Igor, parked for the night at a municipal park near Ixtlahuacan del Rio, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Friday, April 24, 2020

Home on the range... for the next week or more...

A few years ago while in Mexico, we met our friend Tracy. She was living in Puerto Escondido at the time, and we spent quite a bit of time together. We met her and her mother Joy when we got together in Puerto Vallarta a couple of years later.

Tracy had mentioned at some point that her family owns a ranch near Amarillo, and that we would be welcome to park there if we were ever headed that way. Yesterday, we took them up on that offer!

The ranch is in the middle of nowhere... exactly what we had hoped. We are able to use the facilities inside the ranch house because nobody is living there at the moment. We have good drinkable well water, and LOTS of places to hike and bike. We are about 18 miles (30 kms) from the nearest services, and you can't see another house from where we are parked.

Truly isolated... just us and the cows!

That's not entirely true. Although we are here by ourselves (along with friends Bob and Denise who we have been traveling with for the last 5 months), there are a couple of young family members who are doing some work here at the ranch and we will likely see them every day we are here. They might even put us to work, and that would be fine too!

And this is Sadie!

She comes for a visit every day too.

The view out our front windshield.

Parked on either side of the ranch house.

Lots of little ones around.

Home on the range.

No idea how long we will stay here, although I would say a week at the minimum. Many of the different states are reissuing Governor directives at the end of the month, so we will likely re-evaluate the situation based on any new information that comes out over the next week.

In the meantime, there will be lots of ranch photos coming your way! They have a momma horse and her three week old foal that should be fairly photogenic!

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And in Canada...


  1. You are always finding the best spots and adventures. Looking forward to seeing the horse photos.

    1. We sure do even when we don't think we have any adventures planned, lol. :-)

  2. I thought you were spending the summer at Cabri. Did that change?


  4. Not Saskatchewan, but close enough, eh? Looks like a good place to hang for a while.

    1. We were remarking on how much the scenery here reminds us of Saskatchewan.

      So far we think this will be a great place to hang out for a bit. :-)

  5. Your pictures of the landscape around Lefors remind me of the final intersection scene of "Castaway" when Tom Hanks' character has to decide which trajectory in life he plans to follow. In fact the scene was filmed kinda near there at Mobeetie. There's a funny story about how Mobeetie came by its unusual name. Apparently at least one of the local native American tribesmen around there in 1879 had a wicked sense of humor.
    [see: https://www.legendsofamerica.com/tx-mobeetie/ ]

    1. I don't remember the intersection at the end of the movie but it was a long time ago that we saw it.

      Loved the link about the history of the area, we really aren't too far away from Mobeetie. The story about it's name is very funny. I wonder if that is indeed true?! :-)

  6. I was born and raised in West Texas. Those photos remind me of home...l love that country...hard to explain.

    1. Bob Toone, your name sounds very familiar. I love West Texas too and it is hard to explain to people why we like to boondock there.

    2. I think you have to grow up in an area like this to really appreciate it. We used to think that Saskatchewan was dull and boring until we spent five summers living there, now we think differently of it and Saskatchewan has much the same terrain as this area.

  7. What a great spot. Most people won't get this but Rose Nylund said, "I'm proud to take Cows for 500!

    1. It is a great spot, we are certainly going to enjoy our quiet time here.

      Nope, I don't get it. All I know it that Rose Nylund said it on an episode of Golden Girls.

  8. Always good Karma to be friendly and easy going. Great spot! Enjoy the fun with the babies.

  9. Moooo-----Arf-arf-and B.K. my cat says meows.....Take Care and it looks like a swell place to stay safe....

  10. What a lovely spot! Love the first photo with Ruth looking down at Sadie!

    1. It is a wonderful spot, we are certainly going to enjoy our next week or so here.

      Thank you, Sadie is such a sweet little dog and ever so friendly.


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