Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

As much as we love dogs... we don't want another one right now!

I was deleting some photos from my phone, when I came across one that I forgot to tell you about. When we were boondocking at the country park near here last Saturday, we had walked a mile and a half to a store to buy some milk and eggs.

On the way back, we noticed a little black dog following us. Just like she was coming for a walk with us. We never touched her or tried to make friends with her. We just kept on walking.

And so did she. Right beside us, just like we were taking her for a walk!

We made it back to the motorhome, and she was right there with us. We went inside, and left the outside door open a bit, just to get some fresh air in the motorhome.

She jumped up on the step, and sat right down!

Our new friend.

But, as much as we love dogs... we don't want another one right now!

Eventually, our little black friend jumped down, and wandered off and we never saw it again.

Another cold day yesterday, and it's no comfort to know that 90% of Canada and the U.S. is freezing right along with us. But, you can't let that stop you from getting some exercise, so we bundled up and went out and did 3 miles (5 kms) on the circular hiking trail here.

Ruth, out for a cold walk.

A kiskadee. Funny looking dude!

This dried up looking branch is still alive, with a little flower on it.

Could be dangerous here in the U.S. too!

They have three huge boat ramps here at Falcon State Park.

And a huge parking area for trucks and boat trailers. Must be a busy place in the summer.

The Falcon Dam was built in 1953 as a cooperation between Mexico and the U.S.. 
I wonder if the cooperation to complete such a big project would exist today?

A couple of javelinas scurrying into the bush.

Colorful little trailer!

We found out that they have a big clubhouse here. Apparently in two or three weeks this park will be full of snowbirds escaping the cold. Or trying to! There's a couple of washers and driers in there too, so Ruth went a did a load of laundry. $1.50 USD to wash and $1.50 to dry.

While we were over at the clubhouse, Lorne and Sue came over for one last chat. This is the couple we spent Christmas Eve with at Magnolia Beach. They came down to stay at the free county park next door, where we would still have been had the sun ever made an appearance.

Speaking of which, look at the bright blue sky that greeted us this morning!

The view out our windshield. 
Sunshine and blue sky, for the first time in nine days!

We're headed down into Mission, Texas to do some groceries and stocking up for Mexico. I want to get some more propane too, just in case it takes us a week or two to find somewhere convenient to get it in Mexico. 

Not sure where we're going to spend tonight, but we're going to stop in and see friends Bill and Bonnie near Mercedes, Texas. They are also at an "RV Resort", but we're not going to send the $45 USD per night to stay there. 

Then tomorrow, we'll book in for a three night stay at Mission West RV Resort where we meet up with the rest of our caravan group. Everyone is scheduled to show up on Friday, but some are already there and we think we should arrive a day ahead of time.

Big price drop on the Camco Cyclone RV sewer vent...

And in Canada, the top of the line Vitamix Blender...


  1. I installed one of those sewer vents before our last trip, it seemed to help when going down the road (we had problems mostly when driving just after dumping). When you're moving down the road, air pressure pushes in unexpected directions.

    1. Nice to hear the good review on it. We are going to get one ourselves, and yes we notice the smell the most when we are driving down the road, especially when the tank is starting to fill up and the weather is warm/hot.

  2. Too bad it so cold there, in our 12 years mostly here in the southwest we have always found the weather warmer and more sunshine here than in south Texas. Soon you will be warm again, and enjoy your travels.
    As much as we love dogs don't really want another one living this lifestyle as well. We can almost always get a doggie fix somewhere.

    1. George, you're never away from your RV... it's the perfect lifestyle in which to own a dog!

    2. Actually I am away from it more than I am here. usually gone all morning and a lot of the afternoon everyday, I have had 6 dogs in the past, then finally said no more now that we are full-time.

  3. Let the sun shine in! Happy warmer days. Cute doggie but I agree that a dog could complicate life for you.

    1. It is sooo nice to finally see the sun again!

      If we didn't like to travel aboard so much, then traveling in an RV is really a nice time to have a dog as long as you can afford the expense of one. When we are hiking that is one time that we really miss our old dog Whiskey.

  4. It sure makes a difference in the landscape there when the sun comes out! I live in the rainy Pacific NW mountains and it will "sock in" here for weeks on end. Always brightens my day when the sun shows up! Looking forward to following your Mexico adventure :)

    1. Is sure does and with our attitudes. We really like to stay positive about everything but not seeing the sun for over a week and then have the weather people tell you that the sun is going to come out and it doesn't show it's face at all throughout the day, it sort brings your spirits down somewhat. So seeing the sun yesterday morning was a very welcome sight!

      By the way, we made the soup mix that you sent us a little while ago but Kevin had forgotten to mention it. It turned out great and I even used our Wonderbag with it. Thanks again, Lori. :-)

  5. Glad you will soon be getting some warmer temps unlike the southeast coast.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your Mexican Travels.

    It's about time.

    1. Starting today things are going to steadily improve weather wise, providing of course that the "weathermen" are correct. At the moment we are just happy to see the sun. :-)

  6. I have always felt safer in Mexico than the USA...just saying

    1. To be honest we have felt totally safe in both countries.

  7. Being careful to be safe applies to travels anywhere...even in home town. Anyway, my distant cousin posted some gruesome pictures of bodies on remote highway near El Paso, TX right around Christmas. She said they heard gun fire most of the time they were in Mexico and folks stayed inside. Driving back to the USA, they found multiple bodies on highway and near buildings...yikes! She says 'I'll never visit Mexico again!' but whose to say. I say probably criminals shooting at one another and not targeting local folks or others. Take care as you always do.

    1. Yes, being careful in any country applies. You always need to be aware of your surroundings.

      Your distant cousin must not be visiting in the right areas of Mexico. We have never heard gun fire and we have never seen any heads rolling down the road either!

  8. Say hi to Bonnie and Bill. The sun finally came out today at 3 p.m. Having happy hour in the rv.

    1. We passed the message along to them and they say hi back to both you and Juan. Looking forward to seeing you guys on Sunday, even though it will be a short visit.

  9. We are very fond of are adopted dog, but if something happens to her, we will not get anothe one right away. Since we travel so much still, it just does not make sense to do that.

    1. Yep and that is actually why we haven't got another one. Now that we are dog free we love to go and explore other countries for months at a time so having a dog right now just doesn't make sense. Maybe lived and traveled in our motorhome all the time then perhaps we would feel different about it.


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