Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, July 5, 2019

A nice day with some chores accomplished

It's not all fun and games for us RV'ing here in Australia. We still have to get things done... cleaning, maintenance, that sort of thing!

And with another beautiful day in store for us, we decided to stay put and get some of these things done.

When I had installed the new floor in the camper, it wasn't warm enough or dry enough to properly do the caulking around the edges. I had bought the product, and some tape and a cheap caulking gun and was just waiting for a dry day with lots of sunshine to be able to do the job and give it a chance to cure a bit before it cools off again at night.

Today was that day!

But even though they forecast sunshine and blue skies, we woke up to fog. And the fog didn't totally burn off until after 10:30am.

But then it was nice and sunny for the rest of the day.

We did manage to get out for a walk...

The info center.

Didn't take any other photos though.

After lunch, I tried to repair a minor problem I'm having with Bundy. When refueling, the fuel goes in very slowly. If you try to put in in faster, the automatic shutoff activates on the filling nozzle. It's very annoying. 

So, I've read that it could be a plugged vent from the fuel tank. But I took off some hoses and checked them and nothing seems blocked. I also read where this is a common problem with these type of vehicles here in Australia because the filler neck is not on much of an angle to the gas tank and it senses the fumes backing up before the product can get into the tank. 

Anyhow, I couldn't find any problems so maybe will stop at a mechanic one day and ask some questions.

While I was doing that, Ruth was reorganizing her kitchen cupboards. For such a small rig, this camper has really good cupboard and drawer space.

A place for everything, and everything in its place!

The spice drawer.

Oh, and we've also been busy interviewing the applicants for our next Mexico RV Caravan. We spoke to four different couples and a single fellow over the last few days. Only one more applicant to talk to, and then we can make a decision. Based on the interviews, any of these people would be a great addition to the trip. They all understand what they're in for, and they're all still wanting to come with us! It's going to be an exciting trip, and we're looking forward to showing some more new people what it is we love about Mexico.

But... there are only three spots available. We should be able to come to a firm decision over the weekend. Some tough choices to be made, as well as some rolling of the dice!

Tomorrow, we move on again... but not very far. Lots of free camping in this area. And, the nice weather is supposed to continue through the weekend, with a chance of some rain Sunday overnight.

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And in Canada...


  1. So organized, love how you recycle and re-use the containers instead of buying new plastic ones like some people do. Inspired!!!

    1. Trying to be but I still have a bit to do yet. I always try to reuse containers whenever possible. The ice cream containers were gifted to me by one of our Australian hosts. :-)

  2. Great spice cabinet for a camper. Perhaps those that want to come this year and can't can make it next year or be backup in case of any cancellations.

    1. Yes, we have thought about doing that already, regarding those that don't get picked for this trip. However, we are never sure what next year will bring. :-)

  3. They're going to love the caravan. Can't wait to see who they are and where they're from.

    1. Yes, I think whoever gets picked will love this trip. We can't wait to see who they are either, they all sound perfect for the trip. :-)


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