Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

We have decided for sure that we will be selling our Australian RV...

The main reason we are here at the holiday park is because I had some internet work to do. I manage a group RV deals page on facebook, and of course we are in the middle of "Prime Days" with Amazon. So it's a busy time.

And, while I can run this group no matter where we are in the world, it is a little more inconvenient when we are in this part of the world.

So I was up until about 1:00am our time last night, then grabbed a quick 4 hour sleep, and up again at 5:00am, then grabbed a quick 2 hour sleep.

In the afternoon, I had another 2 hour sleep while Ruth went out for a walk. All of these photos are taken by Ruth...

The boardwalk behind the campground.

A tug boat was heading out to help guide a ship into the harbor.

Here comes the ship!

There was a tug boat, and a pilot guiding the ship.

Interesting to watch.

Ruth walked all the way to the point on the left.

Still guiding the ship.

Flowering aloe plant.

The guide boat and tug boat coming into port.

Nice view.

I had just woken up from my afternoon nap when Ruth got back. She proceeded to make a shepherd's pie from some of the left over roast lamb from the night before.

Shepherd's pie, ready to eat!

We've decided for sure that we are going to sell our Australian RV. I'll be advertising it publicly at some point over the next week, but if anybody here is interested ahead of time, send us a note. Price for truck and camper unit combined is $23,500 AUD firm. (Approx $21,600 CAD, $16,600 USD, or 14,700 euros). 

Amazon Prime Day continues...

Prime Day deals at Amazon.com

And in Canada...

Prime Day deals at Amazon.ca


  1. What made you decide to sell?

    1. It just made sense to! If were keep it, it means storage fees and then we also would feel that we have to come back next year. We know that we want to come back and see more of Australia but not necessarily next year, perhaps in three or four years time we would like to come back. There are still so many countries out there that we want to explore that we don't want to feel tied down to just here because of the fact that we have the truck camper here. We can always buy another one next time we come. If it doesn't sell then we will be back to use it again next year. We really have enjoyed our travels in Bundy and Joyce.

  2. what is the group RV deals site you manage, Kevin ? selling RVs ? or deals for stuff for RVs? thanks...sorry I am a bit late to read this page. Out enjoying the wilds of British Columbia this summer

    1. It is called "Camping and RV Gear Deals" on Facebook. No, it doesn't sell RV's just RV and camping stuff and sometimes other items if they are an exceptionally good deal.

      Glad that you are out enjoying nature, especially in British Columbia. :-)


There are more comments on our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TravelwithKevinAndRuth