Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

One day at a time

Nice to have some down time here in Matehuala. The rest of the group are keeping busy puttering around their rigs, getting some laundry done, and generally relaxing.

We walked with Bob and Denise over to the Walmart. Bob was looking for some oil do do an oil change on his rig, but we thought that the Autozone would have a better selection so we left Ruth and Denise in the Walmart and the two of us walked another km down the road to the Autozone.

The Walmart had an employee at the entrance squirting hand sanitizer on everyone entering. I was think that it's pretty tough for that particular person to stay 6 feet away from the people entering. You would get awfully paranoid if someone coughs!

But, all you can do is your best.

In the Autozone, it was business as usual except all of the employees were wearing gloves.

On the way back, I stopped in at the Soriana just to check their booze selection and prices. We plan on stocking up on a few things before we cross back to the U.S.

In the store, I noticed this...

No lack of toilet paper here!

They were sold out of bananas though. Maybe different priorities here...lol.

Back at the RV Park, I puttered around on Sherman. Cleaned some windows. 

The Las Palmas Midway Inn has good WiFi... nice to finally have consistent good internet! 

And, a nice swimming pool. I haven't been in yet, but it's supposed to go up to 35C (95F) by Tuesday, so if we're still here I can picture a few cooling off dips taking place.

Nice pool at Las Palmas Midway Inn.

If we're still here. We are taking it one day at a time, and every day at happy hour we discuss our options with the group. Our current plan is to go up to Real de Catorce tomorrow (Monday) and reassess again on Monday at happy hour.

SUNAVO Portable Induction Cooktop, 1800W Sensor Touch Multifunction Induction Burner, 15 Temperature Power Setting. Clip the $10 off coupon showing on the product page and then enter coupon code U3RJV96T at checkout for a total 63% off.

And in Canada...


  1. Great meals in their dining room in 2016. Assuming that is a no-go now.

  2. Nice place. Maybe Mexico is the best place to be right now.

    1. It is a nice place and being here we are only a one day's drive to the border so if we need to make a run for it. We honestly think that it is safer here but we are keeping close tabs on everything that is happening and as you know things are changing constantly.

  3. As Canadians will you have any trouble crossing back through the States on your way to Canada?
    As Doug said Mexico is probably the Safest place to be right now.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. No, as Canadians we shouldn't have any problems crossing back into the States, at least not at the moment but we realize that that can change.

      At least by staying here we are still able to get supplies and it is easy enough for us to just hang out and keep our "social" distance from others.

  4. Yes Mexico might be safer to stay in. Especially remote village since Yucatan and bigger county with cities are locked down.

    1. Yes, at the moment we definitely feel that Mexico is much safer, especially in small villages and towns and we are well aware that things could change here for the worst but at least here we can still get food and supplies and it is easy for us to stay outside and away from others. We are also just a day's drive to the border if we do indeed need to make a run for it.

  5. Hey, fill up Sherman with all that TP from the Soriana. After you cross the border, you can sell it all for cold, hard American dollars and pay for all of your 2020 travels! Plus buy that Maserati motorhome you've always wanted!

    1. Lol, now that just might be a great idea! :-)

  6. I noticed that there were no bananas in the store here yesterday as well. Too funny to think that their priorities might be different!! Enjoy your time there.

    1. Food is a priority for a Mexican more than anything else! :-P

  7. No matter what plans you make or decisions you take, hope you have a safe trip back home, through contaminated US States and into Canada, where you'll have to be self-quarantined (until further notice) for 14 days minimum. There's pretty heavy traffic on some highways in the US, due to snowbirds migrating North, but not all. Anyway, be safe and stay away from that deadly C-virus!

    1. Thank you very much Armande, we will do our best to do just that.

      Hopefully the secondary roads won't be as busy as the Interstates, as we normally stay away from the Interstates as much as possible.

  8. Kevin and Ruth, I hope you'll take note of the timeline countries have experienced between the point of first reporting, and the point that countries begin to take drastic steps such as shutting down and requesting or mandating Shelter In Place. As just one example, the US reported 213 on March 8, and began going into shutdown mode by state-by-state beginning just 10 days later. As a comparison - Mexico reported a similar number of cases (251) just yesterday, March 21. From there, the reported cases spreadsheet has moved up sharply in every country reporting outward. As Nina Fussing over at Wheeling It advised in her scientific and detailed March 15 blogpost - please decide where you are going to hunker down for this, and go there now.

    You will likely consider this to be just one more annoying reply, but those of us who care about you two are willing to risk being perceived as annoying if it gets you to move to a location now where you can shelter for the duration.

    1. Thank you Tamara, we have definitely been keeping a close eye on what has been happening around the world and in Mexico regarding the Coronavirus and we will continue to monitor this day by day. We are close to the border that if need be we can do the drive in one day no problem. As it stands at the moment we are staying put in a good safe spot here in Mexico for a little longer, things are pretty crazy in the US right now and for us to enter the States and drive to Canada seems to be more risky. Either way you look at it, we are staying to ourselves and only going out for necessary food items. I can tell you, the groups RVs are looking pretty darn clean at the moment. :-)

  9. Well things changed quicker in MX than what I would have thought. But better to get ahead of the curve prevention wise than to procrastinate. Especially given the social culture of being in large groups, public fiestas, and family gatherings in the face of a public health system that's likely not equipped(whos is?)for such situations. Hunkering down at a remote rancho would seem to be ideal. But I agree, if your ultimately headed up north, getting a jump given that negative challenges are still ramping up might be prudent.

    1. So far we think that Mexico has got a quicker jump on things here than they did in the US but I guess time will tell.

      We are in a good safe spot, with a nice private walking path and lots of areas where we can spend time outside and not have to be near other people. We are only going outside of the hotel/RV park to pick up any necessary food items, so in other words we are "sheltering in place".


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