Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sumidero Canyon boat trip, and back to the orphanage

The van was there to pick us up at 8:00am Wednesday morning to take us to the boat launch at Chiapa de Corzo. That is where you get the tour boats to take you into the nearby Sumidero Canyon. Ruth and I had done the canyon boat tour back in 2009, but we were looking forward to a return visit.

The dam was built in 1981. At that time, the river was just a series of un-navigable rapids, but with the rising waters from the dam, popular boat tours started in the spectacular canyon.

It is 35 kms (22 miles) on the boat and about a two to two and a half hour trip costing 200 pesos ($13.75 CAD, $10.75 USD) per person.

A scissor-tailed flycatcher.

Getting on the boat. 

 First stop, the vultures.
Lots of birds and wildlife, so Ruth has the binoculars ready!

Entering the canyon.

A spider monkey.

At some points, the canyon walls are 1,000 meters (3,300 ft) high.

The "Christmas Tree" is a formation caused by a waterfall that flows during rainy season.

Can you see the "witch"?

Made it to the dam.

Lots of bird life!

Hold on to your hat!


The driver spotted this from a distance, and we went to check him out.

He crawled up on shore for a photo!

Great boat trip with lots of neat scenery. We made our way back to the motorhomes, and did the drive through Tuxtla Gutierrez back to the orphanage. Oddly, we made the drive in one hour.. not much traffic at mid day.

That morning, the guys had been busy installing new screens in the dining room, kitchen, and office.

New screens.

There's the new refrigerators we bought.

 Getting ready for happy hour.

Some of our group.

Full moon.

Rolling downhill?

Up at 8:00am for the drive halfway to Oaxaca City. Scheduled to park in a soccer field tonight along the way.

Camper edition of the Classic Swiss Army Knife... Great price!

And in Canada...


  1. Didn’t know there are canyons in Mexico...great pics of the wildlife especially the crocodile! You had a good day for that boat ride. Always happy to read your blog. Safe travels.

    1. There are a lot of canyons in Mexico and two of the best known are this one and the Copper Canyon which is known just about world wide.

      We had a great morning on the boat tour.

  2. If you want to see vultures there are a lot here on the beach on the Isla. See you when you get here.

    Fabulous moon shot.

    1. We don't need to see vultures, they are everywhere in Mexico but it is interesting to note that they are a protected species here in Mexico as well in Canada and the USA as part of the 1918 Migratory Bird Treaty.

    2. Norma once got a closeup of a vulture as it crashed through the windshield on her side and almost ended up on her lap!

    3. Yikes, that is a little too close!

  3. Replies
    1. Kevin does take some great photos, thank you! :-)

  4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery of Sherman! I have been in the hospital for the past three days having a snapped achilles repaired, so I know how he feels! What a difference you all made for the orphanage - good for you!!!

    1. Ouch! Hope you heal quickly Kent! Sherman is at the doctor's now so hopefully he will get fixed up and back on the road shortly.

      We loved helping out at the orphanage, it was a great to be part of it. :-)

  5. Replies
    1. It was a fantastic one, the scenery and wildlife here is amazing.


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