The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Just an update...

We're having a stretch of really nice fall weather here in south eastern Ontario. It's supposed to continue on through the weekend, so that's good news for my annual get together with the guys. Maybe a chance of some rain on Sunday, but that's still a few days away.

In the meantime... we'll take it!

And, as we're coming into the final stretch of September, and we are now officially into fall the leaves are starting to show their colors...

Leaves are changing color.

It'll be another few days before they get to be their best though. Perhaps between this weekend and maybe the middle of next week.

I was in communication again with Westjet, the carrier who is supposed to be taking us to London, England on October 11th. They say that although they can't guarantee that the flight won't be changed again, they maintain that any route changes to the October schedule have now been made and that no further updates are expected.

We'll see.

If the schedule stays the way it is, we will be overnighting in Gatwick airport before heading to Berlin. Not fun, but we've done that kind of thing before and you just deal with it. Fortunately, the premium lounge is open in the North terminal at Gatwick, so we'll be able to relax and eat and drink with the free passes that we got with our Scotiabank Passport Infinite Visa card.

What else. Oh, we had an old friend of mine over for lunch yesterday. He was actually our accountant when I owned the auto body shop. He's mostly retired now, but is actually doing some work with our son in law and his construction company.

Nice to see Tyler with his 1986 Mustang Convertible.

He bought that car in 1991 and it now has a grand total of 68,000 kms (42,000 miles) on it. He says he drove it a lot this summer, putting almost 800 kms (500 miles) on it!

I had a telephone meeting with an auctioneer this morning. Seems we're going to try to schedule it for the end of May, so we will likely come back to Canada then to help out for a couple of weeks. If the quarantine is still on, we'll deal with it accordingly. It's a long way off, so we'll see.

And, we have a meeting with a real estate lady after lunch today. The market around here has been crazy hot lately, but Ottawa has a lot of high paying steady government jobs, so even if it levels off between now and when the house is sold, it is not likely to be going down. She won't be able to put a price on it right now (because it really doesn't matter), but at least she can give us her opinion about what should and shouldn't be done to the house to increase it's salability between now and listing time.

Anyhow... it's a beautiful day and we have things to do outside!

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And in Canada...


  1. You two have a lot of good things going for you! New RV, driving around Europe. I know you will take a lot of pictures, my wife and I will enjoy seeing them, we will learn the does and don't. Ya take care, Rawn Stone

    1. We do have many good things going for us, and we are grateful for every bit of it. As for the new RV and driving around Europe, that won't actually happen for us until next spring unless of course we happen to find a used RV on the lot that we like better than the new one that is on order, then we might hit the road at least for a little bit this fall/winter.

      No matter what we end up doing this winter, I am sure we will have a fantastic time and guaranteed we will be taking lots of pictures. :-)


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