Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sherman's parts have arrived in Mexico!

I ordered the parts on Friday morning at around 11:30am. Amazon Mexico's system said the parts would arrive in two to four business days, with a guarantee they would be here by Thursday March 15th.

With a weekend in between, I thought that was pretty good, but figured on Thursday being the day. This morning, I checked the shipment tracking, and they have already arrived in Mexico City!

For some odd reason, they split the shipment. One ball joint is coming from Florida, while the other ball joint and the tie rod end and sleeve came from Baltimore. Strange. Both ball joints are the same part number. No idea.

Anyhow, both shipments must have made their way on to the same plane because they both show arrival in Mexico City at the same time...

This is the order that shipped from Florida.

Both orders show the same Louisville, KY departure and Mexico City arrival. Despite one originating in Florida, and the other in Baltimore.

Anyhow, we will be very happy if they arrive tomorrow!

Yesterday morning, Ruth baked some bread. Nothing like the smell of fresh baked bread wafting through the motorhome. When that was done, we had to go find a mechanic. No point in having parts without someone to do the job.

I had seen a nice looking mechanic shop out on the main road, so we walked over there. They just do cars, but they should be able to point us in the right direction if they're not interested in the job.

The owner Eligio was in his office. I had taken photos of Sherman and his problem, and I explained in Spanish what needed to be done. Then, Eligio says in English "let me see your phone", so he could have a better look at the photos. Turns out that Eligio's English is perhaps slightly better than our Spanish! Either way, we were able to communicate with a mixture of the two.

I explained that we hoped to have the parts by Wednesday, and he said "why don't I come over tomorrow (Tuesday), and take it all apart so that when we have the parts we just need to put it back together". 

Makes sense to us!

So that's what is going to happen. I'm going over to the mechanic shop at 11:00am this morning and Eligio will bring his tools back to Sherman. The shop is nice and close, less than 1 km (half a mile or so) away.

If everything goes perfectly, we should be on the road Thursday, or Friday at the latest.

And in that case, we will be catching up to the caravan group in Melaque, so we can take a bit of a different route to get there. That route will include a stop at Valle de Juarez so that we can have a quick visit with friends there and see how Whiskey's tree is doing. (Whiskey was our dog. She passed away in 2011 while we were in Mexico, and we planted a tree in the spot she is buried).

Anyhow, it looks like things are coming together.

After talking with the mechanic, we walked to the nearby Bodega Aurrera (owned by Walmart) and did some grocery shopping.

Then back home for some lunch.

Sandwiches made with fresh baked gluten free bread.

 Ruth, with our buddy next door. 

He likes apples.

When we were at the Bodega Aurerra, I bought a bottle of Canadian Whiskey. "Grand Grizzly". Made in Canada and imported to Mexico. 

Cost in Mexico? 109 pesos ($7.75 CAD, $6.00 USD) for a 750 ml bottle.

Now you know how much tax you pay on a bottle of booze in Canada. 

Me, with my bottle of Grand Grizzly Canadian Whisky.

It's pretty good. I might have to buy another before we leave here!

Not sure what else is on the agenda for today, but the priority is obviously Sherman's repairs. 

Get rid of your terrible RV mattress... especially for this price! 

And in Canada...


  1. Well, your attitude is good, and I'm sure the whiskey doesn't hurt. Although you know, take it easy and all that.
    Here's hoping you're on the road again (cue Willie Nelson) in short order.

    1. To stay sane in this world you need to have a good attitude! ;-)

      Kevin just checked the update on our parts and is says they are out for delivery today! Yay!!!!

  2. Hi guys. Glad to hear your parts are coming and hope the install goes well and you are back on the road again quiicklky. Is that gluten free bread?and of so could you share the recipes. It looks delicious. Travel safe .Chris & Anne

    1. Thanks Chris and Anne, we hope everything goes well too with the parts and the install.

      Yes, that is gluten free bread and here is the post we did that includes the recipe. www.travelwithkevinandruth.com/2013/08/ruths-best-gluten-free-bread-recipe.html

  3. Crikey, we pay about 28 bucks here in BC for something similar. I hope it all works out with your parts.

    1. Yep, that is one of the reasons that when we head back to Canada in the summer we don't drink! It would just break our budget.

      Parts are suppose to out for delivery today, our fingers are crossed!

  4. You have to love it when a plan goes better than planned!! Hope everything falls into place.

    1. Yep, lets hope the parts get delivered today! :-)

  5. Well that’s good news for sure!!!!!!

    1. Definitely good news. Our fingers are crossed that we will have the parts in hand today.

  6. Great that the parts are almost there, It will be nice to visit Whiskey again, 7 years already? Wow....
    I have been picking up a 1.75 litre bottle of Canadian whiskey here in the states for $14.99 , same one back home about $55.00. ....

    1. It is hard to believe that it it is more than 7 years since we lost her. We are hoping to visit her and her tree but we aren't sure now if that will come together after all. We'll see!

      Well I guess they have to find the money somewhere to pay for our medical system here and booze, cigarettes and gas are the big tax items that help with

  7. Wonderful! Everything is coming together. That Eligio sounds like he knows what he is doing. Enjoy your days off.

    1. Yep, is is slowly coming together. We will be real happy to see the parts arrive today, our fingers are crossed.

  8. I'd buy 2 more bottles at that price! :-)

  9. My experience with Amazon is that once items arrive in Phoenix location near us, it usually takes a day or two for delivery. Hopefully you'll get it tomorrow. Crossing my fingers all goes well. Any local wineries?

    1. It says that the package is out for delivery today, so our fingers are crossed! :-)

      No local wineries around here.

  10. That gluten free bread looks good!

    1. It is so good! We are finally in an area where it is cool enough in the morning that I can actually do some baking again. For the last month or so it has just been way to hot outside to have the oven on inside.

  11. We had the same experience with peel-n-stick wallpaper from Amazon here in the US. Ordered two rolls, and they came from two different places! I guess it's just a matter of where they have inventory. I was wary because they had different lot numbers, so I was worried about the colors matching, since it was wallpaper. Fortunately, my eyes couldn't detect a difference, but it was odd to me anyway. Glad your parts are coming!

    How much would you pay for that whiskey in Canada? Amazing that it would be cheaper in Mexico than in the country in which it is made!!!!

  12. Good luck on the repairs. Hopefully, everything will be “ fair sailing”from now on until,you get back to the US. SAFE TRAVELS. The group,will be celebrating when you rejoin them I’m sure!

    1. The parts are supposed to be delivered today so hopefully that happens and then we can get the repairs done. Not sure that we will be on the road until at least Friday. Hopefully it will be smooth sailing from now on although the group has also had a few bumps along the way. :-(

  13. Good news on the parts. Not sure I understand how it works shipping stuff to Mexico. There are lots of things on Amazon Mexico I can order but other things not. Did you order off of Amazon U.S. or Mexico?

  14. Keeping you in our prayers that all goes well and you are on the road by Thursday!


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