Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

A two year North American full time motorhome adventure!

Our motorhome Sherman, at age 21 is starting to show some signs of wear and tear. We think that he's still got lots of life left in him yet though! And with less than 100,000 miles on the chassis, we still believe that he's got enough motivation in him to take us on a two year North American motorhome adventure!

And so this is the plan...

Sherman is currently in storage at our daughter's house near Ottawa. We fly back there on September 26th, and we'll spend some time with family and friends (and getting Sherman ready for his adventure!) before heading to Barbados on October 25th for a 19 day "vacation".

When we return to Ottawa on November 13th, we will hop in the motorhome and take off almost right away!

We've got about seven weeks to make our way from Ottawa to Laredo, Texas. We've got a few stops to make along the way to visit friends, and we may be taking a flight somewhere during that time as well. That'll be a surprise, if it comes together!

Then in January, February, and March we will be doing our Mexico RV caravan, returning to Laredo around April 2nd.

We'll then take a month to get back up here to Cabri. We're planning on leaving some things behind, so we'll be able to pick them up then.

From there, we're heading north! For those of you who have been paying attention, we've mentioned a couple of times here that the first year we don't work during the summer, we're headed up to Yukon and Northwest Territories!

There's a new road being built over the last four years. It takes you from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk and the Arctic Ocean. And it's supposed to be open this fall. We want to be on it next summer so that we can be among the first to drive right up to the Arctic Ocean in Canada!

Year one, approximate route!

Leading into year two, we will come back south, taking a detour into Alaska (just to say we've been there) and then explore some of British Columbia for a couple of months. I've got many cousins and still some aunts and one uncle left and we haven't seen most of them since 2006.

We'll then enter the U.S. at Washington and Oregon and head back to Laredo. Now, we don't know for sure about this, but if this RV caravan thing works out well, we would probably do another one in January through April 2019. If not, we would likely still go to Mexico.

Interspersed with this will be some flying... one or two week "vacations" along the way!

After Mexico 2019, we want to take the motorhome to Newfoundland!

Year two, approximate route.

Once again stopping to see friends along the way, we would make our way to Newfoundland, spending the summer of 2019 on "the rock". Always ready for some adventure, we want to exit the rock north to Labrador and go to Goose Bay, where my father worked as a radio operator for a short time back in the 1950's. I remember at our house as a kid, he had a pennant flag on the door to the basement cold storage that said Goose Bay, Labrador. I don't know why, but I've always wanted to go there.

And then back to Ottawa for the end of September 2019.

What do you think? Can Sherman do a two year adventure covering 40,000 kms (25,000 miles)? I bet he can. After all, it's only 55 kms (34 miles) per day! A lot of people drive that just going to work and back each day!

There's going to be lots of scenery, hiking, and exploring during that two years. And probably some mishaps and adventure along the way!

Many sizes of the top of the line Pelican Elite coolers are on sale (today only) along with a variety of other outdoor gear...

And in Canada, a good deal on the Teton Sports 0 degree sleeping bag...


  1. Nice photo of Hacienda Contreras RV Park, (stone wall in background and unique electrical pedestal.) It was a great campground. Al

    1. Yep, Hacienda Contreras RV Park was our favourite place in Mexico, when Barb and Sal were running it. It's not quite the same now but we love the town and can see ourselves settling down there some day.

  2. Sounds like a fun plan and as always you can alter it if need be to suit the circumstances. I am sure Sherman will make it, you seem to know how to fix most things that go wrong if you can get the parts. My only thought about that drive to Inuvik is that you will want to pack lots of bug spray!

    1. As always it is just a plan and plans can always change. We don't know what lies in the future but it good to have an idea of what we would like to do at least.

      We are pretty confident that Sherman can take us on this wonderful adventure. We drive him gentle, at least most of the time if we don't end up on some mystery tour road which we have done in the past. ;-) And Kevin keeps up on any repairs or maintenance before it causes a problem.

      Bugs, are the only thing we aren't looking forward too but if you want to do this trip they are going to be part of it!

  3. I just finished up five weeks in Newfoundland and Labrado, and fell head over heels in love with that province! If I were Sherman, I'd hang on for dear life for the promise of a trip to Newfoundland!

  4. Seems like a lot of driving to me! Maybe I haven't figured it out correctly. Are you not going to be in Ottawa at all in 2018?

    1. We love driving the motorhome! Yes, we will be there but we will plan to fly there for a couple of weeks in late September 2018.

  5. My memory is a little fuzzy, but before you and Ruth left for Spain or it could be after you arrived at Cabri, you decided to delay some paperwork; I think it was renewal of passports, just guessing off the top of my head. Since in the next two years you will be entering Barbados one time, US at least three times, and maybe Mexico twice, it's obvious that renewal will be necessary if I am remembering the correct paperwork. Am I just imagining things?

