View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Last day in Tepotzotlan

It was our last day at Pepe's RV Park. We spent the morning relaxing, and then after lunch a bunch of us walked into town to see the World Heritage Virreinato National Museum here in Tepotzotlan.

The building itself was a Jesuit College, built in the early 1600's. The attached Church of San Francisco Javier was built between 1670 and 1682. It is likely one of the most ornate churches we have ever seen, all of the alter pieces are carved of white cedar and adorned with 23 1/2 karat gold leaf.

The church is no longer used for religious services and is now part of the museum.

Looking up!

An odd statue outside.

On the grounds, there is this old structure.

It took some research because there are no plaques or descriptions. This is the original Mexico City water cistern, made in 1779. It was going to be destroyed when they put in Metro Line 1 back in the 1960's, and it was moved here to Tepotzotlan to preserve it.

At happy hour, our hosts here at Pepe's Hotel and RV Park threw a going away party for us.

Entrance to Pepe's at GPS 19.72325, -99.22055

Ruth, with our hosts.
Raul, Edith, Ruth, and Benjamin.

It's been a great stay here at Tepotzotlan, but it is time to move on. I think next year we need 10 days here instead of 7. Still too much to see in the area!

Today, we move on to the Puebla suburb of Cholula. It's not really that far away, but to avoid Mexico City, we need to go north, then around to the east and south to Cholula. About a 230 km (143 mile) drive. We are up early and hitting the road at 7:30am to avoid traffic in Tepotzotlan.


And in Canada...


  1. Definitely too much to remember about Mexico unless you experience it First Hand.
    Having visited Pepe's before it is like leaving family behind.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Mexico is absolutely amazing, there is so much to see all over the country and the history is so interesting, as well as the architecture, the people, the food and the culture. You definitely have to experience it in order to understand it, unfortunately the majority of people that visit Mexico only spend time at the coast and miss all these wonderful places that are inland.

  2. It is almost as if you need as much time near Mexico City as you spent at Valle de Bravo, or in the future spend slightly less at Valle. Yes, we realize that the holidays extended your time at Valle.

    1. Yes, we certainly need to add more time to our schedule for this area but we would never take it off of Valle de Bravo because there is also lots there to see and it is also one of our favourite places in Mexico. If we did a caravan again, maybe we would just have to make the trip longer! :-)

  3. Love your trip! Thanks for sharing so generously in your blog, that I follow every day! Each time you reflect about what you would do next year, I hope to be part of your caravan!

    1. So glad that you are enjoying our journey through Mexico.

      Lol, it is funny that we keep saying what we would do next time, without even deciding whether we will be doing it again. I think there are quite a few people who would like to join us if we do indeed decide to do another one. It is going to be a hard decision on who will get to go!


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