
Monday, September 14, 2020

Nice visit with our family. And Larry the spider!

We had a mostly rain day yesterday until mid afternoon when the clouds started to break up a bit. And we had visitors coming over... our daughter Lindsey and her family, and our son Alex and his girlfriend CJ. We haven't seen Alex and CJ since last fall, so we were looking forward to getting caught up with them.

But, CJ's parents are in a high risk group and so we did our best to maintain distancing measures. We had been planning on spending most of the visit out on the back deck, but because of the rain, we set up plan B.

We have a nice covered car port here at the house...

So we moved the chairs from the back deck.
Would've been nice to have a propane fire in the middle!

Lindsey and Sadie.
Alex and CJ had brought a belated birthday gift for Sadie... washable hair coloring markers!

Ruth, Alex, and CJ.

Ruth was trying to give away some of our stuff!

We had a nice lunch and got caught up with them before they had to drive back to Gravenhurst, Ontario where they have recently bought a house.

Around 3:00pm, the skies started clearing so of course Cameron wanted to go over the dam across the road to look for critters.



She is such a character.

Apparently the hair coloring markers found their way to Ruth's hair too!

Water flowing through the hydro electric dam.

Yes, fall is showing itself in some of the trees already.

We didn't have any luck finding critters over at the dam, but back at the house they came across a fairly big dock spider.

Cameron said this spider's name is Larry!

Larry the spider.

Another busy day today as Ruth's brother and sister are coming over this afternoon. It's been a long while since she has been together with her brother and sister at the same time.

Machine Washable Electric Blanket. Clip the eight dollar off coupon showing on the product page, then enter code AIRNNQOJ at checkout for a total 50% off.

And in Canada...


  1. It's not often you see a young boy with a perfect manicure! Larry creeps me out!

    1. It might look like a perfect manicure but I don't believe it actually was. Larry creeped me out a bit at first but after seeing Cameron handling him, Larry became less creepy. lol.

  2. I didn't know that hair color markers were a thing...I have since found a ton of them on Amazon and am tempted. Might be something fun to do to jazz up my gray hair during the pandemic! I'm wondering about the color coming off on my pillowcase, though. Hmmmm...

    1. I think they are a thing with children, not so sure they are a thing with adults. They are temporary colors that will wash out when you wash your hair and no the colors in my hair did not come off on my pillow case at all. The one Sadie got is this one (copy and paste to your URL line) She apparently has had several sets but they said this one seemed to work the best.

    2. Thanks! I have been wanting to try some fun colors (temporarily of course) in my hair, as many of my 50+ year old peers have been experimenting, so this looks like a good way to play. Glad they don't come off on one's pillowcase!

  3. I said earlier that Larry looks like a nice guy! I wonder if he knows any really good spider jokes?

    1. We agree, we think Larry is a good guy too, we just don't want him IN the house! :-)

  4. I think your grandson is going to be a buglogist(I made up that name!) He isn't intimidated by nothing it appears! Take care, Rawn

    1. Lol, we think so too! Cameron said that we wanted to be a "Spider Catcherer" when he grows up. He was hesitant at first to pick up Larry until he saw my nephew picking him up, once he saw that he had no fear! :-)

    2. That's funny! I have never seen a boy not afraid to pick snakes, spiders and so on. Take care, Rawn

    3. Yep, he loves creepy crawly things! :-)


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