Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Nothing better than fresh air

We are of the opinion that the best place to be right now is outside and away from people who are not part of our group. Some readers even think that we shouldn't be associating with members of our group... but we think there is no logic there. Our group have been together every day for the last four months. If one of us were sick, we would all be sick.

So we stay outside, or inside the motorhome with all the windows open.

Nothing better than fresh air.

In the meantime, we keep busy. Most of us have been cleaning our motorhomes inside and out... and doing some cooking to put in the freezer for future meals so that we don't have to stop for many supplies on our way back to Canada. The freezer will be full and we can only hope the border guards don't take any of it away.

I have had a problem with one of Sherman's air bags this trip. Three times now the heat from the exhaust has melted a hole through the airline. It's been a relatively easy fix to cut the melted portion and reinstall the line, but without the line being moved it would continue to happen. I have been procrastinating because I knew it was not going to be an easy job. I installed the system in March of 2011 so I knew that the drivers side had very little working space, and I knew that the entire assembly would have to be removed in order to reroute the line.

But, it had to be done. And of course now, I was dealing with rusty bolts that had been there for nine years.

I started at around 9:30am... and finished at about 2:30pm.

Not fun, but it's done. A little stiff and sore today from crawling around under there!

Our group parked up at Las Palmas Midway Inn.

Part of the motel area.

Recreation area and swimming pool.

That is the bathroom shower building on the left.

Denise, Bob and Scarlett relaxing outdoors.

Yes, we still have happy hour despite a few readers telling us we shouldn't. It's just our group, and we are outside when we are doing it.

Yesterday afternoon and evening quite a few other rigs pulled in for an overnight stop. In fact by suppertime there were 7 rigs plus our group of 5. The other 7 left this morning. I think all of them had dinner in the restaurant here, at different tables.

The restaurant here is still open, but there is a hand washing and sanitizing cleaning station upon entry. We noticed quite a few people in the restaurant last night. We are going to do our "farewell" dinner here this evening instead of Saltillo. We have made a reservation and requested to eat outside in order to have fresh air and limit contact. I know... there are probably some of you who think we shouldn't do that either. But we would disagree with you. We think it is perfectly fine in a country that has had very few cases.

Yesterday's decision was that we would stay until Thursday, but we are now leaning towards staying put through the weekend and crossing on Monday. Again, we are playing this one day at a time.

Temperature going up to 35C (95F) today... might have to go for a dip in the pool...

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  1. I agree fresh air, heat, and sunshine will deter virus - at least this is what I read was treatment used to combat epidemic of 1918. They put patients outdoors in sunlight to absorb ultra violet light to kill virus. I also agree you can eat at restaurant with group since you've been traveling together. Just keep sanitizing areas you frequently touch i.e. door knobs, couches, chairs, etc. I have Lysol and spray couches every so often and disinfected wipes to wipe down door knobs. Wow the place you're packed at looks wonderful relaxing place. Lucky you. Safe travels.

    1. You must have read the same article that Kevin read a number of days ago. We are firm believers that fresh air is a good thing.

  2. Been following your wonderful adventure and agree, you are the ones to make an informed decision on when to leave or where to go. Cabria would not be too comfortable right now. Not many here (Manitoba) outside socializing; too damn cold.
    Our son came through the Canadian border this week and all the border guard wanted to know was where he had been and told him to self isolate for 14 days. No questions re: purchases, groceries, liquor etc. Just concerned that he was healthy and would self-isolate. Hope the U.S. border treats you the same. Safe travels and stay healthy.

    1. Thank you Barry and Lorrie for following along on our adventures, and boy has it turned out to be an adventure!

      Yep, Cabri is still a little to cold for us so we figure that so far things are much better here than there, especially with the thought of having to drive through the US but we have to admit that once we do get to Cabri, it will be the perfect spot to self isolate.

  3. Many places in Texas is closed and shut down. You're likely better off right where you all are now. The DFW area and the Houston area announced stay-at-home today. Your food sources and supplies are much better where you're at now, then north of you. By the looks of the place your at now, I personally would camp there until the virus was dead all over. But, that probably won't happen anytime soon. So, I'd stay as long as I could, really. Looks pretty inviting. Do what you want, it's your lives and the opinions of others are like holes and everyone has one. Do what's right for you. The USA has a TP shortage, food shortage and hospital bed shortage... you're better off in Mexico!

