
Tuesday, April 17, 2018

We took the detour, and it was worth it!

Woke up to the wild turkeys gobbling. We got up around 7am, and they were all outside, probably ten of them. The males had their feathers spread wide as they showed off for everybody.

I took some pictures through the window, but only one turned out half decent...

Mr. Turkey.

It was around 11am by the time we set out for our hike. It was supposed to get fairly warm, up to 88F (31C), but it wasn't supposed to peak until late afternoon. We brought lots of water with us, and off we went...

Setting out on the trail.

Scenery along the way.

More scenery.

Zoomed in. 
Off in the distance, we could see "the lighthouse", the icon of Palo Duro Canyon State Park.

 Lots of neat stuff to see!

More beautiful scenery.

And hardly anybody around. I guess because this trail is rated "difficult", the casual hikers stay off it. We found it to be a more moderate trail and didn't find anything difficult about it at all.

Admiring the views.


Amazing how the erosion makes these formations.

We finished the Givens, Spicer, Lowry Trail and it ends in the middle of the Lighthouse Trail. We had a choice of going to the lighthouse, or heading back on the easy Lighthouse trail. It it was rated moderate, but it looked pretty easy so, we figured we would make good time despite the fact that it would add about 2 miles to our route.

But, we were "this close", so we decided to do it.

Almost there.

The Lighthouse Trail was rated as "moderate", although we would have called it easy. Problem is, the trail ends (with a sign saying so) at the base of the structure. Then, there is a rudimentary trail leading up that is just scrambling on the rocks. Glad we had the proper footwear because many of the casual hikers who figured this was an easy walk did not! No wonder people get injured. 

Kevin, at the lighthouse.

 Ruth, at the lighthouse.

View from the lighthouse.

 Getting back down was a bit of a challenge.

Glad we did the extra detour, it was worth it.

Scenery along the way.

The Cowboy Dugout, a 19th century structure.

Back at Sherman around 3:15pm after doing 8.8 miles (14.6 kms).  A great hike!

We relaxed and played some backgammon, and it did get warmer between 5pm to 6pm. But, it was comfortable sitting outside in the shade. 

Today, we're headed into the big city of Amarillo (pop 200,000) to pick up some packages and look at getting some work done to Sherman.

Both the one person and the two person versions of our Kayak have dropped in price this morning...

Us, enjoying our kayak!


  1. How many times we've seen people hiking in flip flops instead of good shoes/boots. Even seen a couple with a baby carriage on a very difficult trail with a dog in it. No wonder people get injured on trails, but you can't fix stupid! ;c)

    1. We once saw someone on the South Kaibab Trail at the Grand Canyon, in cowboy boots when there was snow and ice on the trail. They were just Sunday visitors, with no plans to go to the bottom of the canyon but we had yaktrax on the bottom of our hikers. Yep, you can't fix stupid!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful place, awesome pictures!

    1. It is a gorgeous place, wish we had more time to spend there though. We are definitely going to have to go back there one day.

  3. That turkey picture is more than half decent!

  4. I thought the turkey picture was great.

  5. Plan to stop at the Jack Sisemore RV Museum 4341 Canyon Drive in Amarillo. It maybe free for Canadians!

  6. Awesome trails and photos. I see Ruth didn't use her trekking poles. I usually take at least one pole incase of loose gravel trail or high step areas. I'm short and have short legs so sometimes have to do hand-over-hand climb even with a trekking pole. Thanks for showing us Texas parks...I never knew they had so much to offer. Usually zoom through Texas on interstates and never stop to smell the roses.

    1. Thank you Rita!

      There's a story about why I didn't have my poles with me. When we were hiking in South Llano River State Park, I set the poles down at one of the bird blinds and forgot about them when we left, the hike we did right after that I didn't need the poles and just totally forgot about them. It was only after having lunch that I realized I had left them at the bird blind, we went back and they were gone. We stopped by the office but it was closed by this time so we went and talked to the camp host and nobody and turned them in to them. The next morning we called the office and they had nobody turn in any poles so I was out of luck. I am disappointed because they were my Dad's and he wasn't using them so he let me have them and I really liked them. Oh, well nothing can be done about it, it was my own fault. :-(

      Guess you are going to have to stop and explore Texas the next time you are in the state. Texas has a lot to offer. Definitely buy the Texas State Park Pass, that way even if you just use it for the day to go hiking you can still get lots of use out of it at the various parks.

  7. Be careful out there kids. Wouldn't want to hear about being extracted by helicopter from some precipice. Otherwise yes, awesome photos.

    1. No problem, we are always careful and don't go anywhere that we don't think we can handle. :-)

  8. Have you tried any of the Amazon delivery boxes or lockers?

    1. No, but only because there haven't been traveling through any major centers and that's where they seem to be available. The two packages we are picking up here in Amarillo are not Amazon.

  9. We didn't hike that canyon but even the drive had beautiful scenery.

    1. It sure did and we didn't even drive past the campground that we stayed at, just not enough time. Looking forward to going back again one day and exploring even more of the park. Lots of beauty there. :-)

  10. Amazing photos, interesting scenery, gorgeous red/orange coloring, and that turkey is perfect!!!!

    1. Thank you Connie and Barry! It's hard not to have beautiful photos when you are in this park. :-)

  11. Amazing pictures and lovely scenery. Looks like a great place to visit and hike. Enjoy your stay!

    1. The scenery was fantastic, that's the kind of place that we love hiking in. We need to go back there again and see more of the park.

  12. Great pictures guys! Simply beautiful! Safe travels.


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