Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, November 13, 2017

October Expenses

There was so much going on in Barbados, we never got around to telling you about our month of October expenses. So I've got some time to waste here in Toronto airport waiting for our flight to Ottawa.

October was an expensive month. Mostly because of repairs and maintenance to Sherman, but also because we always seem to spend more money visiting Ottawa than when we're out traveling!

We spent $3,544 CAD in the month of October. (USD equivalent you can subtract about 25%).

Here's how it all broke down...

Gasoline: We put $238 worth of fuel in our little rental car. I didn't keep the check in slip, but I think we put 4,000 kms (2,500 miles) on that car in the three weeks we had it! Good thing it was fuel efficient.

Grocery: Considering it was a mixed up month with staying at our daughter's, at Ruth's dad, and the last part of the month in expensive Barbados, our grocery bill came out okay at $492. I'll do a separate post another day about how the total cost of our Barbados trip, including a breakdown of expenses.

Alcohol: A little above average, at $236. But considering we were buying overpriced Ontario booze, we actually did okay. And my guys weekend away (including a pricey bottle of scotch) is included in that, so overall it's about what we expected.

Miscellaneous: At $328, higher than we like. But we needed some clothing items, Ruth treated herself and our daughter to a pedicure, and we simply bought some things for Sherman that we've been wanting for a while. It's amazing how the little things add up!

Entertainment: Way higher than normal, at $419. We socialized with our friends, went out with our kids, went out for lunch a few times... both in Ottawa and Barbados. We'll be back on track once we get traveling in the motorhome on Thursday!

Overnight: I billed out my guys weekend away here... $100 for the weekend.

Motorhome: We spent $1,214 on Sherman getting new radiator hoses, belts tightened, brake master cylinder changed and a complete mechanical inspection. And, bought the wood for his new table (which Lindsey says looks fantastic!) and new bedroom curtains.

Travel: We spent $42 on the Pelee Island Ferry, $347 on the rental car for three weeks, and $127 for our flight to Barbados... total of $516 for the month.

So, an expensive month at $3,544 but it will be the last one this year! We should be back on track at around $2,000 for November, and $1,500 for December.

Great deal on this Crayola Arts Case...

Crayola Inspiration Art Case: 140 Pieces, Art Set, Gifts for Kids and Adults


  1. All in pretty good value for the money! You had an awesome month.

    1. All things considered it really wasn't bad for the amount of things that we did plus the work on Sherman but certainly hope we don't have many months like that.


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