Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Austin to Ottawa... the scenic route!

Well, we are back "home" in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Despite the fact that we haven't spent very much time here in the last 12 years, we still consider it home.

Let me tell you how we got here...

Wednesday night at Bastrop State Park, we had a LOT of rain overnight.

On Thursday, we left Bastrop State Park and went into town to find a laundromat and get everything cleaned up. We did most of our clothes and all of the bedding.

Downtown Bastrop.

When we finally finished with all the laundry, we headed out to Tom's rural property where we were going to be storing Sherman. Ruth was a little worried that all the rain would have made the entranceway to Tom's place a little muddy, but I was confident that Sherman could get his way in there.

I was wrong!

I tried three times and just couldn't get in. It was just too greasy!


Almost got stuck.

But Sherman has never got stuck in his life, and he wasn't about to let it happen now!

I managed to get us backed up onto the road again and we made out way to a church next door where we waited until I could contact Tom and ask about plan B.

We decided to drive about 15 minutes over to Tom's parents place where they have a big ranch with a graveled drive. We parked Sherman there for the time being, and Tom will drive Sherman back to his property when things dry up.

So, we overnighted Thursday night at Tom's parents yard.

Well, most of overnight anyhow... we were up at 3:30am in order to get to Austin airport in time for our 7:00am flight to Los Angeles.

"Los Angeles? I thought you were going to Ottawa?" I'm sure is what you're thinking.

Yes, but we like to fly cheap! There had been an oddball flight from Austin to Ottawa on sale a couple of months ago. For $169 CAD ($128 USD). But, it connected through Los Angeles and Calgary. These types of routes make no sense to anybody including airline employees... but for the price we were willing to do it. After all, a normal price for this flight might be around $350 each one way. For that kind of saving, we can put up with taking all day to get there.

And all day it was!

Austin to Ottawa... the scenic route!

Everything went totally smoothly and all three flights were on schedule. We left Austin at 7:00am, and arrived in Ottawa at midnight!

Waiting with our new carry on bags at LAX.

Austin airport is really nice. LAX in Los Angeles is a disaster. Or at least the part we saw in the Delta terminal. Too busy and not enough seats for everybody. What a zoo. Calgary's is quite nice as well. Lots of comfortable seating.

On our Westjet flight from Los Angeles to Calgary.

Our daughter Lindsey was there to pick us up in Ottawa just after midnight. Wet, rainy, and cold in Ottawa, but they are calling for above average beautiful weather for Sunday and Monday so we'll take what we get.

Was it a tiring day? Yep... but worth it to us for the money saving. 

So, we will visit with family and friends for the next two and a half weeks.

Off to pick up our car rental this morning!

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And in Canada...


  1. Kudos to y'all for taking the frugal way out, even though it was a tough one. I have to say, that was about the most bass-ackward flight path I have ever seen!! If nothing else, it makes for a great story. Enjoy the family and I can't wait for the Australia chronicles. I follow several kangaroo sanctuaries on IG and have fallen in love with the country.

    1. We are all about frugal and getting the best deal we can! Luckily we both love flying and everything that goes with it! :-) Yep, that flight plan definitely didn't make a lot of sense but there must be a bit of reason to their madness or at least you would like to think so.

      We will enjoy our family time here in Ottawa and it is already a busy weekend for us!

      We are looking forward to writing about the great adventures that we will have down under, it should be pretty interesting.

  2. Good Heavens that really is a long round about flight path. And airlines complain they can't make any money, no wonder why. :cO

    1. Yep, it certainly didn't make a whole lot of sense to us but because the price was really good, we were up for the challenge!

      You would have to think that the airline knows what they are doing but it does make you shake your head!

  3. Glad you made it. Frequent fliers love those type of routes (except Westjet just gives you dollars based on how much you spent)

    1. We were just happy to get a cheap flight back home. We had the time and we like flying so although it was a very long day, it was worth it. :-)

  4. I'm really excited to follow this next adventure!

    1. You will have to put up with some family time first!

  5. LOL you probably were better off with that route seeing flights in eastern usa were cancelled due to weather. Satellite showed heavy cloud cover through mid states up into Ottawa, Canada and into New England. Other bloggers write they experience heavy rain and hail in mid states.

    1. Hard to say how the flights that way would have been as flights were still leaving as usual from all the airports we were at, didn't sound like there were any delays for those heading east.

  6. Ah the MILK route, we always too Greyhound like this as well (they had direct Greyhound but why waste the money when you have the time?). How long are you in Ottawa before heading to Australia? I heard that this time of the year is very smart to visit Aust because it's their winter so the temps won't be too hot. So nice to spend some time with your family first before launching out again :)

    1. We are in Ottawa until May 8th, then we fly to Calgary and rent a car where we will head to Cabri, Saskatchewan for a visit before heading back to Calgary for our flight to Australia on May 16th.

      Yes, the temperatures will be cool but not cold and yes, we won't be there when it is super hot which we are quite happy about.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Lynnette, and the same to you and Paul.

  8. We were in that same Delta terminal just 24 hours earlier. So, we almost managed a mini-meetup!

    We flew direct to DC, and our flight was very bumpy. I think you guys may have had a much better flight going due north first, then east!

    1. That's too bad, it would have been nice to have met up with you two again, even if it was just for a couple of hours.

      Our flights were pretty smooth, not too much turbulence. Glad you made it to D.C. ok, enjoy your time there. The cherry blossoms should be beautiful right about now!

  9. Agreed, that or ice and snow! We were glad that we didn't get stuck either, it would have been hard to have pulled Sherman out if we had because of his fiberglass front end.

  10. Happy Easter to you and Kevin! We are still in Texas and it is still windy and cool in the morning, but warm during the day! Enjoy your family!

    1. Thank you Susan! I hope you and Roy had a great Easter too. Did Roy have to do a beer can hunt in the morning, lol?

      Glad that you are at least having some warm weather, it's a not been the greatest weather here so far. Our fingers are crossed that it will improve of the next few days.


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