The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

We're on the road again!

At least we hope we are. The last time I said that, it didn't go so well.

The mechanic Pedrito had finished up the passenger side (the side that broke) on Thursday evening, and he was coming back Friday morning to change the lower ball joint on the driver's side. Both ball joints had been changed at the same time a few years ago, and with one giving up, I didn't have a whole lot of faith in the other one.

He arrived at about 9:30am, and took the lower control arm off.

Can you imagine what it would cost in Canada or the United States to get a mobile mechanic to come to an RV Park to do a job like this? Here in Mexico, they don't even think twice.

When we approached Eligio Rojas Martinez on Monday morning, he didn't hesitate at all.

"Of course we can do it".

He is the owner of the Servicio Automotriz Rojas mechanic shop in Cholula. If anybody is ever at Trailer Park Las Americas in Cholula and needs any mechanical work, call Eligio at 01(222) 247-8547 or go to his shop at GPS 19.072776, -98.297846

Helpful, friendly guy, and so is his mechanic Pedrito. Plus, Eligio speaks a little English.

Ruth, with Eligio (center) and Pedrito (right).

So here's Pedrito working underneath Sherman in the hot sun. He says he is from Chiapas so the heat doesn't bother him. I even tried to set up our beach umbrella for him so he would have some shade, but he said not to worry. We made sure he had water and gave him a nice tip when he finished the job.

Total bill to remove both lower control arms, then remove the previously welded in bad ball joints, send them out to have the new ball joints pressed in and welded, and install the right front inner and outer tie rod ends and sleeve... 3,800 pesos ($275 CAD, $210 USD). And that included all the running around and back and forth with tools etc.

Hopefully, this is the end of the saga, and we're happy that a bad situation enabled us to meet Eligio and Pedrito who we would not have met otherwise.

And so... another bright spot in this whole deal... had we not broken down, we would not be going to Valle de Juarez.

Long time readers know that Valle de Juarez is one of our favorite spots in Mexico, and our dog Whiskey is buried there Also, friends Heinz and Uli have their winter apartment in Valle de Juarez and we're looking forward to seeing them. 

Fortunately, Valle de Juarez is sort of on the way to Melaque where the RV caravan group is waiting for us, so it's easy for us to take a detour to visit there.

Unfortunately, it's a 642 km (398 mile) drive!

Today's planned drive, 642 kms (398 miles).

So, we're planning to be on the road at 6:30am Saturday, just after sunrise.

Wish us luck... hopefully Sherman is back in tip top shape!

The top of the line Timber Ridge folding camp wagon is on deal of the day today!

And in Canada...


  1. Thinking of you and hope the trip goes well!

  2. Good luck! Hope you have an uneventful trip.

    1. Other than some crappy roads it was a good trip just a very long one!

  3. Good luck and let the ball joints be with you...

    1. Thanks Peter! If the ball joints help up to yesterday's drive like they did than we should be good to go for a good long time now. :-)

  4. Good luck with your journey and safe travels.

  5. It is a relief to see you back on the road! It will be a long day and I hope the repairs work well!

    1. Yes, a big relief to be back on the road. Didn't enjoy that long day's drive though, just not our kind of traveling but it had to be done!

  6. Hope to see you Sunday or at least Monday. The 15th was the oen year anniversary of our dog Tomas dying. He is buried a few hundred feet away from where we are in Melaque. Took some of your group out last night in the back of your pickup to a transvestite bar. We had a great time. tonight we are all going down to the crazy St Patricks celebrations in this town.

    1. If everything goes well we should be there something in the afternoon, We are looking forward to joining back up with "our family". :-)

  7. Did you add the mechanics info to Google Maps? That would be a good place to put a review to help others find them.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, I will get Kevin to do just that. :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Yep, we are happy to be good to go again! :-)

  9. So glad you are on the road again. Let's be a safe uneventful journey and catch up to the group. I remember first reading your blog with Whiskey on board. Good dog!

    1. We are happy to be on the road again as well! :-)

      She was a good dog and we sure do miss her.

  10. God bless you on the rest of your travels! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  11. Great to see you back on the road. Good luck

    1. Thank you, we are happy to be back on the road again! :-)

  12. Time for some Willy Nelson tunes! Best of luck to Valle de Juarez. Wear green!

    1. Maybe traveling on St. Patrick's Day was a good luck for us. :-)

  13. Looks like an 8 hour drive...not too bad. I figure you should arrive between 2-3 p.m. Can't wait to see pictures of your road trip to Valle de Juarez. We missed pictures of the caravan and what they did...hopefully they will share. Happy St. Paddy's day.

    1. You obviously have never driven an RV in Mexico before! Traveling here is Mexico is not like traveling times in the US, it always takes much longer than what you think it will take. Our trip was a total of 9 1/2 hours of actual driving time 10 1/2 with a few quick stops.

      I don't think the caravan group did much but relax on their days off. There were no formal tours so everyone did want they wanted to do, so there would have been a mixture of things.

  14. Go, Sherman, GO!!!
    Say hello to whiskey

    1. Thanks Kent, and if we can get into the RV Park we will say hello to her for you. :-)

  15. Wow - safe travels! We have loved following your journey. If you're spending any time in Lo de Marcos we would love to say "hi"! Go Sherman!

    1. Thank you!

      Yes, we will be in Lo de Marcos. Should be arriving there on Tuesday unless they change the schedule on us, we are hoping that they won't.

  16. Be sure and post picture of Whiskey's tree. I remember what it look like when you planted it. Good Luck

    1. We will if we can get inside of the RV Park, apparently they seem to have lost the key. :-(

  17. Congrats being in the road again and may the luck of the Irish be with you. Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Canada.🍀

    1. Thank you and maybe a bit of the Irish luck paid off. We had an uneventful trip yesterday. :-)

  18. Replies
    1. Thank you, and yes this time was a charm. :-)

  19. I would just about be nuts by now....Marsha would have probably left to join up with the group just to get away from me. LOL Good Luck and may the Force Be With You!

    1. It was a bit of a waiting game but it all turned out well, at least so far.


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