Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Walk to downtown Santa Fe

David and Bonnie planned us a walking route to downtown and we set off just after lunch. Hardly any traffic, and although there were a few people downtown with a few businesses starting to open up it was nowhere near as busy as what it would have been on a normal beautiful Sunday afternoon.

But, it was a good walk and we enjoyed the interesting architecture here in Santa Fe.

Our route took us through Museum Hill...

There are a lot of museums on "Museum Hill"!

Interesting plant.

Ruth and the wagon train statue.

The wagon train arrives in town! 

Typical Santa Fe architecture.

This place has their own bison statue!

We walked up artsy Canyon Road.

And then we got suited up for downtown.

As we approached downtown we put on our "masks". I would say that 90% of people were wearing some kind of face covering. Now that stores are starting to open up here in New Mexico, wearing masks when in public have become sort of normal it seems. 

This is a parking garage.

The Santa Fe Catholic Church.

Scenery along the way.

Dragon art.

Central plaza.

State capital building in Santa Fe.

We had a nice walk around covering about 7.3 miles (11.7 kms ).

Where Sherman is parked up.

We had a nice dinner on the patio here with Bonnie and David. Sat and talked about travel until the sunset around 8:00pm.

Another beautiful day today... maybe we will go for a bike ride!

Facemask... take 50% off at checkout using coupon code PNLNULYW Code works on all colors.

And in Canada...


  1. Love the buildings and the art. Looked like a very nice downtown.

    1. We love that style of southwestern architecture, so it was nice to walk around the downtown area and see it. It certainly would have been a lot more interesting if there were more people around under normal circumstances but to be honest we were happy that it was as quiet as it was.

  2. There are some fantastic bike trails right in and around Santa Fe. We were staying in Albuquerque but took the mountain bikes up on the light rail north and spent the day in Santa Fe riding. Hope you get a chance to do some bicycling as well!

    1. Yes, it does look to be some nice biking around here and we were all set to go for a good bike ride yesterday but it didn't happen. More on that in today's post.

  3. Glad you got to walk around Santa Fe. It's a nice human-sized city. You might try the bike trail that runs along the rail line to Lamy.

    1. We are too and yes, it is a nice sized city and very walkable.

      We were all set yesterday to go for a bike ride but it didn't happen. Kevin will tell the story about that in today's post.

  4. Nice city! It's great that the weather still lets you sit outside.

    1. It is a nice city and there is certainly a lot to see and do in this area. We won't have a problem spending more time here under normal circumstances.

      The weather has been great, it gets a bit too hot in the afternoon but it isn't a problem sitting outside in the shade at any point in the afternoon and very comfortable in the evening, in fact we end up having to put on a light sweather in the evening.

  5. I think masks are going to be the 'normal' in Ottawa also!

    1. We wouldn't be surprised to see it as being the new "norma"l in most places, at least for quite some time to come.

  6. Never been to Santa Fe. Beautiful city! Thanks for the tour! Stay well and safe travels Kevin and Ruth.

    1. You and Paul would love Santa Fe, lots of museums and nice restaurants and it's not a big city.

      Hope you two are doing well. :-)

  7. Lol, the only problem with that is that the banks still aren't open! :-P

  8. Masks or face coverings are required whenever you're in public, except for eating, drinking ,or exercising, according to the Governor's current public health order. Santa Fe is fun to visit.

    1. Yes, we had read that and that is why we had them with us. Once we got into the downtown area we put them on because at that point we weren't walking fast paced anymore and there were quite a few people around.


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