The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A great first full day in Mexico!

We wanted to do a walk yesterday morning here at Campestre Monte Sur, but Chris wanted to go at 7:00am, and Denise and Bob wanted to go at 9:00am. So in true Kevin and Ruth fashion, we went on both walks!

We did the same route each time, because we wanted to show Denise and Bob the same things that Chris had pointed out to us the first time around. We had 14 kms (8.6 miles) done before 10:30am!

And we were doing a good pace and there were some uphill sections too.

The Campestre is a privately held recreation park that divided itself into building lots. There are 4,000 lots... it's a big place. Probably 500 of them have been built on. But some are just empty bush, and others have some kind of structure. Some people live on their lot full time.

Chris said that it costs about 230,000 pesos ($11,400 USD, $15,000 CAD) to purchase a lot. Then, you have to pay a maintenance fee of about 500 pesos ($32 CAD, $25 USD)  a month to use the facilities and general upkeep of the property.

We were doing a good pace. 
No point in walking if you aren't getting your heart rate up.

This place fell down!

This guy was burning some brush.

There are all different kinds of structures allowed here, and in various stages of construction.

Here's one that is for sale.

There is a nice pond on the property.

And even a dinosaur. 
It's the only one, so we're not quite sure why it's here!

Another one being constructed.

This one is well looked after.

From the top of one of the hills.

Another nicely done property.

The common area.

On a hot summer weekend, this place is a zoo.

There are three big swimming areas.

It was overcast all day, and we even had a few drops of rain. Temperature was pleasant though around 20C (68F). Supposed to cool off a little more today going through the mountains.

Chris and Juan took us in their vehicle, along with four others from the group and we went into the small city of Montemorelos. They wanted to get Telcel SIM cards in their phones, and I needed an ATM. We also wanted to check on a restaurant because we do a group welcome dinner.

We found a Telcel distributor, but it was not an client service center. Still, they were able to get us set up. Telcel has a great promotion on right now where you get double the number of gigabytes in any particular plan. So it costs 100 pesos ($6.50 CAD, $4.95 USD) for the new SIM card and then you can activate a plan of your choice. The best value is for 500 pesos ($32.50 CAD, $24.75 USD) and you get unlimited calling and text messages for all of North America, as well as 5 GB of data. But right now, you get 10 GB of data. And, you can use your phone as a hot spot. What a great deal.

Then we went to an ATM, and then we went looking for a restaurant. Not much choice of something higher end here, but we settled on one spot where the guy had a sense of humor and was going to set things up just for our group. It still wasn't exactly what we had in mind, but we wanted to treat Chris and Juan for arranging our stay at the Campestre.

Happy hour!

We had a short drivers meeting and Q&A session at happy hour. We're heading to Matehuala today (Tuesday), a drive of about 270 kms (167 miles). But it's through the mountains so some sections will be slow going.

Nice rustic spot.

They even put some Christmas decor out for us.

The Fonda San Miguel restaurant in Montemorelos.

The restaurant is not licensed, but he said "no problem, you can bring your own alcohol!". Have we mentioned that we love Mexico? 

They supplied us with three food choices... Enchiladas Suisse, Bistek Ranchero, and Tacos Piratas the third item.

Including Chris and Juan, there were 14 of us. (Brian and Kathy are fighting colds and they decided to stay behind.) Everybody enjoyed their meal, and we were all stuffed. The total bill for the group including tip was 1,700 pesos ($83 USD, $110 CAD). Yes, that is $5.95 USD, $7.85 CAD per person. But of course that didn't include any drinks because we all brought our own.

Like I said, not really what we intended for our welcome dinner for the group, but we will do it again when everybody can join in.

A great first full day in Mexico! And now, we're off to Matehuala for three nights!

Big selection of outdoor games on deal of the day today...

And in Canada...


  1. I always wonder at the number of homes and buildings that seem to be under construction in Mexico, as if they work on the homes as time and money permit. The economist in me wonders if availability of credit is the reason, or if Mexicans just prefer to build houses for themselves.

    1. I think that is exactly what happens with most homes or building, they add as they get the funds for the materials and the labour. Many Mexicans don't use credit, at least in the smaller towns and villages, in the big cities it is a little different. And yes, they can get loans or mortgages from the bank but I think many houses are built without the use of them.

  2. Brian and Kathy sound like us. Every time we come south we get Colds. It's alike your body has to readjust to different Allergies and Climates then it's a repeat when we head home.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I think it is just a bit of trying to get lots done in a short time and their bodies got rundown a little. Brian was fine, it was Kathy who wasn't doing so well but when you live in close quarters it is almost inevitable that the other will catch it, which I am sure you are aware of. They are both starting to feel a little better now.

  3. Can I say how very jealous we are????? Going down to minus 6/7 tonight. Love me a Canadian winter and it's not really even "officially" here yet!! Hugs to you guys and Chris & Juan. Enjoy......

    1. You guys need to quit work and get yourselves down here. Hopefully that will happen next winter. :-)

      Thanks for the hugs, we would have passed them on the the guys but they have headed on back home and we have headed further south.

  4. Looks like a successful first day in Mexico

  5. It was great having the caravan with us. We haven't seen Ruth and Kevin for a long time. Still so much to talk about.

    Anyone who comes through this route is welcome to stay with us, as always.

    1. Thank you once again Chris and Juan! We had a great time and so did the rest of the group.

      You are right we had so much to catch up on and I still don't think we covered everything. It was so good to see you both again and spend some good quality time with you.

      Thanks for throwing out the offer to other RVers as well. :-)


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