    1. Also, on the way back to Ottawa, it looks like you will be going through Tennessee; of course, you must stop and visit with Elvis! LOL! Doug and Nancy had a wonderful time in Memphis.

    2. We got new 10 year passports last summer.

    3. We were in Memphis and visited Elvis in November 2010...


  6. Wow! How exciting. Can't wait to follow along on your new adventures...to me it's like a novel that never ends with beautiful photos to boot!

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful comment Lori! We can't wait to tell you all about our adventures and it won't be long now before it all starts. :-)

  7. Can't wait to read your adventure

  8. Replies
    1. I think that maybe there should be a few during these next two year!

      Let us know when you want to join up with us. You know you and Tony are always welcome. :-)

  9. Looks like a great plan! And this armchair traveler is ready to read all about it!

    1. Thanks Peter! I hope that you will enjoy them.

  10. Sherman is in for a great adventure, it will keep him young at heart:)

    1. He sure is, I hope we don't scare him off, lol! ;-)

  11. I see your route takes you through southwest Arkansas. If you decide to get off the beaten path a little,and want to dig for diamonds. We have room for boondockers near Murfreesboro, AR. Diamond mine is a state park and you get to keep what you find! We have electric and water available. Would love to meet you.

    1. Yep, we certainly do expect to be in that area and would be happy to take you up on your offer!

  12. Oh boy does that look like fun. I love your maps. How did you do them with so many points? Must not be google maps or they've made some changes recently.

    1. We are looking forward to this adventure and yes, it should be lots of fun.

      Kevin uses google maps and it will only allow him to input 10 points but he can also drag the route which helps and then he does a screen shot.

  13. This is certainly very exciting, and I can't wait to follow along! If you do decide to do a second Mexican caravan in 2019, we might just join you...I will be out of my braces in plenty of time for that!

    1. You can't wait, just imagine how we feel! :-)

      We will see how it goes this winter and then decide, if it works out well we would love for you to join the 2019 caravan. We hope that you will have the braces off and be on your way to a total recovery by then too.

  14. Sounds like a great plan. Since you are such a handy man I'm sure Sherman will do just fine. Can't wait to follow the adventure!!

    1. We think it looks like a grand adventure and hope it all goes according to plan. Two years is a long time to plan for and it isn't really like us to plan that far in advance but we are going to keep our fingers crossed because we really want to see northern Canada and Alaska as well Newfoundland and doing it in Sherman is the best way to do it. We are pretty confident that Sherman will stay strong and enjoy the adventure with us.

  15. Very exciting! I have all the faith in the world in Sherman -)

    1. Thank you Sandy! We have faith in Sherman too. :-)

  16. Sounds wonderful! So happy for you both that you get to still live the dream! And should you ever get our way, we are now coastal-close at just two miles away from the ocean, and our new driveway is definitely long enough to accommodate Sherman!

    1. Thanks Tamara! We have never stopped living the dream but sometimes we have to stop and save for the next dream.

      Hopefully on our way back down from Alaska we can drive down along the coast. Can't say we like the traffic in the LA area but we would certainly love to see both you and Mike again and your new home.

  17. Well then, you should think about joining a bunch of us that have ALREADY planned the same trip. Check out the Facebook Group " Canadian Truck Camper Owners " and our website LOAFin-Around.blogspot.ca ... see ya on the Dempster and north.

    1. Thank you for the offer but we want to just go along at our own pace but if we happen to be in the same area at the same time we would love to met up and perhaps go for a hike or something. Looking at your blog you sound like you travel very much like us. We love traveling in our motorhome but we also love to travel to other countries and explore world.

  18. We live in SW Connecticut and I would love to invite you for dinner. I enjoy your blog and would like to thank you. I'm also the mother of a child ( now in her 20's) wire Celiac, so I understand the Gluten Free issue. Again thank you sor sharing with us less mobile folks:)

    1. Thank you so much Michelle, we would love to take you up on your offer if we pass through your area. We have driven through Connecticut before but never really stopped to explore the state itself.

      So glad that you enjoy following along on our adventures and hopefully we can show you some amazing places in the next two years.

  19. Fantastic you are doing life right in our eyes.retiredwithbeer

    1. We sure like to think we are! Love your tagline by the way. :-)

  20. Replies
    1. Very true and we are pretty confident that Sherman can do it! :-)

  21. Sounds like a wonderful 2 years adventure, hope all goes well for you.

  22. Forget about Sherman. I don't know if I could make those two years. Wow! You two have a massive adventure before you. What an adventure. Looking forward to riding along with Sherman for all you adventures.

    1. No worries, we will be taking it slow and enjoying every moment, well except to the bugs up north and in Newfoundland, lol.

      It is going to be one heck of an adventure!

  23. Love your adventures, past & planned. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Amy! We are looking forward to sharing this new big adventure with everyone.

