Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Walk into town, and a creepy visitor...

A day off for everybody yesterday. Some people went back into the center of Oaxaca City, and some people went into the nearest town of Santa Maria del Tule, where the big tree is that we showed you the other day.

Ruth and I decided we needed some exercise and walked into Santa Maria del Tule.

It was about 5.5 kms (just over 3 miles) one way.

We took the back roads behind the RV park.

A crested caracara, Mexico's national bird.

Welcome to Oaxaca. Ruth is sitting on the C on the right side.

Santa Maria del Tule is a pretty little town.

We went and gawked at the Tule Tree again. They had the gate open to some students, so now you can get an idea of how huge it is.

We stopped at the food market for lunch.

This lady made us a Tlyuda for lunch. 

Something like a pizza.

We shared the tlyuda, and each had a huge glass of agua de jamaica. Total cost for the two of us was 110 pesos ($7.65 CAD, $5.90 USD). Great lunch!

Back at the campground late afternoon the group did a happy hour/pot luck and celebrated an anniversary...

Mike and Linda... happy 54th! This happy couple got married when they were 19!

Then, we spent some time with Michel and Louise and their dog Rio...

Rio thinks he's a lap dog!

Then back to our casita for the rest of the evening. We had a creepy visitor...

Unfortunately, when he collided with the sole of my sandal, he did not survive.

We were up this morning to say goodbye to the group as they headed off at 7:00am to the city of Puebla today. Ruth and I will take the 10:00am bus back to Juchitan and Sherman, our motorhome.

Great deal on a 12v vacuum cleaner...

And in Canada...


  1. Hola! We enjoy (and have done so for quite some time now) following your blog on all forms of media, blog, Facebook, Instagram. Just wanted to say. Also we are wondering if your group plans to come anywhere near Zipolite/San Agustinillo/Mazunte etc?
    Hope so... love to say hello. Peter & Bon from Nova Scotia

    1. Thank you for following along on our adventures, we are glad that you are enjoying it.

      We would love to come up along MEX 200 from Huatulco and along the Pacific coast with a stop at Zipolite but unfortunately that isn't in our route. From Oaxaca we go to Puebla and then up and around Mexico City to Patzcuaro before heading to Melaque. Perhaps we will cross paths some other time. Enjoy your time in Mexico! :-)

  2. Big sign. I was surprised when I saw how small Ruth looked sitting on it. That tree is still mind boggling. Sent a copy to Dolly to see.

    Sure hope all goes well with Sherman. Wonder if the parts are in. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

    1. Perspective is everything! Both with the sign and with the tree. Yesterday's post just doesn't show the enormity of that tree, it truly is amazing.

      The parts came in but they didn't fit, more on that in tomorrow's post.

  3. It's nice that the tour still functions with Sherman out of the picture. Hopefully you will be able to join up again soon. Best of luck.

    1. It is nice that we could still work things out and be with the group, even though Sherman isn't with us. It was a bit of a long bus ride both ways but at least it was doable.

  4. I love I do thoroughly enjoy tagging along. Love the city and the big tree and it appears to be nice and warm with Ruth and others in summer wear. Here in Phoenix it's still a tad cool for me. I'm use to over 100+ heat.

    1. Glad you enjoyed tagging along! It is very hot here during the day but also quite dry, not humid like it was a little while ago when we were in the rain forest area. The nights are cool though which makes sleeping very pleasant.

  5. I sure hope Sherman is ready for you.

    1. He is ready for us but there is more to the story. You can read about it tomorrow.

  6. Are the Green Angels leading the caravan?

    1. Yes, they are! We actually have another couple that is sort of second in command and Kevin went over the whole drive with them yesterday evening so that they would more or less know the route and the rest stops, and they also have a detailed road log which is also very helpful. We are sure that the group will do fine.

  7. We get a couple alacranes here in the house in the summer. Not uncommon for me to step on them. I've never been stung though. They say it really hurts for a bit.

    1. This is basically our third encounter with them indoors and none have made it out alive. This was the smallest one, if I haven't done a double take I may have not noticed it. We are a little worried about Kevin because of his allergy to bee stings, not sure how he would react to a scorpion sting and we really don't want to find out.

  8. Yikes! That little critter scared me! Looks vicious and dangerous! Good thing Kevin saw it first. Has anybody measured the girth of that humongous tree?! That Mexican pizza could make a real pizza a run for the money! Hahaha! Last but not least....congratulations to Mike and Linda! What a way to celebrate an anniversary! Hope Sherman rejoins the group in Puebla this weekend. Thanks again for another interesting blog. Safe travels.

    1. Actually it was me, that saw it first and even then I had to do a double take because it was on the high bathroom ceiling and it was very, very small!

      Kevin posted the statistics on the tree in yesterday's post if you want to check it for more detail but it is 42.0 m (137.8 ft) in circumference.

      The Mexican pizza (tlyuda) was delicious!

      Fingers crossed we will be headed their way first thing tomorrow morning.

  9. Hope you guys get Sherman back today. Was that a scorpion yikes. Are they native to that area? Lovely pictures enjoy your bus trip today!

    1. We are back at Sherman as I type and hopefully we will be on the road first thing tomorrow morning. If the day goes well we hope to be back with the group by late afternoon.

      Yes, that was a scorpion and yes they are native to the area.

  10. Good to hear that you’re back with Sherman. Safe travels to Puebla!


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