The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

First day of summer!

Yesterday was the first day of summer. I remember when that used to mean a lot, but not so much any more. It used to be that summer holidays were coming up, and you could pretty much bet on shorts and t-shirts weather.

But now, we do our utmost to stay year round in climates where it is shorts and t-shirts weather! So the only thing that means much to us about the first day of summer now is that the days are so long in this part of the world.

Summer weather is not really cooperating here in Montana though. The temperature has actually been okay, but we haven't seen much of the sun for the past two weeks or so!

We got up at 6:00am so that we could get Sherman down the mountain on the narrow rutted dirt road before anybody was coming up the other way.

This was actually the good part of the road!

Ruth had taken several other photos of the bad part of the road, but she was bouncing around too much and they were all blurry!

Poor Sherman. We sure do put him through his paces.

We drove up to the small city (pop 20,000) of Kalispell. Known as "the gateway to Glacier", it is located only a few miles southwest of the park entrance. However, we figured that a Saturday is probably not the best day to try to see some of the park, so we are doing a circular scenic route for the next two days and then coming back around to Glacier on Tuesday.

We did some computer work and then took off west towards the town of Libby where we had made plans to meet up with Bob and Denise again.

As you can see, the weather was not cooperating!

Not much traffic.

And it's true, there was not much traffic. But it seemed like every second vehicle was an RV of some kind! And all of the official camping areas that we passed were full, so we're not sure where all of these RV's were going on a Saturday afternoon. Most weekenders are already parked up on a Friday night, so you wouldn't normally see that many RV's on the road on a Saturday afternoon.

Of course we were one of them, but we had a plan. Bob and Denise had already scoped out the community run Fireman's Park in Libby, Montana and had booked and paid for a $10 site for us. We had reservations!

Libby, Montana is known as the City of Eagles. 

We met up with Bob and Denise at the campground and had one last meal together. They are crossing the border into Canada and are headed to a friend's property near Calgary to do their mandatory 14 day house arrest.

We woke up to overcast skies again, and now it has been raining for almost two hours. It's supposed to clear up soon, at which point we were planning on going for a bike ride around town. We'll see. With all the puddles, we might just walk,

From here, we are headed up to Eureka, only a few miles south of the British Columbia border. If you would have told me 3 months ago that we would be this close to B.C. in June, I would have bet against it!

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  1. Bet Sherman's builders never knew he was going to be an OHV! :cO

    1. No, I bet they didn't! We think that when we are done with Sherman that he should go into a RV museum somewhere, he is a pretty special motorhome, that has been to a lot of different places. :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Kevin says thank and we both wish Kent a very Happy Father's Day as well, providing he is a dad of course, lol. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. We think that is a good name for the quarantine time that we Canadians have to do, lol!

  4. Hahaha.....I like the term “ house arrest”.....better than “quarantine “... clever!

    1. Well that is basically what the quarantine is!


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