Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Saturday, May 4, 2019

You probably noticed some advertising

While we've been having some downtime here, I've been getting caught up on some things that we just don't have time to do when we're off traveling. I know it's a little boring for you right now (I can tell from our lower blog statistics!), but we'll be back in the air on Wednesday and off to have more adventures.

One of those things was to look for a new advertising partner for this website.

Advertising is just a fact of life... it's everywhere, and you can't get away from it. So, as much as I like the clean look of our blog without advertising, from a financial point of view it doesn't make sense not to have it.

Because quite simply, it's income.

And that's what helps us to continue to travel full time, and therefore have lots of adventurous stories to tell you!

But, the many ads you are seeing right now are just a test. It takes about six weeks to test the profitability of the various ad styles. Then, the less profitable placements are removed. So, just bear with us for a while... it will be a work in progress for the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, we've still been visiting with friends and relatives which of course was the purpose of our trip back to this area.

Today, we meet up with an Ottawa couple who have just sold their home and moved their worldly possessions into a 35 ft Class A motorhome. A full report tomorrow! Then, we're off to a house party with my guy friends and their wives... should be a fun evening! Sunday, it's lunch with my mom and sisters, then Monday we have to bring the car rental back and we'll spend Tuesday at our daughter's house with the grandkids. Wednesday morning early, we fly to Calgary.

The weather is improving... there is some blue sky today and they are calling for a high of 16C (61F), and improving to sunny and 20C (68F) tomorrow!

DEIK Block Kitchen Knife Set. Take 38% off using coupon code TNDBYEP4 at checkout.

And in Canada...

Check out the deals at Amazon.ca


  1. Morning, at least your weather looks better, we had more snow again in the Edmonton area, just a dusting, and again overnight. Soooo sick of it, I want to go camping. We won't see any warmer temps until middle of next week and finally some sun.

    1. We actually had a half decent weekend but after today the weather is supposed to cloud over and cool off once more. Looks like the weather out west should improve by our arrival on Wednesday and that it is only going to get better. Our fingers are crossed for your sake and ours. :-)

  2. Gotta do what ya gotta do! Good luck with the advertising!

    1. We will try it out for a while and see if it is worth it or not. If we find that it isn't or that we are losing readers because of it, we will need to reevaluate the situation.

  3. I will read your blog no matter the advertising. Like you said, it's a shame not to make some extra money to further your travels and in return, more vicariously living for us. I haven't seen any ads yet, but I promise they won't bother me. I'm sure whoever you end up choosing as a partner will be great as I can only imagine the research and due diligence you have put into it.

    1. Thanks for your support Jenlee. But if you are not yet seeing ads, I'm guessing you have some kind of ad blocker turned on, even if you don't know it. Which is fine... I don't blame you either!

  4. I don't think ads are the end of the world - with your nomadic lifestyle multiple income streams are necessary! Anyone who is a regular reader will understand

    1. No they aren't the end of the world but they can be annoying. And, yes having this kind of lifestyle, it does help to have multiple income streams as you put it. Thanks for understanding. :-)

  5. I know you like honesty Kevin. I really am not a fan of it. I get it, but not a fan. Your blog has always had a nice clean look. I am seeing ads everywhere I look on it. I know I can go and "block" them but then you end up with a big "Ad closed by Google"box. Seeing the Semrush in 5 places is a bit much. I'll be seeking out a blocker of some sort for sure. Of course I will always tune in....Like I said, I get it. Sometimes it's just business.

    1. I agree with you Nancy and Doug.

    2. Yep... it's just business.

      And remember, this is just a test for the next few weeks.

      Of course, we could always start a fund to keep the site ad free. Perhaps those of you who don't like the ads would be willing to contribute...?

  6. I guess I have a good ad blocker, I don't see the ads. I wouldn't mind though, everyone has to make a living. Never a fault to make more money!

    1. And we certainly wouldn't fault anyone for using an ad blocker. :-)

  7. Ads make the world go 'round. Frankly, I can see them, but my eyes just jump to the next text. Most of us will still be here--can't miss the next adventure.

    1. I tend to be the same when it comes to seeing ads, I seem to put on blinders when I am reading blogs or something else that includes ads because most of the time I know they are there but I just don't notice them unless they are jumping around and flashy, then I start find them annoying.

  8. I didn't even notice them until you pointed them out to me, lol! I guess I see them on so many blogs now I don't even notice them anymore

    1. Yep, I am much the same when it comes to seeing ads on blogs. It does seem to be the norm more and more. Anyways, we will see how this goes for a few months and if we find that the money isn't worth it, then we will remove them.

  9. When you need money and opportunity knocks, grab it :-) The ads don't bother me at all. Some of those ads might be useful i.e. I see camping equipment and travel bags, discounts etc. on some blogs. Some blogs advertise themselves especially pointing out where to eat and stay, the website addresses, email etc. I love that and same those that I think I might try. I recently saved a B&B advertised by a blogger in France. I checked the website and they B&B is very reasonable...a castle no less with a French cook!! My daughter and her friend are traveling to France in a couple of months so I shared the info with her. Anyway, I hope you pick the best ads.

    1. Glad to hear that you aren't bothered by them and that in fact you have found them to be helpful. BTW, we don't get to pick the ads, they picked by algorithms.

  10. I did a search over the weekend on behalf of my niece and her partner, regarding whether a few countries they were planning to visit were same-sex friendly. As a result of those lovely search engine cookies, I can't even begin to describe the ads I 'enjoyed' here yesterday when I popped in to read your daily post as a result. Good intentions and all that . . . LOL!

    Hoping more recent searches for home decor ideas will erase those prior cookies and replace ads here with some less blush-worthy! :-)

    1. Oh my, that could be a little embarrassing. It is amazing what the algorithms will search out. I am sure the ads will be better suited with your search for home decor. :-)

  11. Tamara, you should be able to go into your settings and clear your cookies. :)

    1. That is a good suggestion Sarah!

    2. Sarah, thank you for the reminder, It did give me pause here, until I figured out why!

  12. Wow!...I was going to say something about the ads, then I read a past post, do what you have to do, but overloaded down here...Takes waaaaay time to view your adventures...Guess I'll just wait it out and see what develops...
    Safe and fun travel wishes for you..
    David Evans

    1. For the first few weeks they are just testing to see what ad placements work best so it should settle down and we also want to see if it is worth it to us or not. I have started to learn to block a lot of it out and just read the text and look at the pictures.


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