Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Do not pet a stray dog!

You might notice at the bottom of each daily post we are now listing the total distance we have walked while in Turkey. I'm not quite sure why, but we are keeping track of it. We always think that the best way to see an area is to walk it... and we are doing a lot of walking so it will be interesting to see how many kms (miles) we actually do!

On Tuesday, we decided to walk down to the other side of the Fethiye harbor area. Ruth had read of an old Roman amphitheater that we wanted to see.

We set out at 9:00am...

The sky at the other side of the city was black.

And Ruth though that maybe we should wait an hour or so until things cleared up. But I said that the weather map showed the worst of it was going to bypass the city... so off we went.

Well, 20 minutes later we were taking shelter under a building overhang waiting for the rain to stop!

And while we were waiting there, a stray dog trotted up to us, and lay down right beside Ruth. The dogs know when they come across people who like dogs. Only one problem. You cannot pet a stray dog because they will follow you for the rest of the day. Ask us how we know!

And we did NOT pet this dog.

But when we moved to the other side of the building to get sheltered a little better when the wind started blowing, the dog moved right over there with us. In fact, right in between us at out feet!

And when the rain stopped and we started moving on... of course the dog followed. The problem was we were getting more and more nervous that the poor thing was going to get hit by a car. It walked with us for probably another km or two before it took of on its own.

Some kind of ceremony going on.

Still some dark clouds.

We found the Roman amphitheater... with a construction fence around the site. And it looked like it had been there for years. You could tell that some serious work had been taking place... and then it was simply stopped, and as I said, it looked like it stopped quite a few years ago.

I found an article online dated 2004 that said they were going to start work on restoring the amphitheater and that funding had been secured for the project. So who knows what happened.

We found some stairs leading up behind it so we could get a better photo for you.

There are lots of cats around.

The partially restored amphitheater.

We continued higher for a better view of the harbor.

Ruth and the view looking back at the city.

The harbor.
The larger ship in the center is the ferry that runs to the Greek island of Rhodes.

The shipyard here has been operating for hundreds of years.

The pool at the yacht club.

A Lycian Sarcophagus.

Then we walked back home. Along the way we stopped at a small type of bulk foods store. We didn't know how to tell the guy how much of everything we wanted, so we picked out three things and asked for 20 lira's ($3.35 CAD, $2.53 USD) worth of each item. That turned out to be a bit much of the Turkish Delight sweets, but oh well!

20 lira's worth of dried cranberries (we put them in our breakfast porridge).
20 lira's worth of spiced peanuts.
And 20 lira's worth of Turkish delight candy. It's really sweet, but it's yummy!

Then we stopped at what has become our favorite fruit and veggie store and picked up a couple of things. They have a big variety of peppers, some of which we have never seen before. I had to use google translate to ask the girl which one would be the most mild!

This was the smallest head of cauliflower they had.
Total for everything came to 10.69 lira ($1.78 CAD, $1.35 USD)!

Next, a quick stop at the butcher. Friendly guys. We asked for a couple of pieces of this meat, and it looked like some kind of steak. The total came to 34 lira ($5.68 CAD, $4.30 USD) and I gave him a 100 lira note. He took it and came back with the change. He asked who the boss is, and I pointed at Ruth. He gave her the bills, and he handed me the small change! Too funny.

Nice looking piece of meat.

And a nice dinner!

We ended up walking another 15kms (9.3 miles).

Total distance walked in Turkey 58 kms (36 miles) in one week!

This is a neat gift idea... Christmas Tree Campers RV T-Shirt.

Or they do sweatshirts too... Christmas Tree Camper Hoodie Sweatshirt.

And in Canada...


  1. Your travels certainly support the sayings about touring. I was skeptical when you said Turkey because my experiences in Ankara 20 years ago didn't make it a place that I would holiday in and there's unrest today. Your pictures and commentary showed that I was wrong. Once again, enjoying travelling with you even if its only by a blog. Bravo.

    1. When you take your time traveling and immerse yourself into the country you get a better understanding of it rather than just a day or two here and then a day or two in another country. Also I am sure that things have changed quite a bit over 20 years. I hope that we can continue to show you Turkey in a different light than what you had pictured in your mind. :-)

  2. I just paid $2.48 for a head of cauliflower, so great deal for getting so much more for so much less.

    1. I had told Kevin that if we were in Canada we would need to spend about $4CAD ($3.05USD) for a head of cauliflower. I think we bought it on sale back in August for just under $3CAD ($2.30USD). The prices here for fruits and veggies are amazing, we think they might be even better than Mexico.

  3. You need to listen to Ruth regarding weather forecasts anyway. :) I get recording your Km travelled. I do record my daily totals. Keep on walking.

    1. Lol, I might have been right that time but I could just as easily be wrong the next time! ;-)

      We know that we walk a lot but we have never really thought about how much we walk in say a week, a month or even a year. This will be an interesting experiment.

  4. Replies
    1. I guess we should have taken a few more pictures of the shipyard, that was our only one.

  5. $3.95 Canadian for cauliflower in Walmart in Terrace, B.C. Aiming for Mazatlan in a couple of weeks if the flight doesn't get canceled! Really enjoying your travels.

    1. Yep, I said to Kevin that a cauliflower was about $4CAD ($3.05USD), we have even seen them for more than that. WE are really loving the prices of fruits and vegetables here and they seem to have a huge variety too. :-)

      I hope that you will be able to make it to Mexico this winter, we already know someone who had their flight there canceled.

  6. I thought I would be sad not to be able to follow you Mexico trip again this year but you have opened my eyes to Turkey....

    1. We needed a change of scenery over Mexico. We really love the country but we also know that there are so many other interesting places to visit. Turkey actually reminds us a bit of Mexico in many ways. We will be showing you so much more of Turkey, that you will want to come here and visit yourself! :-)

  7. Replies
    1. There are no lack of cats and kittens around here. I wake up in the morning to see a mother cat and 3 small kittens playing together down on the loungers by the pool. You will need to come here yourself and pick one out. :-)

  8. The weather forecasters aren't any different than in Canada!!!

    1. I think the forecasters the world over can't get the weather right!


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