The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

We think we'll stay here another day!

Another beautiful day. Clear blue skies and high of 28C (83F).That doesn't help the forest fire situation southeast of here, but it sure is nice for us travelers!

We had originally thought about making it to Smithers yesterday because it's not that far. But we're in no rush, and we got sidetracked to a beautiful campsite!

Our tires are scheduled to arrive in Smithers possibly Tuesday, but for sure on Wednesday. So we don't really have to be there until then.

Yesterday's drive, 55 kms (32 miles).

I'm trying a different map format for you all. You can zoom in or out to see where we are. What do you think?

The Skeena River.

We have now completed the Cassiar Highway! We turned onto the Yellowhead Highway #16 and are now headed southeast towards Prince George, B.C.

Bought some fuel in Kitwanga for $1.39 per liter ($4.00 USD per gallon), but only enough to get us to Prince George next weekend where the gas is currently a bargain (!) $1.28 per liter ($3.70 USD per gallon).

Scenery along the way.

Stopped at the visitor's center in New Hazelton.

We hadn't realized there was going to be so much to see and do in this area. Lots of hiking trails, and great scenery. They told us about a nearby bridge that is worth seeing, and then the town of Old Hazelton. So we drove over that way.

This bridge was built in 1931.

The bridge is only 16 feet wide, yet sits 262 feet above the river below.

Out for a walk on the bridge.

Ooooh... don't look down!


Looking down at the Bulkley River.

Traffic can only flow one direction at a time.

From there, we headed another 7 kms (4 miles) to the townsite of Old Hazelton. They were actually holding their "Pioneer Days" festival yesterday, but we arrived just as things were winding down.

Scenic viewpoint.

Historic Old Town Hazelton.


The Skeena River.

Nice flowers.

The oldest building in town.
St. Peters Anglican Church was built in 1900.

We had researched several free overnight possibilities, but the girl in the tourist office suggested Anderson Flats Provincial Park.

It's a kind of an oddball park in a way. They don't advertise that camping is allowed, and yet nowhere does it say that you cannot camp. There is no fee box or registration. We arrived to find perhaps 10 sites where the grass is cut and there are fire rings. Two truck campers are here, plus a tenter. It's a gorgeous spot, right by the Skeena River.

Some people fishing.

Where the Bulkley River meets the Skeena River.

Sherman, free camping at GPS 55.244832, -127.670144

It's looking like another beautiful day. We think we'll just hang out here and relax!

The Coleman Extreme 70 QT Cooler is back at the low end of the pricing scale. Good deal for a good cooler...

And in Canada...


  1. I like the new map. Easy to zoom in and out to find out where you are in relation to bigger towns.

    1. Yep, Kevin is not sure why he never really looked at putting up this type of map before.

  2. A pretty nice spot indeed! I love these rustic old towns.

    1. So do we Peter, there is always some interesting history in these little towns and neat looking buildings.

  3. Looks awesome there, how are the bugs?

  4. Love the interactive map! Great spot!

    1. Glad to hear the map is getting some positive feedback. :-)

      Our boondocking spot is one of our best we think.

  5. New map easy to use. Beautiful area, love the photos

    1. Thanks Helen. The area here is gorgeous, it's just unfortunate that we will soon be heading back into areas where there are forest fires and heavy smoke. We sure hope that the majority of British Columbia can get some much needed rain and soon!

  6. Replies
    1. Unfortunately no, we are headed in the opposite direction.

  7. Love the pictures! I lived in the Hazeltons for the first 28 years of my life. I never get tired of looking at Roche de Boule.

    1. Thank you Stan! I am glad that we can bring a little bit of home back to you via our pictures. We wouldn't get tired of seeing Roche de Boule either, it is a beautiful view. :-)

  8. Hello to you two, the map is great 👍👍

  9. Grand'ma Read worked in Hazelton for a while.

    1. Kevin said he didn't know that. Do you remember where it was that she had worked?

  10. We love the new map! Glad you went with it, it really helps to give a better perspective of your travels. Journey on!

    1. That you Sharon and Matt, it is always good to hear the feedback, good or bad when we change something with the blog. :-)

  11. Thumbs up for the new map and staying another day!!

  12. Stunning scenery..captured so well in photos. Map is beaut idea..We drove uo to Carcross..thanks for posting great info.

    1. Thank you!

      That whole area around Carcross and all the way to Skagway is beautiful. We loved it there and it's one of the places that we want to head back to on another trip someday.

  13. Nice spot Kevin. New Tires? The trip North wore them out? BTW the map feature works well.

    1. Thanks Bob! Yep, new tires, these have seen a lot of miles over the last two and a bit years and yes the gravel road up to Tuktoyaktuk was hard on them but so was our driving down in Mexico. Sherman will be happy to get some new boots on. :-)

      Glad you like the new map.

  14. Fantastic and I like the new map format!

  15. Love the map. It’s sure is a long distance to Mexico.

    1. Thanks Nora and yep , it is a long way down there! To think that Sherman was down at the bottom of Mexico at the end of February and then all the way up to Tuktoyaktuk at the beginning of July and is now on his slow journey back down to Mexico.

  16. Map is great! Nice you stayed an extra day to take in more sights and relax. Love the old town and especially when festivals are going on. Lovely camping spot, enjoy your stay and be safe.

    1. Glad that you like the map, it is so much better than the old one Kevin was using.

      We didn't take in any sights at all, we just did a bit of cleaning and lots of relaxing and just enjoying the beautiful weather and view from our boondocking spot. :-)

  17. That is one sweet-looking campground...And FREE!..Yes I would enjoy being there right now as we are covered in smoke....U.S. side of Hwy 97.....

    1. Yep, one of the prettiest that we have found so far. It was a perfect spot to just relax and enjoy the mountain scenery. :-)

      Unfortunately we will also be headed into the smoke either later today or tomorrow. Not looking forward to it! :-(


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