Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Lots of beautiful birds in Catemaco

On the road at 9:00am yesterday morning. Only 170 kms (105 miles) to drive, so we should be able to get there by noon, right?


This is Mexico! And this part of Mexico is well known for it's terrible road conditions.

In fact, when Ruth and I were in this area ten years ago, we remember the roads being terrible. And things haven't changed much.

Patches on top of patches.

It rained on and off.


The state of Veracruz grows a lot of pineapples. We saw one sign advertising the little honey pineapples three for 25 pesos, or about $0.60 CAD each.

Fisherman statue in Alvarado.

We stopped for a break just after 10:30am. We were actually making pretty good time, and based on that I figured we would make it to the RV park in Catemaco around 12:30.


At one point I kept track and it took us an hour and half to do 70 kms (43 miles).

The town of Avandaro.

What's this?! A nice new section of road?
It lasted about 5 kms (3 miles).

 Back to potholes.

Some of the group coming up behind us.

Really lush, green scenery.


 The view in my mirror going through a busy town.

Yikes, again!

We arrived at the Tepetepan RV Park and Villas in the pouring rain at about 1:30pm. By the time we got everyone parked up the rain had stopped and we even saw the sun poke itself through the clouds for about 30 seconds!

Ruth and I went for a walk to town to see what has changed in ten years. It does seem a little busier, but really not much different we think. The place we had parked then is now a car wash!

View of Catemaco.

One thing that hasn't changed is the amount of bird life!

Tri colored heron.

He didn't like me getting so close.

Snowy egret.

It rained quite hard overnight, but this morning is actually showing patches of blue sky and we even saw the sun for a few minutes. The forecast is better than it was, but they are still calling for showers. I think we'll try to go see the waterfalls today. With all the rain this area has had, they should be spectacular!

Yesterday's drive, 170 kms (105 miles).

Great deal on a multipurpose first aid kit...

And in Canada...


  1. Good morning. Are the folks over their sickness or see a doctor? I was wondering how that was resolved. The towns look interesting...hope we get more pictures of what it's really like. Safe travels.

    1. I think there are still a couple that aren't feeling on top of the world. The flu seems to have made it through almost everyone on the caravan at some point over the last couple of weeks. The one person that felt the worst went to see a doctor with Kevin yesterday and got some medication and mentioned yesterday afternoon that he already feels a little bit better, his problem was more chest congestion at that point.

  2. Wow those some roads. The rain will make it more lush if that's possible. The greenery is amazing.
    Great bird pics. Some birds are just so elegant.
    Stay safe.

    1. This whole section along the Gulf Coast is notorious for crappy roads and it is still living up to it's reputation. Slow and easy, is the only way to drive with out damaging your unit.

      It is very much a jungle here so it is nice and green and the bird life is great.

  3. Hopefully the weather will improve for you guys. Rainy days are no fun. Love the bird shots!

    1. I am sure it will but it may be a few days yet, despite the weather we are still doing stuff and everyone seems to be having a good time. :-)

  4. I love the look of Catemacho, and birds, my favorite!

    1. We really like Catemaco and it has always been one of those places that we said we would love to go back and visit and now we have. Too bad the roads are so bad to get here though.

  5. Catemaco sure looks like a pretty town and the snowy egret is just stunning! I'm so used to seeing photos of the west coast of Mexico that it's fun to see the eastern coast. It sounds like everyone is rolling with the punches & hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon. Can't be easy traveling with that many people together & all the logistics of getting that many rigs from one point to another. It takes cooperation, patience, and flexibility for sure! Happy travels!

    1. It is a very pretty town and very friendly people.

      The East/Gulf Coast has never thrilled us a lot maybe it is because of the roads and the weather, both have been miserable the two times we have visited. Perhaps our attitude would change if we had more sunshine. ;-)

      Yes, everyone is feeling much more relaxed now, things aren't quite so rushed and despite the weather we are out exploring or just relaxing and enjoying the downtime.

      There is a lot of behind the scenes work that needs to be done everyday to try and make sure that things are running smoothly and so far everyone is great. It seems like we all work well together, everyone is on time for everything which is wonderful, it is the one thing we hate the most with organized trips is when people aren't on time. So now all we need is to have the sunshine back and everything will be perfect! :-)

  6. Sounds like a good trip so far! No scratches or dents in the rigs, just a little rainfall!. The waterfalls are spectacular, just be prepared for the several hundred stairs to get down to them and then again back up! All in the great Mexico adventure!

    Trivia: There is a cigar factory nearby where Winston Churchill used to order his cigars!

    1. There are a few scratches and a ding but it is fairly minor and only on one rig and not involving another vehicle.

      We were all well prepared! Kevin and I had done it before and forewarned people about it, too bad that it had to start raining just as we headed down though.

      We had also planned to stop by the cigar factory but had a slight problem with it as you will see in today's post.

  7. Heck Kevin, I know exactly where that photo number 8 was taken. I can't believe they have still not fixed that washout properly since November.

    1. I doubt any of the road has been touched since you were through in the fall!

  8. You get what you pay for. I pay very little income tax, property this year is $127 and with early pay discount $112, car tags were $45, electric this last month was $28. We have crappy roads but the country isn't in debt to the tune of 19 trillion dollars.

    And it adds a little excitement to the trip :)

    1. The thing I find annoying is having to pay high tolls to travel these roads which obviously see no benefit in the way of maintenance from these tolls. For what they charge to use them these roads should be in in as good a condition as those in the rest of the country.

    2. That's why we try to avoid toll highways. We usually don't see much difference and if we do, it's in the great scenery and ease to stop and boondock.

    3. The problem down here Chris is that they charge you for the "toll" road but their isn't any alternative and it was exactly the same way 10 years ago.

      If we are by ourselves we are the same, we prefer the free road because as you say more to see generally and definitely more boondocking options.

  9. Looks gorgeous, even with the potholes and dreary weather. Love the birds! Hope the sun will come out for you all soon, and that the human and dog illnesses/injuries are now resolved.

    1. The landscape here really reminds us of Colombia and we loved it there. It is so nice to see all the lush green vegetation and the hills/mountains, even in the mist. :-)

      The sun has shown itself for a little bit yesterday and again this morning but we aren't counting on it to last too long. It should improve more in a few days though. :-)

      Almost everyone, dogs included are better, I think there are still three people not quite up to par but they are almost there.

    2. I have to talk to you about colombia when I see you. Our friends who are colombian want us to go there next december with them. Thinking of leaving the rig at Villa corona and flying out of mexico

    3. We flew out of Mexico City for our flight to Colombia, we were gone 6 weeks. You can ask about when we see you in Melaque.

  10. We are biting at the bit (a saying here in our area where we live as what we say) when we see something we just can’t wait to go see it or do it. Man, those pics of the little villages you posted about the other day - loved when you stopped and walked thru them when you two traveled. Know you can’t now because of keeping on schedule with the caravan. Love all your pictures and seeing Mexico. What a wonderful experience!! Take
    care!! B&C ;-)

    1. We know that saying well! :-)

      Yes, we miss the part of traveling by ourselves and just stopping and checking out these little towns as we go but we are still happy traveling in Mexico and going back and seeing some the the places that we love. :-)

  11. Man, I hate roads like that ... hurts my jaw from being bounced around. But, I love birding, so the State of Veracruz would be a good place for me.

    1. The roads are terrible but Catemaco is a beautiful place so sometimes you just have to brave the bad roads to get to somewhere nice. Yep, lots of birds here, that is for sure. :-)


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