Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, March 6, 2020

We had to go to plan B

We had a van coming to pick us up at 9:00am to take us on a planned hike in the national park located between the two volcanoes.

The town of Cholula where the campground is located is at 7,000' altitude. The park where we were going is around 12,000' altitude, so it's a bit of climb by vehicle just to get to the trails.

The two volcanoes are Popocatépetl (the active one) and Iztaccihuatl (the dormant one).

This is Iztaccihuatl.

This is Popocatépetl.

Remember I said it was a bit of a climb? Well it turns out that the van we hired wasn't capable of doing the climb and so it overheated.


So we made a plan B to go back down and climb the long dormant Tecajete volcano instead.

Us, with Popocatépetl.

Jim taking a photo.

Popocatépetl has been very active this week.

Down at Tecajete, we started the steep climb up.

Part of the base has been mined for gravel.

Here's the gang.

Just as that photo was being taken, Popocatépetl started belching again...

Zoomed in.

Made it to the top!

Of course there is a religious monument at the top.

Not quite the day we had planned, but it was still good to get out and get some exercise. And, we have to leave something for the next time we're in the area!

Around sunset, I climbed the water tower again to get this photo...

Today is a much needed day off... looking forward to just puttering around the camground!

Oh, before I forget... we had a game of LCR the other night at happy hour and guess who finally won??!!

Happy Garth with his winnings!

Garth was with us last year, so he has played many games of LCR... but this is the first time he finally won!

Nice price drop on Folgers Dark Roast K Cups

And in Canada...


  1. Replies
    1. We will pass along your congratulations to him, he certainly deserved the win! :-)

  2. So neat to see an active volcano (without much danger). Could you hear anything or was it just puffing smoke? I've never been anywhere near an active one. Great pictures of it

    1. It is pretty neat, that is for sure. Our best viewing of an active volcano was when we were in Guatemala and hiked to the top of a dormant volcano where we spent the night and then woke up in the morning to see the younger volcano below erupting and we were could see smoke and lava coming out of it, that was pretty spectacular. No, we didn't hear anything just saw the steam/smoke coming out of it.

  3. Beautiful evening picture of Popocatépetl. One for the scrapbook for sure. Happy for Garth. :))

    1. Thank you! We really wish that we could have gotten up for a closer view while on our hike, we are sure that would have been a pretty spectacular sight, maybe we will be able to do that next time we visit the area.

      We were so happy for Garth too!


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