View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Mexico City, Mexico on Sunday!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Canada Day at the Park

The day didn't start off great. Our water pump went down at some point overnight, and I spent most of the morning trying to fix it to no avail. I ended up calling our local specialist, and he came out on Canada Day to fix up our problem. Turns out the impellers inside the pump had broken and nothing I could have done was going to fix it without having the right parts. But I tried really hard because I didn't want to have to call him on a holiday.

Meanwhile, Ruth was going around supplying water to the toilets to flush them manually because we still had a park full of people to look after!

It was not a great morning for us, but by 1:30pm or so we got the pump rebuilt and things were back to normal.

Lots of people decorating campsites this weekend, and Ruth and I went around and took some photos for you.

This one was particularly well done!

Teddy Bear Picnic.

The table is laid for Canada's 150th.

The most impressive part of all this is the people who decorated their site. While many campers here at the park didn't display any patriotism at all, this group of fairly new Canadians went all out to celebrate their adopted country...

Here's the women and children.

The group is all originally from one community in India. They started coming over in 2003, with the most recent family in 2015. They're all doctors and engineers... and they love camping!

What a fun group... and they fed us!

Yummy spicy beef and rice!

Now that's a pot of rice!

And so we learned our first Hindi language phrase... how to say "thank you"! That will surely come in handy when we eventually visit India.

At least the weather was perfect, which is more than they can say in the capital city of Ottawa where it rained on and off all day.

Another beautiful day today... hope everybody is enjoying their long weekend!

This heavy duty air compressor comes in a small package. Viair makes good quality stuff, and this thing normally sells for around $120, so this is a great deal for the RV crowd...


  1. Great pictures! Because of the security on Parliament Hill people had to wait hours - many complaints.

    1. Thank you, we had quite a lot of Canadian Pride here at the park and they were happy to show it! :-)

      We have already heard from a few people that were downtown and despite the weather and the security they all said it was an amazing time.

  2. How fun and I love all the patriotism! I can't say we've seen that much enthusiasm where we are on the 4th of July. Happy Canada Day! (a day late)

    1. It was fun despite us having a few setbacks at the park, overall it was a great weekend and everyone had a wonderful time celebrating Canada's birthday. We are lucky to have such great campers at "our" park! :-)

  3. How nice is that - WOW - enjoyed all the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Glad you enjoyed them! It was a fun time here at the park. :-)

  4. I love the display of patriotism shown by your campers. Looking forward to our Canada visit in August. We've heard great things about Banff and Jasper.

    1. We loved it too! Some many Canadian flags and T-shirts and everyone had a great time and behaved themselves.

      You will love the Banff and Jasper areas, they are gorgeous. It will be busy in August though unless you go during the second half of August then things should be a "little" quieter. The scenery up there is fantastic!

  5. The food looks great! Yum! I also see the Alfa fifth wheel was one of a few that was made with the front cap lifting up to a big window. Very nice.

    1. The food was delicious! Can't wait now to go to India and try more of it. It was funny because all the men did the cooking for the weekend. One of the women told me that because they do it all year this is their weekend to just relax and let the men do the work! :-)

      The fifth wheel is HUGE, and yes it has the front lifting cap. May have to ask them for a viewing of it next time we talk to them.

  6. Now that was a party.....good day for you all.

    1. Yes, it certainly was a party for all those camping here for the weekend. Lots of work for us though! It ended up being a great weekend overall and everyone had a good time and the weather was perfect to boot.

  7. Despite a shaky start you all had a great day. The food looks delicious!

    1. Yep it was definitely a shaky start that kept us on our toes and then the pump went out again on Sunday but luckily not for such as long a time. We managed to keep control of the situation, despite the fact that the park was almost full to capacity. It ended up being a great weekend for the campers.

      That food was delicious! Next to Mexican food, Indian food is our favourite.

  8. Oh what fun. I love seeing all these people enjoying the celebration. The India group did an amazing job.

    1. It was fun and everyone had a great time! Yes, the East Indian group went all out on their decorating, we were very impressed with it.


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