View of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? On the bus from San Miguel de Allende to Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Mexico City, Mexico on Sunday!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Saying goodbye to Tioga George

Sad news out this morning that long time vagabonder supreme Tioga George has passed away. I guess his family was finally able to post on his blog...

We first met George here in Mexico in 2013.

At the time, he was still driving Miss Tioga...

With George in 2013.

But George had a heart problem, and was lucky to survive an accident that destroyed Miss Tioga. He thought maybe he was getting too old for the vagabonding lifestyle and he moved into an apartment in San Diego.

He invited us to visit him in his apartment while we were in San Diego in April of 2016...

George, at his San Diego apartment.

But George was not happy living in an apartment. And eventually he found a way to get back on the road with a little travel trailer he named Scampy. We saw that we were in the same area and invited George and Scampy to come and visit us last September and he made a detour to come and see us.

George and Scampy in September 2018.

We're glad that we were able to spend a few days with George last September. He was an interesting guy who did things his way no matter what other people thought. We're glad that we could call him a friend. 

George Lehrer was 81 years old.


  1. I am so sorry about your friend - he seemed to do what he wanted to do though right to the end

    1. Thank you, we were sorry to hear the news as well. He will certainly be missed by many but it is comforting to know that he was doing what he loved right up to the end.

  2. Always enjoyed reading his blog and will miss him. RIP George!

  3. Sorry to hear and we send our condolences to his family. It looks like he lived a good life and glad he found happiness on the road. Enjoy your day

    1. Well said! He did live a good life and he loved what he was doing.

  4. Sorry to hear about your friend Tioga George. He could easily be an inspiration to vagabonders like him. He appeared to live his life his way! May he Rest In Peace.

    1. Thank you Lynnette! He definitely was an huge inspiration to many people, including ourselves, he will be missed.

  5. Tioga George was amazing! He lived as he wanted and had a huge heart. I learned so much from George over the years. RIP, my friend.

  6. It's nice too see George with Ms.Tioga. I was the person who recommended to him that he have the mural painted on the side to commemorate his love for the area. We discussed how much he should pay. I told him whatever he thought it was worth to him, and agreeable with the artist.

    1. So glad that you made the suggestion to him because that was a lovely picture and a nice touch on Ms. Tioga.

  7. So sorry to hear this. I never read his blog but did enjoy his comments on yours. A very cool guy! Happy trails to him forevermore!

  8. He is a legend, one of the first blogs I read. May he rest in peace, he was an inspiration to many and was a wonderful storyteller. Glad you were able to meet him in person.

    1. We were glad to have been able to meet him several times over the years, definitely an inspiration.

      His and his blog will certainly be missed by many.

  9. So sorry to hrear of his passing, he was one of the first blogs I read when we started out fulltiming all those years ago. He had a great run:)

    1. Same with us, his was definitely the first Rving blog that we started following. George and his blog will be missed.

  10. Great pictures! It's been so interesting to read all the blogs of people who met and spent time with George. Thanks for sharing yours.

    1. We agree, and he certainly met lots of people over the years.

  11. Another wandering star in the heavens..... RIP George. You will be missed by many.

    1. That is a very nice way to look at it! He will definitely be missed. :-(

  12. I hope he knows how much we miss him!


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