    1. Yes, we have been closely watching what has been going on in the US and feel that we are definitely in a much better place at the moment. We have lots of room here on the property of the hotel/RV park so we can spend lots of time outside and still be well away from the normal population. It would definitely be a great place to hunker down for the duration of this crisis but in reality you just have no idea how long this could go on for. So we will stick to our scheduled crossing of March 30th unless something drastically changes between now and then. Thanks for the support! :-)

  4. If y'all need something from us along the way, just ask.
    Paid 1.69 a gallon for gas in Lockhart. Paid 2.13 for diesel, not to shabby.
    The cities are a little off but the more rural/into suburb places are ok.

    1. Thank you very much Tom, we really appreciate your offer and if you weren't quite such a detour off our route we might just have asked to hole up on your property for a week or so, it would have been a great place to self isolate. We hope that you and Emily and doing well and that you both stay healthy through these crazy times.

      We have to admit, we are looking forward to filling up Sherman with some of that inexpensive gas. :-)

  5. Because you have been together for months- youbare essentially 1 unit, like a family. What you are doing is great - keeping distance from others is needed.
    Just keep washing your hands.
    Nature is a fantastic pacifier.
    Gas yesterday at Costco in BC was 88.9!

    1. That is exactly our thoughts, we really are no different than a large family, and at the moment we think of each other as family. :-)

      For us, the idea is to have keep to ourselves and enjoy all this fresh air and sunshine. We love the fact that this property has so much space and a lovely walking trail so we still can get our exercise, plus lots of water so everyone's rigs are looking pretty sparkling clean right now.

  6. We just got back from Big Bend. It was very easy to avoid contacts there, plus in a motor home you don't have to use public facilities and have a sink for washing hands. Things are changing all over though, it's hard to make plans due to uncertainty about what will be open or closed.

    1. Unfortunately as of March 23rd the campgrounds at Big Bend have been closed and the park is only open for day use. We do love the fact that we do live in our RV that is totally self contained. Makes dealing with this virus so much easier.

    2. Most of the places we stayed there and on the way are now closed. There's a list of places closed here:
      Its going to be hard to find places to stay, your boondocking skills are going to come in handy.

    3. Yes, we have been watching that site, they are very good with updating it. We already have a few places available to us and I am sure we will find more as we work our way north.

  7. Lots of good memories at Las Palmas. For those that might pass through without an rv, we rented a room recently during our return from San Miguel de Allende. Nicely remodeled and they offer a senior discount. With the rv we have mostly stayed across the street at Hotel Oasis. I may be repeating myself :)

    1. It is a nice facility for sure and during the day we are pretty much the only ones here, makes self isolating very easy. :-)

      We have stayed at the Oasis on your recommendation twice before and it was good for us but not for a group and then there is also the height issue at the entrance, we can get through but I don't think our tallest rig could, plus the Oasis is a little rundown, at least it was the last time we were there.

  8. What a beautiful spot to be isolating in! Nice to get the nasty job done on Sherman. That's one of the jokes going around with most people at home. All those jobs we've been putting off are getting done 😊 Enjoy your peaceful surroundings and safe travels when you leave.

    1. It is a fantastic spot for "self isolating". We almost feel like we have our own private resort here. :-)

  9. Best of luck in your travels back to Canada! I think you'll find that the people of the Americas have started to do what they always do in a crisis, work together and care for one another! Its a shame we dont do that at all times!

  10. I can only echo what others have said and recommend you stay put in Mexico for the duration. You have comfortable accommodation, easy access to supplies and good weather. Plus, Mexico seems to have a better handle on controlling the virus than the USA has.

    1. Thanks Croft, and that has certainly crossed our minds but we have an obligation to take the group to the border and because we will be there we figure we might as well cross with them. We have some options and people reaching out to us with places that we can stay as we work our way north. As long as we can stay away from people we shouldn't have any worries.


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