Igor, parked for the night in the Sierra Gorda Mountains in Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Campestre Pinal in the Sierra Gorda mountains, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Our two year North America RV Adventure

Yesterday, we drove from Lafleche, Saskatchewan to Swift Current, and then to Cabri Regional Park. In our mind, this completes the first quarter of our two year RV trip!

We left Ottawa on November 16th and picked up the Mexico RV Caravan group in Mission, Texas on January 6th. From there, we toured Mexico for 86 days, and then have spent the last four weeks making our way from Texas back to Cabri Regional Park.

Our approximate route the past six months!

We drove 14,800 kms (9,200 miles) in the last six months!

Wow, what a trip it was.

But that was only part one of a four part trip! 

We're on a two year plan, and the next leg is going to take us north. We're going to take a two week break here at Cabri Regional Park (not a break really... we're working with the new managers to get the park up and running) and then we're headed for Yukon and Alaska for the next several months. Then, back down into British Columbia for a month or so before continuing south through Oregon and California in October.

So, hopefully you'll stick with us through part two of this two year North America RV adventure!

Can't wait to see the scenery up north and do some fantastic hiking.

So... we arrived back at Cabri Park yesterday. We had stopped in Swift Current to do some shopping, and met with the new managers Jo and Steve there. We all did some grocery shopping to stock up, and then Jo and Steve headed to the park and we drove into Cabri to pick up the keys.

Sherman, parked up for the next two weeks with Jo and Steve's fifth wheel.

Taken this morning. 
The leaves are starting to bud on the trees.

 The water level is higher than normal for this time of year.

White pelicans.

There are LOTS of leaves to clean up!

A bit of a dreary day today... cloudy and cool, but it's supposed to improve every day this week so we're okay with that.

Fantastic deal on a 1 TB external hard drive...record low price...

And in Canada... a great deal on the top of the line KitchenAid Stand Mixer...


  1. Yep lots of leaves to clean up. I wonder if the owls have nested again. That park has come a long ways while you were managing it....going to miss it.

    1. I think we have more leaves this year than we did last year. I guess the wind was blowing inland more this year rather than out to the lake.

      No, we have no owls this year. Last year the nest started falling apart and during the winter it just totally disintegrated. Great horned owls are not nest builders, they steal other unused nests, so we are assuming that she found a nest else where. We will certainly miss her and the baby/babies this year.

      Yes, we like to think the park has come a long ways and I am sure that the new managers will keep it going in the right direction.

  2. Ah, back at it. Have a fun two weeks. Looking forward to part deux!

    1. We are really looking forward to our two weeks here and getting the park up and running again.

      We are excited about Part 2! :-)

  3. Looking forward to your insights and comments on the rest of the adventure!

    1. Thanks Jeff, we can't wait to begin this new to us adventure. We have seen some beautiful pictures of the wildlife and the scenery from up north and looking forward to seeing it ourselves.

  4. I'm looking forward to your reports too. On my map that far north there's a big blank area that just says "There Be Mosquitos."

    1. Mosquitoes are the one thing that we are a little nervous about. We have bug shirts and spray so hopefully we will be prepared for the little buggers!

  5. And what a wonderful adventure it was - looking forward to the rest of the story! We’ll miss the Cabri stories. Any chance Jo and Steve will blog? Wondering about the owls, too!

    1. It was a great adventure wasn't it?! :-) We are really looking forward to this new one though, it will be totally new territory for us.

      Jo has a facebook page and and Instagram page and she may do a blog. When we get the info from her we will pass it on to our readers.

      No owls this year, the nest is totally gone. It was falling apart last summer and I guess the winds got the better of it. Great horned owls don't normally build their own nests so I guess the mama found a new to her nest somewhere else. :-(

  6. you will love your trip to the North, we live in Fort St John BC, just at the start of the Alaska Highway. We are planning a trip to Laird hot springs next week. It is a must do en-route to Alaska.

    1. I am sure that we will. Yes, it looks like we will be going through Fort St. John so who knows maybe our paths will cross. We will keep Laird Hot Springs in mind, I believe I had that down as a place to visit. :-)

    2. I second the stop at Liard Hotsprings...for more than a day. I love getting up at 5 or 6 in the morning and going to the pool...staff start working at 0600. You meet the most interesting folk at that time of day.

    3. link http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/bcparks/explore/parkpgs/liard_rv_hs/

    4. The only problem that we can see with staying a Laird Hot Springs is that it gets really busy with people stopping on their way up to Yukon and Alaska and we don't care for busy. We would prefer to find out of the way places more, but we will see how we feel at the time. Thank you all for your comments and the link.

  7. We spent a half day at Laird Hot springs in July 2013 on our trip to Alaska. Cant recall the name of the campground we stayed at. But both the campground and the hot springs had very few people. We don’t care much for “busy” too and follow rhe roads less traveld so to say. Looking forward to your blog on your trip up north. We took 5 weeks to travel from Edmonton to Alaska. Used the Alaska highway but verred north to Dawson Creek to drive the Top of the World Highway and exited in Chicken and then Tok and onwards to Valdez. We underestimated the time needed. We plan to go back and spend more time to explore all of Alaska and drive up to Nunuvut hopefully when our medical issues are resolved.

    1. Sounds like you had an amazing trip. We are definitely allowing ourselves more time but we will also be leaving from here in Saskatchewan and we will have part of May, all of June and July and then part of August as we need to be in Kelowna by August 20th or so. I am sure that still won't be enough time but at least it should be a leisurely trip. We mostly want to explore Yukon and the Northwest Territories though so we actually won't be spending much time in Alaska itself.

      We hope that you will be able to make this trip again yourselves.


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