The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

One week to go!

We've been here in Ottawa area for 5 weeks now. Normally my limit would be 3 weeks, but we've been so busy that time has gone by quickly. Right now we're looking after the grandkids and Chester the dog, but Mom and Dad return home from New York City tomorrow.

This morning we have to take them to swimming lessons, and then Cameron has his karate lesson right after that. Then we are all going to visit my mom.

And a week from tomorrow we fly to Ecuador. Oh, speaking of which I booked four of our eight nights in Galapagos renting a private room with bathroom in a private house of a local family who live there...for $22.50 ($30 CAD) per night for the two of us on the island of San Cristobal.

It's basic, but it's all we need or want.

We are undecided about what to do with the other four nights. We're still thinking about it but we may just wing it and make plans once we are there.

Yesterday while the kids were in school we drove up to Arnprior and took Ruth's dad out for lunch to the Antrim Truck Stop. Not a place we would normally go, but he enjoyed the outing. It's good to get him out of "the home".

Not much else going on. Enjoy your weekend!

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  1. i can literally hear your fingers drumming the table in anticipation, Kevin. So excited to follow along on your Galapagos adventures, as this is still on our bucket list. We've been to Ecuafor, which we absolutely loved, but not yet it's amazing Galapagos Islands. So many choices on where to go next on our amazing planet!

    1. Well it is quite that bad, but yes we are starting to get itchy feet and looking forward to traveling again.

      You are so totally right, there are so many choices of places to go on this fantastic planet of ours and we want to explore as many of them as we possibly can in our lifetime. :-)

  2. Looking forward to reading about your next adventure.
    Still catching up. It's the weekend.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. And we are very excited to write about our next adventures for you to read. :-)

  3. I say wing it. Some of my best adventures happen when I don't plan things. :)

    1. And, I think that is probably just what we will do. :-)

  4. As long as there appears to be a lot of options I'd wing it (said by the person who always preplans lol)

    1. Unless it is busy season there shouldn't be a problem at all and even then we have heard if you look around you can still find a place. :-) I think we will be winging it!

  5. Good price on the bedroom. It's going to be an amazing trip.

    1. Yep, for the Galapagos Islands it is a good price but we also are high maintenance which makes things cheap and easy. :-)

    2. Ha! I hope you mean low maintenance or you'll need something a wee bit fancier ☺

    3. Lol, I meant to say we *aren't* high maintenance. :-P


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