Well, it was a pretty good month other than the fact that Sherman needed a water pump and a battery at the beginning of the month. That's 3 expensive months in a row, averaging $2,845 CAD per month. Good thing the first 3 months of the year were fairly reasonable while we were in Mexico. (They averaged $1,715 per month.)
We spent a total of $2,785 CAD ($2,047 USD) for the month of June.
Here's how it all broke down. (Note, the following figures are all $CAD. For $USD equivalent, subtract about 25%.)
Gasoline: At first glance, I thought this figure seemed high. We spent $655 on fuel for the motorhome. But then I went back and figured it out and we started the month just crossing into southern Wyoming from Utah. And we drove almost 1,900 miles (3,000 kms) during the month, heading right up to the Canadian border, and back down to the northern Wyoming border again. So, not bad. It will probably be about the same for July as we need to do about the same mileage getting back to Ottawa, Ontario.
Propane: We spent $15 filling Sherman's propane tank at the cheapest price ever... $0.99 a gallon in Missoula, Montana.
Grocery: Pretty good in June, at $467. We had done a big shop at the end of May and I guess some of that stocking up averaged itself out in June.
Meals out: We haven't eaten out since we left Mexico at the end of March.
Alcohol: $70. "What?", you say? How can it be that we only spent $70 on alcohol? Well, I hopped on the wagon June 12th. And Ruth has been limiting herself to a glass or two of wine every day. We drink too much while we're in Mexico (especially me, Kevin), which is fine if you give your system a break to recover for a few months. In past years, that's been easy to do when we were working at the campground. We just wouldn't drink. But this year, our Mexico habits had continued into May and it was time to put a stop to that.
Miscellaneous: Pretty good, at only $97. I checked back and that's our cheapest month in this category so far this year. We spent $60 on cellular internet access, and the rest was laundry and a couple of minor household items.
Entertainment: Again not bad at $127. Mostly because of the National Parks Pass that we bought for $108.
Overnight: We stayed at many different places during the month of June, and they all had one thing in common. They were all free! Other than one night where we met up with Bob and Denise at a municipal campground where we spent $13.50!
Motorhome: Yes, Sherman almost doubled our monthly expenses by incurring $1,340 worth of necessary repairs. Hopefully that's the end of that.
So, a total of $2,785 CAD ($2,047 USD) for the month of June. If Sherman can get us back to Ontario without any further problems, July should be a fairly cheap month. Fingers crossed!
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