  24. I am impressed,that should be a great trip. We know those RVs can just keep on motoring . Tell Sherman to keep an eye out for Serenity, till me cross paths again.

    1. Yep, it should be a great trip. Treat the motorhome right and it should serve you well. Sherman looks forward to meeting Serenity some day in the future.

  25. Replies
    1. Thanks but not sure what you mean by "trip planner"?

  26. The road through the Yukon and up to the Arctic Circle is probably going to be the hardest on Sherman. I would expect a lot of frost heaves and a lot of bouncing around on that road.

    1. Sherman knows how to drive VERY slowly. Most other rigs don't seem to have the kind of patience that Sherman has!

  27. Sounds wonderful! How are you planning for your Canadian health insurance
    If you are not in country for six months? We are trying to plan a similar adventure and this seems to be a sticky point!

    1. Thank you! Here in Saskatchewan we are able to be out of Canada for 7 months so it shouldn't be a problem.

  28. On your way south you could follow the Natchez Trace Parkway from Nashville to Memphis. There are three RV parks on the route run by the Park Service, no reservation no fee. It's a beautiful, peaceful road.

    1. Yes, we did it heading north in 2009. Would like to do it again though, so will keep it in mind, thanks!

  29. How exciting. So have you permanently given up your job at the campsite? You are always welcome to stop here in Michigan for a night and a meal. Trish and John

    1. Yes, we have! Although you never know what might happen in the future and there is always the possibility that in a few years that we may come back to work for another year or two.

      We will keep your invite in mind Trish and John. We would love to meet up with you again some day.

  30. WOW! And to think some folks think I plan ahead! You two definitely have me beat by a mile. What an adventure you've got planned. Looking forward to reading all the details and as for Sherman - just like the little engine who thought he could - of course he can, of course he can, of course he can!

    1. I know, this is so not like us to be thinking this far in advance because you never know what lies ahead in the future but at least with this plan we have an idea in place and we hope that it will all come together.

      Of course Sherman can! :-)

  31. Wow! What a plan! Hope the big adventure works out. Look forward to following along.

    1. Thanks! We hope it all works out too and if it does, it is definitely going to be an adventure! :-)

  32. Glad to see Cross on the map. Looking forward too seeing yall in 2019.

    Pam, Pete, Pepper and Shep

    1. Would't miss visiting Cross and you two! We were/are toying with the idea of a detour this fall even but just not sure enough to make a commitment on it. However we did think that if you didn't have anything on the go that maybe you wanted a mini vacation and could meet us somewhere along our route. Kevin will be in touch with you about that at some point. We would love to see you both.

      I see that Grace's name doesn't appear with yours anymore. :-(

  33. I bet your Sherman can do it! With your good maintenance and diligence in observing any potential problems. I think you can stay one step ahead of any disasters by taking care of things in advance. Our rig is 22 years old this December and is going strong. Steve tries to keep things in Tip-Top shape, and we are going to leave next week for a three-week loop around Lake Superior. Wish you guys were closer for a stop and visit!

    1. Thanks Karen, we think Sherman can do it as well, we have a lot of faith in him. You are totally correct in being able to stay one step ahead and fixing things before they become a potential problem as well as just keeping up on regular maintenance. We also drive him as gently as we can, especially on rough roads.

      Looking forward to your 3 week trip, it will be a beautiful one a that time of year with the leaves changing colour. I wish our park was closer as well, it would have been nice to have finally met you both. I am sure that one day we will eventually met somewhere down the road. :-)

  34. Wow! I'm sure it's going to be a great adventure. I'd like to ask what do you do regarding medical insurance when you travel to foreign countries.

    1. Thanks Mina, we think it will be quite the adventure too!

      At the moment we self-insure ourselves, that may change as we get older though.

  35. Amazing. We will be on the road January 2019 so hopefully we will see you in Mexico then. Can Sherman do it???? Of course he can. Euri did all those miles with nary a hiccup and so can he.

    Worst part if that we will have to watch from the sidelines in 2018 while we finish up our work "for the second time" before we can see you out there!!!

    Love it!!!!!!!!!

    1. We are pretty confident that Sherman won't let us down, he is a strong and persistent "guy"! ;-)

      I would imagine that you two both have very itchy feet by this point, after already being able to have the feeling of being free to travel and then having to go back to the "old grind". At least with us we had the winters off to travel but your time will come again and we look forward seeing where you head to next and to meeting up somewhere down the road.

  36. Wow! Exciting! Go Sherman! Go Kevin and Ruth!

    (better late than never!)

    1. Thank you! We can't wait to get going on this adventure. :-)

  37. Sounds wonderful! I say YES Sherman got this!! :)

    1. We think he does too! Especially after getting getting some work done and a bit of a tune up. We think he is just raring to go! :-)


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