    1. Yep, it feels like we go around in a circle chasing our tails sometimes. I am glad that Kevin is hard headed sometimes when it comes to things like this! He will keep on them with this, they should honor what is written on the voucher and then after change the wording on the voucher so nobody else has this problem. Stores have to honor their errors why shouldn't Air Canada!

  4. But, they give great service and have millions of passengers a year who don't have any complaints :)

  5. Grantley Adams Airport in Barbados is going through an airport development and expansion program; they are currently in their third phase of the program. No doubt that tourists are paying for this expansion. Out of all the islands off of South America, it is my favorite. Hope to go back one day. The citizens seem very happy and prosperous. I asked one fellow why is Barbados so successful compared to the other islands in the vicinity? His answer was that the island had not changed hands but once, from England to independence. I also noticed that in addition to tourism, they have a good agricultural base, at least one oil well, and at least two fairly large rum distilleries (yum!); they are not a one-trick pony with just tourism.

    1. It looks like an interesting island to visit. Kevin's family has been there before but not us. We haven't booked it yet, but it is a possibility.

  6. Remember the Charlie Brown cartoons when you would hear the teacher respond to Charlie Brown and it always sounded like, "wah, wah, wah wah wah"? Well, you just got that response but in letter form! Cathy in Webster, NY


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