
Thursday, February 7, 2019

Boat tour and birds

Yesterday, we took 10 members of the group and booked a boat tour of the lagoon on the opposite side of Pie de la Cuesta.

The price was 150 pesos ($7.90 USD, $10.50 CAD) per person for what was billed as a three hour tour. We arranged it for a 10am start.

The boat came right over to the area opposite the campground and picked us up.

Getting on the boat.

And we're off! 

The water was really calm.

Lots of birds.

Brown pelicans.

And white ones too.

A fisherman in his rickety old boat.

Over to Bird Island.

Pelican Rock.

Then the driver brought us to an island where there was a restaurant and tried to get us to go have lunch, but nobody was hungry. I hadn't even brought any extra money! I think he was a little surprised by the fact that nobody wanted to go, but we didn't know about the restaurant stop or we might have planned differently. We figured out that this stop was part of the three hours, and so when we didn't go it brought it down to two hours. But that was fine anyhow.

Island restaurant stop.

Heading back.

Pleasant way to spend a couple of hours on the lagoon. After lunch, I had a short nap, and then Ruth and I played some backgammon before happy hour. Just a relaxing day.

Another Acapulco sunset.

This morning, we're off early at 7:30am to our next destination at La Barrita, about 40 kms south of Zihuataneo. This is a new stop for Ruth and I where a Canadian couple has built a small RV park called Casa Rayo del Sol.


And in Canada...


  1. Sounds like a lovely afternoon - all except the intended money pit stop lol.

    1. It was actually a lovely morning and yes, every tour has to have those money pit stops, lol! :-)

  2. Love the serenity in the pictures.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your next adventure.

    It's about time.

    1. Thanks, it was a beautiful calm morning out on the lagoon. :-)


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