Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Sunday, January 12, 2020

In to the town of Patzcuaro, and Ruth orders new glasses

A relaxing start to the day, and we didn't take off until 10:00am. It's a 2.5 km (1.5 mile) walk downhill to the central plaza, and the whole group walked into town.

First stop was the cathedral, followed by the central plaza but we each went our separate ways for a while and met again at 12:30pm to show the group Mario's birria stall at the market.

Ruth had a few things on her list, and one was to see if she could get new glasses.

Inside the cathedral.

The central plaza.

Inside the municipal building.

There was an art display going on. 
Very few of the works would I want hanging on my wall!

I found a few opticians listed on google maps, so we went for a walk to see if any of them could get Ruth some glasses before we leave here next Friday. The first guy we stopped at spoke better English than our Spanish. But he said the best he could do is get them back by Friday. So we carried on to the next guy. He spoke no English at all, but we made our way through it in Spanish without a problem. He made a phone call and came back to us saying that he could have them by Wednesday afternoon. Perfect!

So he proceeded to do the eye exam, which was free. That alone would have cost minimum $75 CAD in Canada.

Ricardo, testing Ruth's eyes.

When all was said and done, she got new flexible frames with progressive transition lenses. Total cost 3,800 pesos ($265 CAD, $203 USD). You'll have to wait until next Thursday to see the finished product!

Next stop was the market where we had the most delicious birria (a type of soup/stew) at Mario's stall. I didn't get any photos, but I can see us going back again during our time here. Next up, we found the clothing area of the market where Ruth bought some new jeans for 330 pesos ($23 CAD, $17.50 USD).

This church is now a library, but unfortunately it was closed.

Inside another church.

Streets of Patzcuaro.

We bought some fruits, veggies, and chicken and made our way walking back up the hill towards the RV park.

Along the way, we passed a beauty salon and Ruth wanted to get her eyebrows waxed. The girl wasn't busy and took her in right away. The cost was 25 pesos ($1.75 CAD, $1.35 USD).

While Ruth was getting that done, I just sat down on the curb outside the shop. 

Across the street, there was a house that had a chunk of concrete protruding out on the roof. There were several dogs up there, and in fact we had noticed them on our way down. As I was sitting there, I noticed that the dogs were getting excited. It appeared they could see their owner coming home. Tails wagging, and a bit of whining. 

Sure enough, this little old lady, walking very slowly was making her way up the street. She came right up to me, and sat down beside me! I said good afternoon, and asked if those were her dogs. Yes, they were and she proceeded to tell me all of their names... all 7 of them!

Dogs, waiting for mom to come home.

Home now.

She sat and talked to me for ten minutes or so, non-stop. She repeated herself a lot though. And then she said goodbye, and went in to see her dogs.

Sherman's site at Rancho la Mesa.

And here's the whole group of us!

Today is Sunday, so we are headed back to el Centro. Always a lot going on on a Sunday, so we will go back into town and enjoy the day.

Had another rousing game of LCR at happy hour. Aron won the first game, and Mona finally had her first win in the second game.

Record low deal on the latest model Apple Airpods with Charging Case.

And in Canada...

Nice deal on the popular PICTEK Projection Alarm Clock


  1. Love the story about the old woman and her seven dogs. That's about what we paid for new glasses at Costco in Merida (also progressives w/Transitions). A really great price, we thought. Hope Ruth likes her new specs and look forward to seeing them!

    1. We love when things like this happen in Mexico, it makes for wonderful memories. :-)

      We thought that sounded like a good price as well and I look forward to seeing how good they are on Wednesday or Thursday. Kevin has certainly been very happy with the glasses that he got in Guadalajara back in March. It sure beats the prices back home in Canada.

  2. Lotsa happy dogs. The churches are bright and cheery. I like their slow pace and cheap prices.

    1. Yes, that sure is a bunch of happy dogs. There are another bunch of happy and healthy dogs here at the campground as well.

      We love Mexico for so many reasons! :-)

  3. As always, excellent adventures..

  4. That woman sat down beside you and shared who she is. That is something. You were blessed today.

    1. We always enjoy encounters like this, it gives us lots of great memories.

  5. never did win LCR ugh...glad to read everyone is enjoying themselves...jeannie

    1. Both you and Garth and Garth still hasn't won a game. Came close the other evening though!


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