View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Doctors still make house calls in Mexico!

We hung around the RVs yesterday morning. One of our group came down with a bug of some kind, and his wife ended up getting the same thing. We asked around if we could get a doctor to make a house call, and sure enough that's exactly what happened.

Just before noon, the doctor arrived. 

He did an inspection of both patients, and prescribed some medication. Total cost of the house call? 

700 pesos ($50 CAD, $37 USD).

I love Mexico.

After lunch, Ruth and I went for a walk with Bob and Denise. We did have a couple of destinations in mind, so we knew it would be a bit of a walk. We ended up doing 14 kms (8.7 miles) and we were gone for three hours.

There is always some kind of religious display.

A different view of the Spanish church built on top of the Aztec pyramid.

The first church we stopped at is in San Francisco Acatepec.

Entrance to the church property. 

El Templo de San Francisco Acatepec

The entire facade is finished in Talavera tiles.

It's a beautiful church.

The interior was very ornate, but unfortunately there is no photography allowed inside. We walked another kilometer or so to another community. The second church was the same thing, and they were doing some repair work on it. 

In the town of Santa Maria Tonantzintla

Another religious display.

But as I said, again there was no interior photography allowed. Too bad, because upon entering the church, you are hit with a spectacular display of religious imagery. Totally amazing.

Making our way back to Cholula, we passed a gas station. There is a lot in the news right now about the gasoline situation in Mexico. The new president has shut down some pipelines to send a message to the cartels that fuel theft is no longer acceptable. So fuel is now being trucked to some locations that were previously serviced by the pipelines. And some areas of the country are being affected by gasoline shortages and long lineups at the pumps.

No problems in this area though.

I spoke to one of the gas attendants and he said that it is business as usual and they have had no problems getting their fuel shipments.

You can see it looks a little cloudy!

This is the first day since we crossed the border December 2 that we have seen rain. We timed it perfectly and didn't get rained on during our walk, but it had already rained at the RV park, and it started raining again. It actually came down pretty hard for an hour or so.

Oh... yesterday morning when we opened the front curtains, Ruth spotted an odd looking vehicle through the trees. We went out to have a closer look...

The Pangeo Tours Hotel Bus.

Turns out this is a Czech run tour company. Unfortunately, all of the participants were all seated up and ready to go. Too bad...we wanted to talk to them. They arrived late the night before, and were headed out at just after 8:00am! We did talk to the leader for a minute, but he seemed in a rush. They are going into Belize and Guatemala and it's a 30 day trip.

Can you imagine 15 strangers all living together in this thing for a month? Well, good for them. At least they are out seeing the world.

Today, we are taking our group into the city of Puebla.

Record low price on this Champion Generator...

And in Canada...


  1. A 30 day bus trip with strangers would be my total nightmare, we can't even handle being on a cruise ship with other people lol. Feel like cattle.

    1. Doing a tour this way wouldn't be our thing either but at least they are getting out and seeing the world. Thirty days to visit Mexico, Belize and Guatemala is not enough time. They must spend the majority of their time sitting in the bus!

  2. What a fantastic trip! I'm sure your group knows how lucky it is to have you two as wagon masters.
    I'm guessing from the pictures that all of your vehicles run on gasoline. Do you know what the diesel situation is? We painted ourselves into a corner by getting a Sprinter-based MH that requires ULSD. But if you do this again next year, we might just try to sign up if the fuel situation looks OK.
    Thanks for taking us all along on your adventures!

    1. The diesel situation is fine. ULSD is available all over Mexico now.

  3. You're right -- those are beautiful churches.

    1. We think we have seen the best of the best when it comes to the churches and then we see something like this and we get "wowed" again!


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