The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Doing some camping in Kluane National Park

There's not a whole lot to see in Haines Junction itself, other than the visitor's center and the fact that it's a fairly scenic location. But, it does have an interesting little church as well that's worth a stop...

It's a pretty little spot...

Our Lady of the Way Catholic Church.

You can click on the photos to make them full size. 

The church is made from an old quonset hut!

Interior of the quonset hut church.

We drove about 28 kms (17 miles) south of Haines Junction to Kathleen Lake where the Kluane National Park campground is located. 

We decided to spent the reasonable $15.70 CAD ($12.50 USD) camping fee so that we could easily do some hiking in the park. And, sometimes it's nice to be able to put your grill out and sit at the picnic table... things that you can't always do when boondocking.

Scenery along the way.

I had to stand on Sherman's roof to get this shot of Lake Kathleen.

More Yukon scenery.

Entrance road to Kathleen Lake Campground.

We didn't get there until almost 12:30pm, and I figured that would be a good time to show up... but it was fairly busy, and the campground fills up quickly! There are only 39 sites, and the ones marked wheelchair accessible are only available after 6:00pm if nobody with a wheelchair has already moved in. So there were only about 8 or 10 sites empty. We parked and walked around and found a decent site. Ruth waited there to hold the site for us while I walked back to get Sherman. 

Sherman, in site #28.

We had some lunch and then went for a walk down to the day use area. There, we found our friends Dan and Isabelle (who had come on the glacier flight with us) parked up in their rig enjoying the beautiful day. It was a bright sunny day, but with a strong wind. 

They told us about a nice hike along the shoreline, so off we went.

Ruth, testing the clear blue water. 
Definitely chilly!


Lake Kathleen, Kluane National Park.

Lake Kathleen.


The lake has a beautiful color.

We enjoyed these chairs for 10 minutes on the way back.


We're meeting Dan and Isabel this morning and we're going to attempt the King's Throne hike... they list it as being a 10 km round trip 4-6 hour hike that is a steep trail leading to spectacular views. So we should have some more great pics for you tomorrow!

If you ever wanted to try Sous Vide Immersion Cooking, here is your chance...

And in Canada...


  1. Love the little church. Military sure like to abandon good stuff...I see some old stone bldgs. military left on rez and often wonder how to buy them to refurbish and live in. Endless gorgeous views of Yukon. I could live there in isolation and enjoy every minute of it. I see Ruth in short mosquitoes? I biggest mosquito I've every seen was in State of Washington...they were huge!

    1. It was definitely a cute little church, I love how they were able to repurpose the old quonset hut.

      Yep, the views in the Yukon are beautiful and we sure aren't getting tired of them.

      Nope, no mosquitoes we we were happy about that! It was actually quite breezy/windy so it kept them away. :-)

  2. Awesome scenery again, what a beautiful place.

    1. Yep, it sure is a beautiful place here, wait until you see the pictures in today's post!

  3. Absolutely breathtaking! Love the little church.

    1. Yep, that church was pretty cute! The scenery here is fantastic. :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, perfect for sure and the fact that there were no mosquitoes made it even better. :-)

  5. Pretty decent waves on that lake and the colour reminds me of Lake Louise. I love the red chairs that Parks Canada has put in all (or most) of the parks.

    1. It was pretty windy during the afternoon, it settled down later in the day though. Yes, the colour of the lake is very similar to Lake Louise.

      Those chairs were situated is a perfect spot to just sit and enjoy the scenery. :-)

  6. Wow, the King's Throne Trail is on Streetview! (I love streetview).

    1. When we have some free WiFi, I will have to have a look at it on streetview. It is definitely quite the hike as you will see once Kevin finishes up with today's post.

  7. Ohhhhh, that beautiful, blue water!!!!!

  8. That is a beautiful lake. I just love turquoise water like that. Lovely! Looking forward to hearing about and seeing photos of the hike. It's gotta be magnificent!

    1. We love the colour of the lakes here as well so many different shades of blue, it is gorgeous.

  9. Ahhhhhh......the scenery and the pictures of the quaint little church and the gorgeous Kathleen Lake make for a relaxing early morning start to my day. Thanks again for a great blog!

    1. So glad that you enjoyed the post and that it gave you a good start to your day. :-)


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