Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, July 16, 2018

It's a small world...

We like that header photo so much, I think we'll just leave it there for a couple of days!

Through this blog, and facebook, we sometimes meet up with people who know us. Well yesterday, we met a bunch of people who know us, and some who we know through other people. Really strange!

First, a recent blog reader named Herlinda has been following our posts here in the north because she was also doing this route, but perhaps a month behind us. Well yesterday, she saw that we were both here in Dawson City at the same time, so she came over with her dog Sophie and said hello.

Sophie stayed here in the motorhome with us while Herlinda went to the swimming pool for a swim and a shower. And we forgot to get a pic of Sophie... it's been a long time since we had a dog in the motorhome. She was such a good girl while mom was gone!

Then, we went with Herlinda for lunch. Just a bowl of soup and a salad. And afterwards to one of Parks Canada's tours of the Commissioner's Residence here in Dawson City.

Inside the Commissioner's Residence.

Parks Canada has done a really good job of combining history with a series of vignettes throughout the tour where Parks Canada employees are playing the parts of people from the past. Makes it a lot more interesting than just having some guide ramble on about things.

Us, in the moose antler chair with our protective booties on!

Herlinda with the Northwest Mounted Police officer. 
I guess they couldn't find any male employees to play the part!

The Commissioner's office.

While we were there, I was getting messages on my phone from blog readers Judy and Tim from Nova Scotia, saying that they had seen Sherman (Sherman is quite famous, you know...!) and that they were parked up beside him wanting to say hello.

But, we were in the tour, and we wanted to do another one at 4:00pm. So they went on to the campground and we'll see them today or tomorrow because we're hanging around town for a few days.

Herlinda went back to Sophie her dog, while Ruth and I went over to the Northwest Territories visitors center to tell them about our trip to Tuktoyaktuk. Then, we went to the 4:00pm show at the recently restored Palace Grand Theater, another Parks Canada presentation.

We walked in the theater, and took a couple of front row seats. We were beside another couple who we had been talking to in the Northwest Territories visitor center, so we just started chatting with them. The conversation revolved around RV'ing, and soon we were talking about RV'ing in Mexico.

Turns out that Rich and Shari had done an RV caravan tour to Mexico's Baja California. And, they know Bernd and Angi, a couple who were with us this past winter! 

Then, we found out that the people sitting right behind us are also regular blog readers, and also travel regularly to Mexico by RV! Bob and Shirley have commented here before.

Small world!

We sat and watched the show...

Good fun, and a few laughs. Another worthwhile thing to see in Dawson City. The theater itself has just been renovated by Parks Canada. With all the talking to these people we met, I forgot to get photos of the interior!

Bob, Shirley, Ruth, Kevin, Shari, and Rich.

We were still talking after they kicked us out so they could close the doors!

We always have lots of fun meeting people who read about our daily activities!

Overcast skies this morning, with a chance of showers so we're going to go check out the Dawson City Museum. Many people have told us it's really well done.

Amazon Prime Day starts at 3:00pm ET today! And the deals have already begun! All the Amazon electronics are at record low prices... check out the Amazon Fire TV Stick...

And in Canada...


  1. Spectacular header photo! Wow!

    1. Thank you Lori, we love that one too! :-)

  2. Love the header photo, too!!!!!!!!!! Simply awesome!!!!!!!!!
    Nice meeting people in your travels! You two are famous!!
    And also very nice!!!��

    1. Thank you connie and Barry! That is definitely one of our most favourite photos now. :-)

      It is lovely to meet so many "new" people and to put faces to names that we have seen commenting on the blog as well.

  3. The smiley faces turned into question marks above^ - whoops!

    1. No worries, at least now we know that they were meant to be a smiley face. ;-)

  4. Wow! So much to see and do there. Great photos and info! It is a small world. Luckily, I get to meet lots of International rental R.V. travellers and General Pan American highway travellers quite regularly at my work. Just talked to a motorcyclist from Montreal today. Lots of bugs on the windshield of his BMW! I always make note of their websites and blogs and follow along and mention that your blog is one of my favs! Cheers Scott

    1. Dawson City has so much to do it is incredible, especially if you have the time to take and see it all. Parks Canada does a number of great tours through the town and inside some of their special buildings that you would only see if you did the tour.

      Yep, I bet you get to see lots of different people in your business. We are glad to hear that you take the time to talk to so many of them. They have such different stories to tell, we find that ourselves when we see some of these international travelers, we love to pick up tips from them and hope that one day we can travel to their countries and do something similar.

      Thanks for mentioning us to them as well! :-)

    2. I'm still curious what the teenager had to say in the far north...might have been interesting. I once met a young teacher from Sitka, AK who said he'd watch the train for days...he was amazed at all he saw while going to school in Flagstaff, AZ.

    3. He just wanted to talk but we will never know what he wanted to talk about because we didn't have the opportunity of seeing him again the next day before we left.

  5. Yes you should keep the header photo for a while. It's lovely and suits the blog so well! Have another wonderful day touring the City :)

    1. Thank you Julia! It is definitely one our most favourite photos now and trust us we have quite a few photos. ;-)

  6. You will enjoy the "Amazing Race - Canada" which takes place in Dawson City particularly the Can Can dancers along with the contestants - very funny!

    1. Kevin has it download but we haven't been able to watch it yet. We are looking forward to seeing it.

  7. what kind of RV does Herlinda have? I'm planning a trip to Alaska for next yr with my 2 largish dogs so I'm just curious.....

    1. Herlinda drives a 19' Roadtrek. She loves it!

    2. Thanks ! Not the answer I expected tho. I assumed a Class C or small travel trailer. Wet bath is a deal breaker for me. But again thanks, and love reading about this trip !

    3. Yep, it would have been a wet bath, and we can understand that being the deal breaker. When we borrowed the motorhome in Spain a year and a half ago, it had a wet bath, we used it a couple of times but preferred the camp showers more but at least it had the availability of having it if you really needed a shower. :-)

  8. OK, pretty soon you're going to be so famous, you won't be able to go anywhere without someone either recognising you, or at least Sherman. Mixed blessing, I suspect.

    1. I think that might be stretching things just a little! ;-) It is fun meeting up with others that follow the blog though.

  9. Always fun to meet up with blog readers in your travels, so many interesting people out there.

    1. Yep, definitely lots of interesting folks out there and it is nice to meet up with so many of them over the years.

  10. I am so glad that you finally met Shari and Rich, the very nice people even living in our neighbourhood.
    Bernd is fine after 4 weeks now and drove my little Nissan Micra for the first time after his stroke. In normal circumstances we would consider to come with you to Mexico but right now the health insurance is difficult, not to mention expensive.
    I like your title picture because you are both in it. Love Angi and Bernd

    1. We had a nice chat with Shari and Rich, they seem like a great couple. We thought it was funny how we just sort of bumped into them up here.

      So glad to hear that Bernd is doing so much better, we couldn't believe the news when Shari and Rich mentioned this.

      We can totally understand the part about the health insurance, they certainly don't make it easy or affordable under those conditions. We are really looking forward to seeing you guys again in September though. I hope by then life will be back to normal for you both.

      We really love that picture too! :-)

  11. Sure is a small world. Glad you are meeting so many wonderful people on your trip. Dawson City is a must see for sure. Too bad your having rain again. Enjoy your stay.

    1. Yes, we are meeting lots of people up here, three different couples and one single lady and her dog in just a matter of two days!

      Dawson City is a really neat little town, we are really enjoying our time here plus we just needed some relax time before having to take on another gravel road drive. ;-)

      The sun is back out again so with any luck it will stick around for a while.


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