Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Day trip to Barbados east coast

We got out of the apartment fairly early yesterday morning, and waited by the side of the road for a ZR van to come by. These minibuses typically hold about 16 people, although you'll often see them stuffed a little more full than that. (The term ZR is derived from the licence plate code assigned to these vehicles.) They travel the busy roads, and competition is fierce as one competes with another for your business.

As expected, we didn't have to wait long!

Monday, October 30, 2017

Barbados steel pan drum band and new friends!

We had received an interesting email about a month ago. All it said was "Sundays..Southern Palms Hotel, St Lawrence Gap....noon till three.....Steel Pan Band.....rum punch our treat.   We hope to meet you.   Have been following you for quite awhile.  You will love Barbados."

No names mentioned! Who are these people? But, they did mention rum punch! Sounded like fun, and it was located only a 40 minute walk from the apartment.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Not everything in Barbados is beautiful...

Yesterday's blog post was late because our host Eric was going out to do some shopping and wanted to get there early. We went with him so that he could drop us off at the big Saturday market in Bridgetown and we would walk back to the apartment.

He was headed to the big PriceSmart (the Caribbean Costco) store so we went there first to check out prices since he has a membership card.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Just another beautiful day in Barbados...

We wanted to do a little less walking yesterday, and we did. But we still managed 7.2 kms (4.5 miles). We headed down towards St. Lawrence Gap, and wanted to check out the Graeme Hall Nature Sanctuary along the way.

It's nice to walk along the beach on the way there, and then walk back along the road where there is a chance of some shade, at least on one side of the street.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Caught in the rain!

We are here in Barbados during rainy season. But rainy season means that while it might rain every day, it's usually just for an hour or so every afternoon. So when we set out in the morning, it was a gorgeous day.

We decided to walk to the capital city of Bridgetown, about 4 kms (2.5 miles) away. But of course we don't take a direct route when we're out exploring!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Hello Barbados!

Barbados is country #34 for us!

We left you yesterday in Toronto airport just ready to get on our flight to Barbados. The flight was right on time, and we got in the air at 8:15am. Our flight was with Air Canada Rouge, which is Air Canada's supposedly discount airline, although the pricing often doesn't show up that way! However, we did get the return ticket at $531 CAD, ($405 USD) which is not bad, and of course we used our Air Canada coupons from when we got bumped so only paid out of pocket $128 CAD each for the return trip.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

We're on our way!

Writing this from Toronto airport, waiting for our flight to Barbados. Not long to wait, either! It starts boarding in half an hour!

We got up at 3:00am this morning, and daughter Lindsey drove us to the airport. Only saw one other car on the road for the entire 20 minute drive.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Checked in!

Received the notification from Air Canada first thing this morning to do the online check in for our flight to Barbados early Wednesday morning. Very early.

Of course flying from Ottawa, you almost always have to connect in either Montreal or Toronto. This time, we're headed back to Toronto again. So in order to get there in time for our 8:15am departure from Toronto to Barbados, we have to take the first flight out of Ottawa to Toronto.

That one leaves at 5:35am!

Monday, October 23, 2017

Funny Halloween outfit!

We won't be here for Halloween this year so we won't get to see the grandkids dressed in their outfits. But we did get to see our son in law Justin in his outfit the other day. Too funny!

I had been perusing Amazon.ca one day a few weeks ago and saw a great costume on sale. Grandson Cameron is a big dinosaur fan, so I knew that he would love this one.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Beautiful day...

Well, I've managed to survive two nights with my friends. My voice is a little hoarse from laughing and talking so much. But that's what happens when we get together. Good times.

And we got out for a hike yesterday morning. The weather has been perfect.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Out with the boys

I've been spending time with my long time friends the last few days. Was out playing pool with my son on Wednesday night, then another old friend on Thursday night.

Then yesterday, was up early to drive Ruth up to her father's place for the weekend, because I'm at a cottage (actually a very large lake home!) on Whitefish Lake just north of Kingston, Ontario.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Motorhome upgrades

When we're staying in one spot for a while, like we are now with Sherman parked up at our daughter's house, it's really the only convenient time to do some repairs and renovations to get Sherman ready for his big trip.

So we bought some inexpensive blackout curtain panels and curtain rods for the bedroom, and we're having a new table made for the dinette booth!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

All set for Barbados!

A week from today, we will be arriving in Barbados. Everything is coming together, including our accommodation.

Some of you will remember that back in July, we had booked to stay with a couchsurfing host Eric, who had offered to let us stay for the entire nineteen days. But that was over three months in advance, and we were worried something might happen between now and then.

5 Reasons To Choose A Luxury Rental For Your Next Vacation

Planning a vacation can be a stressful endeavor. Everything from booking the plane tickets to managing kids can make the hassle of it all seem like a near waste of time to even leave the house. Fortunately, a few things can make your experience significantly better, not the least of which is the type of rental you choose. If traveling for example to a place like Colorado, ample Breckenridge cabins for rent provide the luxurious accommodations you need to have an amazing vacation filled with rest and relaxation.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sorting through our stuff...

