Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

We don't seem to have any problem keeping busy

Yesterday, I cleaned Sherman's awning. It was way overdue... probably because it's a pain in the butt to clean! When I worked at the RV dealership parts department back ten years or so ago, they had a thick liquid product that you spray on both sides of the awning, roll it up, leave it for a few hours, and then rinse it off.

But of course I don't have any of that... so I used Spray 9 and a scrub broom!

But, it's far better than it was. It just took a lot of awkward effort. Oh well.. it was good exercise.

Speaking of exercise, the group is doing their best to stay active. Mona and Roger and Aron and Owenita found a good biking route to another village that doesn't use any busy roads. So Ruth and I are going to try that tomorrow morning before it gets too hot.

In the meantime, there is a cycling/walking/running path in behind the hotel...

Denise, Ruth and Bob taking Scarlett for a walk.

The circular path is 1.6 kms (1 mile) long.

Lots of big old prickly pear cactus.

We think this is the nest of a wren, but we aren't positive.

There are a couple of big monk parakeet nests in the hotel sign. 

We normally do 3 or 4 laps at a decent pace.

Don't seem to have any problem keeping busy. We have a good source of internet, so it's been easy to keep up on things. Even communicating with our grandkids!

Most days after lunch we go hang around by the pool and play some backgammon. Some people, including Ruth, go for a swim. Lately the temperature has been 35C (95F) during the day, but the pool water is still too cold for my liking. I am quite comfortable just sitting in the shade.

Overnight has been very comfortable for sleeping though. The temperature tends to go down to between 13C-16C (55F-61F) so that's great with the windows open.

Ruth has also been busy cooking meals and freezing them so that we have to do very little stopping at stores when we cross the border. The current plan has us doing that on Monday. We will see.

50' Expandable Water Hose with Nozzle. Take 40% off at checkout using coupon code TUBB6O5U

And in Canada...

Good deal on this LED Garage Light


  1. Question for Kevin- I need to water proof my awning. After 1 year of owning the TT I found that there was no waterproofing on it and it rained right through it like it was not even out..SO what do you recommend since you have back experience in the industry.

    1. Hi Debbie. That's actually very strange, and not a common problem for an RV awning. You can try something like this... (copy and paste) but I'm thinking you might be better off with new fabric.

  2. Replies
    1. It is a nice trail and there are lots of birds to watch as we go walking along it too. :-)

  3. I stopped reading the news when it was announced that the military would be at the Canadian border. I say come to Canada and then figure out what to do. In the grand scheme of things if you have to quarantine and you have enough groceries for 2 weeks and you have no symptoms, the middle of nowhere is probably the best place to do it.

    1. Yep, that is all you see on the news and on facebook these days! :-(

      Not sure that the US or Canada are necessarily a better places to be, we are doing pretty good here at the hotel and RV park in Matehuala. We will figure out what we will do once we cross the border into the US on Monday, we do know that we will be staying away from people as best we can though.

  4. We stay at Las Palmas every year on our trip to Yucatan. They have a great restaurant, is it still open during this coronavirus time? Also, we just crossed the border at Eagle Pass (where you are headed I assume) on Wednesday 3/25. There were about 5 cars at noon, we drove straight up to one of the booths. Easiest crossing we’ve done in 10 years of traveling to MX. If you were thinking of going to Laredo, that is one of the virus hot spots for MX, I recommend Eagle Pass. I am sure border patrol in the US and Canada will let you pass with no problems, other than the 14 day quarantine that may be required for Canada.

    1. Yes, so far the restaurant is still open. We ate there a few nights ago but we had them serve our dinner outside rather than to sit inside the restaurant and they were very accommodating.

      Nope, our intentions are to cross at the Columbia Bridge crossing where we normally cross back into the US. We will not be headed to the city of Laredo, we will be headed away from it and from people. Glad that your crossing went well.

  5. So great to have this kind of communication, where people can help let you know they've crossed the border with no issues!! My husband and I talked, that as difficult as this whole thing is, we have internet, phones, television, which all can be a blessing and a curse of course, but can't imagine living in a time, such as 1918's flu epidemic. All of you take good care!!!

    1. We are constantly in communication with people we know crossing the borders and so far no one has had any issues.

      It is a blessing and a curse having the internet, it is nice to stay in touch with the world and our family and friends but it is also a pain to see all the misinformation that is spread all over the internet. We rarely use our phone and we don't watch TV thank goodness but yes, I can't imagine what things must have been like during the 1918 flu epidemic.

  6. Absolutely the most beautiful shot of Copper Canyon I have seen to date! Loved the cute bird pictures too!
    Safe travels and hope you cross the border smoothly.

    1. Thank you Lynnette, we sure did love our time up at the Copper Canyon is is beyond beautiful there.

      We hope the border crossing goes smoothly too.


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