View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Beach time

Went to a few different beaches yesterday. We were actually trying to check out some tour prices for the group. We were thinking of doing either a dolphin/whale watching tour, or a trip out to see the bio-luminescence effect in the lagoon near here.

There aren't many places in the world where you can see the bio-luminescence... Ruth and I saw a similar effect in South Africa.

First, we walked down to Puerto Angelito...

It's a pretty little beach.

Ruth at Puerto Angelito.

Then, we went with Bob and Denise over to Playa Zicatela. Silvia's brother in law owns a beach restaurant there, so we went to say hello and to make sure they could do dinner for the group later on.

Denise, Bob, and Kevin.

We made arrangements to go back around dinner time for the sunset. Ten of us made the trip over there.

Surfers waiting for the wave.

The beach was still pretty busy at sunset.

Playa Zicatela at Puerto Escondido.

 Sunset at the beach.

Today, we're headed over to Silvia's house for a cooking lesson... she is going to make us pollo a la barbacoa.

Nice price drop on the Outland Firebowl Propane Firepit.

And in Canada...


  1. Vieques, the small island off the coast of Puerto Rico where we lived for 6 years has the number one rated bioluminescent bay in the world. Incredible place and hard to describe what it was like kayaking and swimming there at night. Always special.

    1. We are looking forward to going this evening. The lagoon here is supposed to be great for it as well. We even get to go swimming in it.

  2. Looks like you guys are enjoying coastal life. Just back from Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo - disliked Ixtapa but absolutely loved Zihuatanejo - our new favorite Mexican town (tied with Mazatlan as that was the first place in Mexico I ever went). Loved it so much we are going to go back sometime in the next 2 years. It took a bit to get used to the 30-31 degree heat though.

    1. Yes, we are enjoying the beach life but we still love the mountains better and can't wait to get back up there in them.

      Ixtapa is a purpose made tourist destination so it really isn't a Mexican town, Zihuatanejo is though and it still holds lots of Mexican charm. We quite like it there as well but Puerto Escondido is still our favourite Mexican beach town. :-)

  3. Making me wish we were there right now as the temps are cooling off again.
    Better here then home with the Polar Vortex.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. It really is quite pretty here and we are enjoying it but we are looking forward to getting back up into the mountains again and away from the heat and the bugs. However, we would take this weather and the bugs over the very cold temperatures that they are getting back home!

      Hope you are getting the warm weather back soon.

  4. Hola, did anyone notice the size of that Margarita in the photo....nice! viva Mexico!

  5. Great beaches! Ruth, that is a great picture of you! You look great!

    1. Thank you Chris! The beaches are around Puerto Escondido are beautiful. :-)

  6. Looks like our kind of beach - not so crowded - neat! Love the pic of you, Ruth!!!

    1. It's not crowded because it was still early in the morning I bet it gets busier as the day moves on. Puerto Angelito is known to be one of favourites for the local Mexicans. Sunday would be the really busy day at this beach. :-)


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