Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

We found a local park with a big tree...

The eastern part of Wyoming (and Montana for that matter) is not very exciting. The mountain scenery that we so enjoyed for the month of June is gone.

And so it wasn't a very photogenic day yesterday as we made our way further east towards South Dakota.

It was still a nice enough drive though, because there was hardly any traffic on highway 14 heading east.

Typical scenery yesterday.

Nobody on the road.

Statue in Gillette.

We stopped at the library in Gillette. Had some lunch and used the free WiFi. Then topped up the gas tank at $1.85 USD per gallon ($0.66 CAD per liter) which is probably as cheap as we'll see it for a while.

Not much exciting to see or do in Gillette, so we continued on to the little town of Moorcroft. With everybody else on the Interstate, we took the side road highway 51 that follows the same route.

The Donkey Creek Rail Yards.

Locomotives as far as the eye can see.

More locomotives.

The line of locomotives seemed like it went for miles. It turns out that shipping traffic is down at BNFS railways and these are spare locomotives that are no longer needed at this time. In fact, they closed these maintenance yards on June 7th, putting 48 people out of work

Not very exciting.

It was a hot afternoon, with the temperature again hitting 90F (32C). We found a local park in the town of Moorcroft that had a big tree providing enough shade that Sherman was quite comfortable. We set up our lawn chairs and table in the shade as well and did some reading and played backgammon. Went for a walk around town, but again... not much to see! 

Sherman, parked in the shade in Moorcroft, Wyoming.

It was such a quiet street that we decided to spend the night. Other than the railway being so close by, it was totally fine. Ruth says she never heard a train all night, but I heard one. These small towns have so many places where it's easy to stay for the night. Nobody seems to care.

Today, we are heading northeast to Devil's Tower National Monument. We've been in this area a couple of times before but have never seen the tower!

A bit of a price drop on the blue color of the popular GCI Outdoor Freestyle Folding Rocking Chair.

And in Canada...


  1. Hailey and I are camped tonight, in the rain near Verigin Memorial Park in Castlegar - where we met last year! Or was that two years ago?

    1. Yep, we remember the stop well, and that was two years ago, my how time flies. Nice to see that both you and Hailey are keeping well. :-)


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