Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, January 26, 2018

I keep reminding myself, at least it is warm!

Yesterday, we woke up to the wet, windy day that had been forecast. The wind kept up all day, but the rain did stop occasionally and as I keep reminding myself, at least it is warm! Temperatures of about 24C (76F) during the day, and 19C (66F) at night.

Given the weather, we all decided to forego the trip into the city of Veracruz. Nobody was thrilled with the idea of visiting the aquarium, and the only other indoor activity would have been to go to a movie. Veracruz will have to wait for another time.

There is a couple here from Elliot Lake, Ontario. Robert and Heather have been staying here at Coco Aventura RV park for a couple of weeks now as he gets some dental work done in the city. They mentioned that the little restaurant here at the park does a good meal, so a big group of us went down to have a meal. Ruth and I did not join them as we have lots of food in our own fridge and have been having enough meals out lately.

We did go for a short walk along the beach during a break in the rain...

 The pool did not look very inviting!

One of our Green Angels came back to try and repair the one rig with the valve stem problem. He looked at the problem, took some photos and came back an hour later with a tire repair guy. They removed the wheel and took it with them! Said they would be back in two hours and off they went.

Sure enough, they came back after lunch with the wheel and a brand new steel valve stem installed. 

Total bill was 360 pesos ($25 CAD, $20.50 USD).

So there is that problem out of the way. He also brought me a new headlamp bulb for Sherman. Plugged it in, and we were off to the races. Strange, because the old bulb must have had some kind of short in it or something. It was acting more like a bad ground than a bad bulb. Anyhow, problem solved!

And, despite the weather, people's spirits are okay. That one day of rest seems to have been good for everybody. We had a combination happy hour and driver's meeting, and everybody is looking forward to better days ahead.

Today, we are off to Lake Catemaco!

Still the best deal out there on Zero Gravity Lounge Chairs...

And in Canada...


  1. Nothing you can do about the weather except make the best of it!

    1. You are right there isn't and we are all trying to make the best of it.

  2. We need a version of the Green Angels in the USA and Canada. Oh yes I guess they are called Coach Net here. Hope the sun comes out soon.

    1. Yes, except that Coach Net is only available to those that pay for the service where as Green Angels are available to everyone, that is their job.

      We hope the suns comes out soon too! :-)

  3. A dreary day, still you got some issues resolved, ultimately it's all good.

    1. It's all good as long as it isn't cold and snowing! :-)

  4. Wishing you back into sunshine soon. Take care.

    1. Thank you, we sure would like to see it again and the sooner the better. :-)

  5. You know, I don't know why I did not think of this earlier. You mentioned that there is a Canadian RVer who has been in the park for a couple of weeks and thought that the on-site restaurant and its food was pretty good. If the chef was not cooking for another crowd of patrons, he or she could do a demonstration of cooking local cuisine for your caravan for a small fee, of course. Beach and I signed up for a couple of those while in Cozumel because his bad knees could not take a lot of physical exertion. The only thing we could do was in place activities. We even made chocolate from scratch (from the bean).

    1. They only came in to cook for us that one day, otherwise they only come when the park is busy. I also don't think they are the type that would do a cooking demonsration. They wouldn't be proper "chef's" just a local husband and wife and apparently the food was only ok!

  6. Yay! A good rest always boosts your spirit. I don't mind rain, wind while on vacation...I just bundle up or put on a rain slicker and go walking/hiking. I'm enjoying this trip and looking forward to more...

    1. Yes, it was a good rest day and most people did get out and about despite the weather but not really nice enough to bother venturing into the city of Veracruz. We enjoyed our small walk along the beach. :-)

  7. Wish we had some of those Green Angels in the states. Can't beat the service or the prices! :c)

    1. The Green Angels really are angels when you have a break down along the highway, providing they are in that area at the time. It is a great service. :-)

  8. Love reading your blog and following you and Ruth! I have dreamed about this lifestyle and love Mexico, however not sure I could do it as well as the two of you! I am happy that you haven't had any bad reports that the entire country of MX is getting as a dangerous place to visit and plan to visit again in April '18 (not camping though). Safe travels and love to keep up with your adventures!

    1. I don't know what is going on with our comments but your's was found in our spam folder, sorry about that marshia e!

      Hopefully one day you can do this trip too, it really isn't as hard as you might think. Just a lot of homework and patience but lots of people travel to Mexico on their own, or you can always join up with a caravan for the first time.

      We hate listening to those media reports, if it was as bad as they say, everyone here would be staying hidden indoors and that is just not the case. People are out working, having fun and enjoying life just like everyone else "north of the border"! We have only met with friendly, helpful people here and we are all enjoying our visit.

  9. We were in that RV park for a week and the wind and rain kept us hunkered down for most of the time. I have seldom seen rain come down like that! Too bad you didn't get into town but nice that the park now has a restaurant. It did not when we were there.

    1. Kevin looked back to when we were in this area back in 2008 and it was fairly wet and windy a lot of the time then too! We sure know why things are really green here. ;-)

      I think they only open the restaurant when the park is busy. Most of those that ate there though the meal was only ho-hum and lots of orders were mixed up.

  10. It looks colder than the temps suggest. However I'm sure it's a lovely place when the sun shines. There is nothing like a day of rest to recharge everybody.
    Safe Travels.

    1. The actual temperature wasn't too bad but the wind was fierce and made things feel much cooler. Yes, it bet it is beautiful when the sun is shining.

  11. It seems that bad weather makes caravan members a bit restless:)

    1. Not restless, just a bit more grumpy especially for those that weren't feeling so well. I also think part of it is because as soon as we hit the coast for some beach time the weather turn miserable. :-(


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