The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Lots to see once the fog cleared up!

Lots of photos from our day yesterday!

We said goodbye to Randy and Marilyn. Might be a while before we see them again! They always go to the Baja, and we will be doing mainland Mexico and the east coast for the next while. And we have no plans to come back to this area in the foreseeable future. Too bad, because we had lots of laughs. But, we're glad we were able to get together again. Thanks for the hospitality!

Then, we headed towards our ferry reservation.

Kevin, Ruth, Marilyn, and Randy.

It was a foggy start to the day. And we always try to avoid the interstate highways, so we found a back route that would have been really pretty... if we had been able to see anything!

 Twisty, windy road.

And fairly narrow in places!

Lots of curves!


Through the village of Edison.

Scenery along the way.

The tide is out, but we couldn't see the water!


 And then 20 minutes later, the fog was gone!

And then it turned into a nice day! 

We stopped and filled up with gas at an Indian Reserve gas station. They were selling at $3.25 USD a gallon ($1.14 CAD per liter), when everybody else in the area is above $3.50. 

Busy bridge at Deception Pass.

Traffic was a lot heavier than I thought it would be. I know it was a Sunday, I just didn't think it would be this busy. 

There was a parking area just before the bridge and we were lucky to get a spot for Sherman so that we could take a walk out onto the bridge and see the view.

View from Deception Pass Bridge.

Deception Pass State Park.

There were a bunch of trails in the park, and we would have loved to have gone for a hike. But we had a 1:15pm booking for the ferry, and they ask that you arrive between a half an hour and 45 minutes ahead of time. As it was, we had left Randy and Marilyn's at 10:30am, and we were already cutting it close! We travel so slowly...

Arrived at the ferry... at 12:40pm!

Here comes our boat!

The S.S. Kennewick.

The cost for the thirty minute crossing was $38.60 USD ($52.00 CAD) for the motorhome, the driver, and one passenger.

Despite cutting our arrival time close, Sherman was put in a lane with only one other RV in front of us and we were the second vehicle put on the boat. And, we were the first one off the boat!

There's Sherman's spot for the trip.

Exploring the ship. Nobody around on the top deck.

View from the top deck.

Here we go!

There's a campground right at the ferry port.

Heading towards Port Townsend.

Ruth, and the view.

Port Townsend.

The County Courthouse looks impressive!

We got off the ferry, and found somewhere to park. Randy and Marilyn had told us that Port Townsend is worth a visit to walk around town, and it was!

First place we walked up to was the county courthouse...

Yep, it is definitely impressive!
Built in 1893.

The Customs Building and Post Office were built around the same time.

So we're wandering around downtown, and there's an old garage. I take a peek inside, and it's not a garage anymore... it's more of a car museum... where everything is for sale! I thought maybe you had to pay to enter, but nope... you just go in and wander around.

Interesting stuff!

All kinds of automotive history.

1953 Morris Minor, with rare left hand drive.

We walked down to the waterfront...

An attractive bed and breakfast.

Gotta take some time to smell the flowers!

The marina.

Historical waterfront.

Lots of interesting architecture.

We stopped and did some grocery shopping, and then headed to the 7 Cedars Casino where we had read that you could overnight. Not a really scenic spot, but quiet enough for a night. However, the reason we stopped here is because there is a bicycle path on the opposite side of the highway and we're going to go for a bike ride this morning!

Yesterday's drive, 90 miles (144 kms).

The big 8 qt Instant Pot Ultra is at a record low price!

And in Canada...

Great deal on a Dremel Tool Kit


  1. That looks like my kind of scenery!!! Love the road! That would be lots of fun!!!

    1. We love those kinds of roads too, way better than any interstate! Too bad there was too much fog along that stretch though because I am pretty sure the scenery would have been beautiful.

  2. Nice. I was going to comment on the first two pics of the road. It looks very similar to a road we used to travel on in Slovenia. It too was a back road. That car museum was kinda cool. I think that vehicle in the back might be a '54 Chevy? My Dad had one for a number of years.

    1. Now we want to travel to Slovenia, if they have roads like this! These are the types of roads we love. :-)

      The car museum was interesting, even I enjoyed it. The old Morris Minor is exactly like the car my grandfather had in England, it was even the same colour, I loved that car.

  3. Glad you made it Safely to Townsend and had a chance to look around.
    Definitely a 54 Chevy and a 36 Ford Sedan by the Mini.

    It's about time.

    1. We enjoyed wandering around Townsend, it was definitely worth the stop.

      You may be correct on the Chevy and Ford but not the Mini, it is a Morris Minor although they did make a Mini it however is a different car to the Mini Cooper. My grandfather had one that was almost identical to this one, even in colour. I loved that little car.

  4. Replies
    1. The ferry ride was nice and smooth and even sunny, just about perfect. :-)

  5. Loving the maps to follow exactly where you are ..Thanks for sharing your adventures !

  6. Your trip through Edison, WA was only 2 miles West from our old home in Bow. Both the Longhorn & Edison Taverns have pretty good food. Glad you were able to venture to the Skagit Valley & Deception pass areas!!
    Wishing you two safe & wonderful adventures!!

    1. Yep, we were really close to Edison. We enjoyed our drive through the area. It would have been even better had the fog cleared up earlier but we still got to see Deception Pass without the fog so that was a bonus. :-)

  7. Wow, those old buildings are amazing! And that car museum is incredible too!


    1. We love the old architecture like that. The buildings had so much more character back then than many of them have now.

      Not really a car museum but it might as well have been. We enjoyed wandering through it. :-)

  8. We love Port Townsend. We once happened upon a Blues Festival there where you buy an armband and then move around town into various venues. Great fun!

    1. It is a pretty little town, we certainly enjoyed wandering around there. Sounds like you hit the town at the right time and had a lot of fun.

  9. Deception Pass, La Conner and Whidbey Island are our favorite places to visit! We have so much fun exploring around there. If you end up over by Langley at all, Village Pizzeria is so good! We once stayed at Port Orchard - just because we liked the name HAHA

    1. We wished we had more time to spend in the Deception Pass area. We would have loved to have done some hiking there but I am sure we will find lots of other wonderful places to hike. :-)

      No, we won't be in the Langley area, we are headed around the peninsula and then over to the Columbia River Gorge.


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