Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A great travel day, and a good boondocking spot

Yesterday was the first day that we truly felt we were back to our style of RV travel. A short travel day on back country roads, followed by a hike and boondocking on top of a mountain.

In a word, fantastic!

We were a little late leaving Connie and Barry's because we were waiting for a package to arrive. We'll tell you more about that another day! Anyhow, it was almost 11:30am by the time we said our goodbyes, but we knew we didn't have that far to go.

Sherman's parking spot for three nights.

Barry, Connie, Ruth, and Kevin.

We said our goodbyes and hope to see them again at their beach house on the Delaware coast in June of 2019. Thanks again for everything guys...we sure did have fun!

Connie sent me this pic of Sherman heading on down the road!

And then it was a country drive on a beautiful sunny day!

Nice roads and hardly any traffic.

 Scenic Pennsylvania.

Scenery along the way.

This guy has a nice spot!

 Great to be on the road again!

I think we'll stop up here for the night!

There is a picnic area up here at Sideling Hill, but of course you're not allowed to overnight in the picnic area. However, I had noticed a parking area that is part of Buchanan State Forest behind the picnic area. I phoned the local office, and they said that we were allowed to overnight there, but that we needed a permit. The permits are free, and they emailed it to me and Connie printed it off for us before we left their place! So we were all set.

We went for a hike because we saw a sign pointing to a scenic lookout. And boy, was it scenic!

Ruth, and the lookout.

What a beautiful view.

Hiking back to Sherman along the gravel road, a conservation officer stopped and said to me "You maybe don't realize it, but this is bear hunting season... and you look like a bear!" 

And Ruth had mentioned this... I had no high visibility stuff on at all, and my coat is black. We'll have to get ourselves a couple of don't shoot me shirts to wear when we're out hiking!

Sherman, parked up at 40.015127, -78.151538

Yesterday's drive, 87.5 miles (141 kms).

No idea where we are headed to tonight. Still slowly making our way towards Lexington, KY.

Huge price drop on the GCI camping rocking chair... never seen them this cheap. Red color only...

And in Canada, I've never seen the Mr. Heater Buddy this cheap in Canadian funds. What a deal...


  1. Yes we are happiest also when driving around in our camper or 5th wheel. New places are so fun to visit. Have fun.

    1. We love it, you have your kitchen and bed and they travel with you. We love our backpack style of travel as well but RVing is definitely the best! :-)

  2. You seem to have West Virginia between you and Lexington. The grades in WV are savage (up to 9%) and unending. They say if you hammered WV flat it would be as big as Texas. Enjoy!

    1. We love the mountains and mountain type driving so we are in our element here. :-) The scenery is beautiful.

  3. Glad you are enjoying your leisure trip not only with good friends but those that try to keep you safe. Not fun being mistaken for a Bear.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Yes, we love getting back into our RV travels where we take it nice and slow and just enjoy the ride. Stopping to visit with friends is also a wonderful break.

      We are going out to get some hunting vests today so that Kevin can't be mistaken for a bear. ;-)

  4. Have you ever been to the Hocking Hills area of SE Ohio. Beautiful hiking & caverns.

    1. Thanks for the ideas Bonnie but we aren't headed that far over into Ohio and in fact we have changed our minds on even going to Marietta, instead we are headed down into West Virginia so see the New River Gorge and do some hiking.

      We will try to remember about Hocking Hills though for the next time through Ohio. I actually just noticed that I already had this marked down in my Ohio list of places to see. :-)

  5. Love the sunshine and scenery! Love the way you travel! There’s so much to see between HERE and THERE. You got it down pat..........carry on!

    1. We are loving this sunshine as well, too bad it has disappeared this morning though. :-(

      That's the problem, there is TOO much to see between here and there!

  6. Nice to see you back on the road again, enjoying what you love to do, travel safe and a bright vest would be a good idea.

    1. It is wonderful to be back on the road in Sherman. We love to travel any which way but RVing is by far our most favourite way! :-)

  7. Beautiful country and always nice to visit with friends along the way. I agree, get some inexpensive hunter orange vests for hiking this time of year. Some people will shoot at anything they see moving :(

    1. It is absolutely beautiful country here. Again this is an area that we could spend a ton of time exploring but only when the weather is nicer. This time of year it is a little too chilly.

      Yes, we are going to buy some vests today! :-)

  8. Sounds like an excellent day. An orange toque would be very helpful to you along with a vest. The more orange the better. I'm glad you've settled back in to Sherman style living again, there's no place like home.

    Safe travels!

    1. We are on the look out for bright orange vests today, I think we should be fine with just that but if we see a cheap orange toque we might through that in the cart as well.

      We are having no problem at all getting back into our RVing lifestyle and we are loving it. :-)

  9. Replies
    1. We bought nice bright t-shirts yesterday that will fit over our jackets! :-)


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