Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

An adventurous hike with waterfalls!

We hired Josue to take us for a hike into the canyon. He brought along Carlos, one of the local boys to bring up the rear so nobody got left behind.

Ten of us set off at 9:00am. We first went to the ridge of the canyon, and then walked the road down to the park entrance.

It cost 100 pesos ($7.00 CAD, $5.00 USD) each to enter the Tuliman Waterfalls Canyon park.

Pretty Bromaliad flowers.

 Looking into the canyon.

He took us on a little used trail that was fairly steep.

Carlos took this group photo for us.

First view of the falls. 

Some guy trying out the adventure park.


The group.


We carried on further down into the canyon.

You can actually camp overnight here, but the road is too steep for motorhomes. 
We had an early lunch here.

More waterfalls.

Hiking along the steep rocks.

Roger, Mona, Owenita, and Aron.

River crossing.

More waterfalls.

Interesting rock.

More waterfalls!

Aron on the bridge.

Larry, Mona, Roger, and Josue.

He took us to the big tree.

They say this tree is about 1,000 years old, and about 400 years ago it was struck by lightning. But the tree continued growing and it has a cavernous hole in the base of it. Probably could have fit 8 or 10 people inside the hole in the tree!

Ruth on the other side of the tree.

Heading back up hill!

It was a long walk back out of the canyon. But what a great day we had! We probably only did about 10 kms (6 miles) but it was pretty rough terrain at times. We got back just after 3:00pm.

Today, we move on again. Not sure where we are spending the night, but we've got some ideas. Something will come together!

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And in Canada...


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, it certainly does. We are so happy this year to be going to places that we haven't been before and seeing it for the first time just like the rest of the group. The next week and a half or more are going to be like that and we are definitely going to be "wowed" a few times by the beauty! :-)

  2. Wow! What a gorgeous area and beautiful hike!

    1. It is an amazing area! Like a few other places on this trip, it will be one area that we will have to come back to another time and spend more time here. Definitely lots of beautiful hiking to be done and pretty places to see. :-)


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