As George Carlin once said, "a house is just a place to keep your stuff". Well when you have a small house like a motorhome, you have to keep your stuff to a minimum! So yesterday we started sorting through every drawer and cupboard looking for stuff that we don't think we need any more.

And it's amazing how much stuff you can get rid of!

Monday, October 16, 2017

Planning for Barbados

Nine days from now, we will arrive on the southeastern Caribbean island of Barbados for a nineteen day stay. We haven't really got too much planned, because this is supposed to be a relaxing "vacation".

But most of you know us better than that!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

10 years ago today!

It was 10 years ago today that we left Ruth's father's place in Galetta (Ottawa) for our very first big road trip with our new to us motorhome Sherman!

Our very first blog post was also 10 years ago today! You can read it here...


Friday, October 13, 2017

A huge sigh of relief!

We received a text message from Kal Tire at around 5:30pm yesterday afternoon, telling us that Sherman was ready to be picked up. But we were quite far away, and they close at 6:00pm. So we stayed with our friends Jeff and Shelley again last night, and picked up Sherman first thing this morning.

Like I mentioned yesterday, we had no idea how much the bill was going to be.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Sherman is still at the shop

We didn't plan on being without Sherman for this long. This is day number eight that he's been in the shop. Part of the problem is that we just went through a long weekend here in Canada, so he sat for three days with nothing being done.

And the other part of the problem has been waiting for parts.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Back in Ottawa...

Well, we drove back to Ruth's father's place in Galetta (Ottawa) yesterday. From Hamilton, it was 500 kms (310 miles) which is far more than we typically like to drive in a day. But, we took a bit of a different route because we had a craving for Thai food!

Proof that you can justify anything you want!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Fun afternoon at Pelee Island Winery

We had a 12:00 noon reservation for the Pelee Island Winery on Sunday. But first, Heinz and Ulli made us a delicious breakfast. And then we left a few minutes early so that we could take a drive to see some more sights we hadn't seen the day before!

You would think that an island only 12kms by 6 kms wouldn't have much to see. But there's actually quite a lot!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Finally made it to Pelee Island!

Up at 6:00am yesterday morning, and on the road for 6:30. The Pelee Island ferry leaves from Kingsville, Ontario on the north shore of Lake Erie. At this time of year there are only two sailings per day, one at 10:00am, and one at 6:00pm.

But we had a 300 km (186 mile) drive to do. I figured I had done the math okay...at 100 km/h (62 mph), we should be there in three hours, right?

Friday, October 6, 2017

Just a quick update...

I'm writing this blog post on my phone! Who would have thought?! Anyhow, we're relaxing in the backyard of Ruth's sister's house in Hamilton, Ontario just west if Toronto.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Grocery shopping tip of the day

Rainy day yesterday, so we just stayed in and got caught up on a few computer things. We're doing a travelogue presentation on October 13th at the seniors residence where my mom lives, so I spent some time putting some of that together on the computer.

We're going to talk about our trip to Moldova and Transnistria last December.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Well, what a day that was...

Monday afternoon, I had called a Kal Tire franchise near Lindsey's place. They have a full service truck mechanical bay, and I had to find someone to do some work on Sherman that I wasn't prepared to do myself.

I don't mind doing the work, but I know my limits. And when I don't have the proper tools to do the job, it's better to pay the money and hand it off to someone who does.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Help, if you want to.

As you know, Ruth and I are leading an RV caravan through Mexico this winter, and the company that is operating the caravan is spearheading a small earthquake relief campaign on their own.

On October 5th, Caravanas de Mexico will personally go to Cuernavaca to buy groceries and other Items urgently needed for people suffering the consequences of earthquakes in Morelos State. The area was at the epicenter of the Sept 19 quake and the situation is terrible in several towns such as Jojutla and its surroundings.

Picked up the car rental!

We've got wheels again!

Yesterday morning, Lindsey drove us to Dollar Rent a Car near downtown Ottawa. We had a reservation for 10am, and got there right on time. I had booked the deal back in July when they had a special price on their "whatever car we have is what you get" deal.

Monday, October 2, 2017

September Expenses... one of our cheapest months ever!

Well September was a good month! I would have to go back into the records to check and see, but it may have been a record low month for us. We only spent $515 CAD ($415 USD)!!

The main thing we were trying to do this summer was to keep our grocery budget around the $550 per month mark, and we did a lot of stocking up in May and June, sometimes buying enough of a sale item to last all summer. So if you remember, we spent a lot of money on groceries in May ($929) and June ($726).

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Too many rules

First of all, I got the new solar charge controller installed and working. And then the clouds moved in and I couldn't properly test it! Too funny. Solar energy works great... but only when the sun is shining!

Today is supposed to be bright and sunny (not a cloud in the sky so far) so tomorrow I'll give you an update as to how our batteries are charging.