The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Future travel plans

Yesterday was the first time in a long time that we did not take any photos! That's because it poured with rain pretty much the whole day. Once in the afternoon it stopped for a few minutes, and Ruth and I decided to go for a walk and get some exercise. We went into the motorhome to get our jackets on, and it started spitting again. We thought we would wait it out a few minutes, but it just got heavier, and heavier.

I went to have a nap instead!

Spent much of the day taking to our friends Cory and Elaine about travel. They have spent quite a lot of time in Thailand, and have pretty much convinced us that we should be doing a six month backpacking trip to southeast Asia when we are done this current trip with the motorhome.

And they're probably right... better to do a trip like that when we're younger than older.

Other options we've been considering are...

1) Buy a motorhome in Europe, 2) buy an older Class B and drive it to South America, 3) buy a motorhome in Australia and New Zealand.

So, either way you look at it, when we are done with Sherman we will definitely be doing some international travel.

But, it also depends on how well this upcoming Mexico RV Caravan goes. If we enjoy it and it goes well, we will likely do it again the winter of 2019-2020. So it may be the spring on 2020 before we take off on a new adventure without Sherman.

Anyhow, lots of time before we have to make a decision on that.

Today, we're headed to the big Abbotsford, British Columbia RV show... just for something to do on a rainy day!

More visiting coming up this evening as we are meeting up with Bernd and Angelika... one of the couples that were on our last Mexico RV Caravan!

You can now request an invitation to buy the new Amazon Echo Auto...

Amazon Echo Auto

And in Canada...

Ivation Air Fryer


  1. Both England and the Nethrlands have a RV buy and buy back system, something worth looking into… Planning is as much fun as the actual doing part!

    1. Yes, we have heard about it and in fact met a couple that were doing just that when we were RVing in Spain just over a year ago. That is definitely something to look into. We love the planning and dreaming. :-)

  2. All the options sound fun. Tell Bernd and Angie we say hi.

    1. We think so too!

      We passed along your greetings to Bernd and Angi and they, said hi back. :-)

  3. We spent 6 months circumnavigating Australia (including Tasmania) in a Toyota HiAce van during the summer season. Bought and sold the van in Sydney at a car park in King's Cross that helped buyers and sellers (all international travelers) with the rego which at the time included no fault insurance. That was 2001 I'm sure things have changed since then. But worth checking into it.

    1. We have had friends that have done something similar in Australia as well. That would definitely be something along the lines of what we would most likely want to do too. Thanks for the helpful information. :-)

  4. We traveled New Zealand for 3 weeks in a rental class C. Loved learning to cook what the locals eat, and seeing the whole country.

    1. When we did the motorhome exchange in Spain and Portugal we were the same. We loved to go in the grocery stores and buy the local staples and then go back to the motorhome to cook our meals. It worked out really well and that is why we would like to travel by RV in more of Europe, as well as Australia and New Zealand and of course eventually buy something smaller over here and drive down to South America. So many ideas and opportunities that we can choose from. :-)

  5. I traveled with a bag pack for 2 years in South East Asia. I can only highly recommend it to you. I had the time of my life. Stayed with the head hunters (Iban tribe) in their long houses on stilts in Sarawak, deep in the jungle of North Borneo. Or lived on a house boat on the Dal Lake near Srinagar in Kashmir or hired 2 guides and 2 horses and went up on the back of a horse for 4 days in the high mountains of Kashmir and slept in a tent. Took the bus for 40 hours to climb up to Leh/Ladakh. And much, much more. Unforgettable adventures. The best travel tips you'll get on the road from other backpackers. They are in no guide book. They were still a secret between backpackers and off the beaten path. Do it!

    1. Did you have a travel blog? I'd love to read it.

    2. No. My South-East Asia travels were in 1980 and then we or I didn't have a computer.

    3. Renate, those sound just like the experiences that we would love to do when we make our way over to Southeast Asia. You have given us lots of inspiration. :-)

  6. Did you ever see our book "All The Way To Argentina" about our drive, in a class A 1972 Pace Arrow with five kids, from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires then on to Rio. All through Mexico and Central America. Had to put the motorhome on a boat and we flew to Colombia Then continued drive down to Chile then across the Andes to Argentina. - We were the first motorhome to go to South America.

    1. No, we have never read your book but we have certainly heard about many of your adventures from others that have read the book. You really are adventurous to have taken on a trip like that way back when and with five kids in tow. Have you ever thought about doing it again?

    2. We thought about it in 2007 but only got to southern Mexico and decided it wasn't a good idea in a 40' diesel pusher and towing. Now in our early 80s it is just too late.

    3. Nope, we would never even think of making a trip past Mexico in a unit that big, probably a smart thing that you turned around when you did. We are definitely thinking of something small for that drive. I bet if you were to do the drive now, you would find a really big change from when you did it back then.

  7. I've been following several bicycle travelers all over the world, Mexico, South America, Africa, New Zealand, Europe, Central Asia. They all took fantastic photos and wonderful travel blogs. Unfortunately two were killed by Isis, intentionally run down by a car & then stabbed (see Simply Cycling, Roaming, and Wayupdown blogs) in Tajikistan. Wayupdown didn't believe in flying across oceans so they sailed other peoples boats to cross oceans. All young traveler. I've seen the world up close and sometimes dirty through their eyes...especially Simply Cycling blog/travels. I mostly follow RV travels to see North/South America, Canada, Mexico travels. A few RVers have been elsewhere too.

    Yes, go travel while you are still young and able to travel, hike, etc. Most of the travelers I follow have finished college, worked to save money, started traveling.

    1. We don't have any ambition to bicycle around the world but we have lots of admiration to those that do. We certainly don't have any qualms about traveling the world though and we will try to see as much of the world as we can while we are able, hopefully that will be a long time yet. :-)

  8. Sounds like some great plans, but I feel a little sad for Sherman:(

    1. We think they are as well and who knows we may still hold on to him, we will have to see how this next year goes first.

  9. Wherever you end up I will enjoy reading about your adventures!

  10. Thailand is somewhere I've always wanted to go but ours would have to be a short trip at our age.

    1. Who knows maybe once you get there you will find that you can do a longer trip, especially if you are able to find a nice apartment to rent for a few months in one spot rather than constantly being on the move. :-)

  11. Wow such exciting plans ahead. Rain is better than snow so enjoy. Have fun at the RV show. Be safe!

    1. We certainly hope so! :-)

      Yes, rain bets snow any day.

  12. Replies
    1. And Kevin and I were both happy to see you and Bernd. Thank you so much for having us. :-)

  13. I really dislike heat and humidity (and not real fond of bugs, either), so traveling in SE Asia wouldn't be any fun for me or anyone who can't stand the above.

    1. We don't care for hot, hot weather, the humidity or bugs but we have talked to people that have been to SE Asia and haven't found them to be a problem. Maybe it makes a difference in the time of year plus we always prefer the non-touristy locations so for us in places like that it would be the mountains where it is usually cooler. I guess we will see for ourselves whenever we decide to make our way there.


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