Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Adios, Mexico

I don't enjoy long driving days, but sometimes it makes sense. In this situation, none of the attractions we wanted to see along the way were open, and so we enjoyed one last day at the Las Palmas Midway Inn in Matehuala. Hard to believe we were there for 10 nights!

We hit the road at just after 7:00am. First thing we did was to fill up with some very cheap fuel.

The price of gas was 12.85 pesos per liter. Cheap by Mexico standards, where we have normally paid around 20 pesos per liter for much of the last four and a half months. Most of the gas we saw during the drive was between 14-17 pesos per liter, so we did well.

With full fuel and fresh water tanks, and empty holding tanks we set off for the U.S. border and the Colombia Bridge near Laredo, Texas.

Because we had a long drive ahead of us, we took the four lane toll highways the entire way. It wasn't cheap, but when you have some distance to cover it's the best way.

Sherman's toll fees for the day were 1,060 pesos ($64 CAD, $45 USD).

Here are some photos from the drive...

Cops up ahead?

Nope... just a fake one!

We arrived at the Colombia Laredo crossing at 3:15pm. While still on the Mexico side, we turned in Sherman's Mexico vehicle permit. It's valid for ten years, but we have no idea when we will be back, so it was better to cancel it. 

We crossed over the Rio Grande and into the United States. A few heavy trucks were in the commercial vehicle line, but nobody in the regular lines. There are four lanes available at peak times, but only one was open and there was nobody in it. We drove right up, and handed the guy our documents. He only asked one thing... "where have you been, and where are you going?"

No questions about booze, food, or health.

While he was at the computer, another guy came up and asked where we went in Mexico. Friendly guy, just making conversation. 

The other guy handed back our paperwork and said "have a nice day".

Simple as that. It took all of about three minutes!

There was an hour time change crossing into Texas, and so we put the clocks forward. We headed to the nearby Texas visitors center to park up for the night. Not quiet, but it'll do after a long day's drive.

Sherman, enjoying the sunset.

Yesterday's drive, 600 kms (372 miles).

Buy any 3 items, save $10. Buy any three products and take ten dollars off the final order. There is no limit as to how many times you can do this, so it's time to stock up.

And in Canada...


  1. Beinvenidos a Tejas! If you are going up IH35 it may be the only time in 40 years the traffic will actually be light!

    1. Gracias! :-)

      We only spent a little bit of time on the I-35 and it didn't seem all that much different then the few times we have traveled on it before. Not wasn't as much car and small truck traffic but there was still lots of big truck traffic.

  2. Is the group still together after crossing or did you split up? Beautiful scenic drive...I don't think you've ever shown pictures of this beats that always dusty, dry, cacti filled route you usually take.

    1. Some of the group is still together. One broke off from the group shortly after crossing the border and another one took off the next morning. So at the moment we are down to three units.

      We have taken this drive many times over the years. Laredo is normally our go to crossing either coming into Mexico or leaving Mexico.

  3. Welcome to the states. Gas is cheap and the roads are clear. Can't beat that. Enjoy your trip north.

    1. Thank you!

      Yes, the gas is cheap at the moment, Sherman and our pocketbook are loving it.

      So far we haven't seen much of a difference from other years with the traffic. We stay on the secondary roads as much as possible where the traffic is normally quieter anyways but we think we seem to find it much the same.

  4. Wishing you safe travels and good weather for your trip home.

  5. I am so happy that you were able to cross the border into USA. Hallelujah! My prayer for you, continues. Blessings, Lynn (Canadian blogger of Life with Lynnie)

    1. Thank you Lynn! We were never worried about not being allowed to cross the Mexican border into the US, we had been keeping our eyes on others that had been doing it with no issues and because we are Canadians and Americans just wanting to get home, we are considered essential travel.

  6. We like the Laredo Visitor's Center. It gets quiet late in the night. An occasional train but they seem to respect that zone and not toot their horn.

    1. It is a nice Visitor's Center for sure, the grounds are really pretty but there is a lot of road noise and a number of trains that go by but for one night it isn't a bad place to stay.

  7. Beautiful pictures. Enjoy the cheap gas all the way to Canada..With everyone sheltered place for the most part, it should be odd for you to see the roads so empty. Stay safe, stay well and thank you for allowing me to "join the ride" during these months.

    1. Thank you, the scenery is quite pretty only this drive.

      We are definitely loving this cheap gas thing, not sure how long it will last but we will take it.

      So far we really haven't seen a difference in the amount of traffic, we normally stay on the secondary and back roads which are normally quiet anyways but we aren't seeing a lot of "Shelter in Place" stuff going on in this part of Texas, maybe we will notice it more as we travel further north.


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