The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

A nice day with no driving

Woke up yesterday morning to the sound of birds singing... lots and lots of birds singing! They are here at sundown, and again at sunrise. Wonder where they go at other times. There are thousands of them! They are common grackles.

And then we spent the day working on Sherman. We never left the park!

Here are the birds...

Taken at 6:15am.

Sherman has been having more fridge problems. A week or so ago, I had cleaned the burner and everything was working great. But a couple of days ago, the temperature in the fridge was above where it should be. We have an indoor outdoor thermometer and we keep the outdoor sending unit inside the fridge so that we can constantly monitor the fridge temperature.

Given that I had just cleaned things, I thought we had a more serious problem. After all, the fridge is 23 years old! I thought maybe the cooling unit was going out.

But when we got to the park here, and plugged in, the fridge worked perfectly running on electric. So that made us feel better. If it works perfectly on electric, then there is some sort of problem with the gas operation.

I noticed that when it was running on gas, the burner didn't sound as loud as it should be. Usually we can hear it when it comes on, and this time I had to physically get closer to it to hear it.

So I took it apart again. There was a tiny bit of grit clogging part of the gas orifice! I had to use a magnifying glass to see it properly.  It's such a tiny hole... I used the tip of a needle to clean it, while making sure not to enlarge the opening itself.

Put it back together, and now it works perfectly once again!

Meanwhile, Ruth was giving the interior a good cleanup.

We did manage to go for a walk around the lake here at the park. They've done a really nice job on it, There is a .7 mile walking path around the lake, so we did that twice.

We're heading into Texas today, so another time zone change only a few miles away. We will then be only 1 hour behind eastern time. Hoping to do a fairly long drive, but we'll play it by ear. No idea where we're staying tonight.

The Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals continue...

Every model of Bounty Metal Detectors is at least half price today! I always thought this would be a good hobby for an RVer...

And in Canada...


  1. Langtry - the home of Judge Roy Bean, the 'Law West of the Pecos'. As you cross the bridge over the Pecos there is a turnout on the north side (a rest area a bit further on the south) both offer great views of the Pecos as it flows thru the steep walled canyon.

    1. We spent the night across the street from the Visitor's Center, we will go in and check out the museum this morning before moving on.

      We will make sure to stop and have a look at the Pecos River and the canyon, thanks for the heads up. We are also going to stop in at Seminole Canyon State Historical Park today.

  2. One really needs to be handy and inventive to own an rv and not have to pay the high repair bills (and wait to get in). Good problemsolving.

    1. Yep, you said it! Kevin is very mechanically minded and what he doesn't know we will check on the internet so see if he can find any helpful information to solve the problem. That in itself is a challenge though because there is a lot of misinformation on there to sort through first.

  3. It is amazing how Propane burners collect debris constantly.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your time in Texas.

    It's about time.

    1. Yes, especially as they get older! All you have to do sometimes is go over a bump for a little debris to fall down and cause a problem. Luckily over the years Kevin has learned a lot about the operation on our fridge and how to fix it.

  4. Nice that you got your fridge working again, amazing what a tiny spec of dirt can do. Travel safe.

    1. It was always working, it just wasn't working well but yes, it is nice that Kevin has it working normally again.


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